How Does Weapon Upgrades Work In Monster Hunter Wilds

How Does Weapon Upgrades Work In Monster Hunter Wilds
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Just about everything you fight in Monster Hunter Wilds will have a huge health bar you’ll slowly whittle away at during a fight. While maintaining the sharpness of a weapon is key for dealing more damage, you’ll also want to take any chance you get at upgrading your weapons to increase their total damage.

There are lots of ways to upgrade your weapons, adding different affinities to better counter specific monsters or prioritize your favorite damage type. Unlike other games, upgrading your weapons isn’t a simple level-up system; here’s how it works to help you not waste any resources.


Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Play With Friends

To play Monster Hunter Wilds with friends, you must either add your friend in-game or establish a private server to invite them to.

How To Upgrade Weapons In Monster Hunter Wilds

You can upgrade your weapons anytime in camp, much like changing your appearance, by talking to Gemma, the Smithy. Gemma will travel with you and will always be at each base camp of each region in the game, as she is the main person who will upgrade your weapons. Talking to her, the very first option will be to, “Forge/Upgrade Weapons”.

After picking the weapon you want to upgrade, you’ll get a large tree showing the different ways that weapon can be upgraded. Each tree is tied to a specific monster, giving that weapon affinities and general stats that match that of the monster. For every weapon type, there are two base weapons: Expedition (Metal) or Bone, with both options having multiple alternate trees to upgrade from.

Whenever you fight a new monster and get pieces of it, you’ll unlock new recipes for various weapons that use those materials. The required materials for an upgrade along with the cost can be found along the middle of the screen when speaking to Gemma, and confirming the upgrade will have her complete the process immediately. Some of these upgrades also have a second-tier upgrade that can be obtained with even rarer drops from higher-rank versions of those monsters.

Crafting More Weapons

After upgrading a weapon down a specific tree, you may be tempted to get another version of that weapon type from a different upgrade tree. While your original weapon has already been used, you can craft the basic weapon again to upgrade down the new tree you want to try out, this is done simply by selecting the first option in the Expedition or Bone tree for that weapon type. Those new weapons can then be upgraded down a different tree without touching your original weapon.


Monster Hunter Wilds: 8 Best Weapons For Beginners

Discover the best beginner weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds to kickstart your hunt with ease.

Where To Get Weapon Upgrade Materials In Monster Hunter Wilds

Aside from the basic upgrade trees, whose base materials are often found through exploration, every other upgrade tree is tied to a specific monster. In the upgrade menu, you’ll see what’s required for an upgrade, and that will also tell you what monster you need to hunt in order to get any of the remaining materials on that list. Completing Optional Tasks and hunting down the specific monster you need can be an easy way of getting those resources, just be sure to strike wounds often to increase the odds of the materials you need dropping and carve the monster once it’s dead.

Monster Hunter Wilds Tag Page Cover Art


February 28, 2025


T For Teen // Violence, Blood, Crude Humor

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