Best Materia For Paired Slots In FF7 Rebirth

Best Materia For Paired Slots In FF7 Rebirth

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The Materia system in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is one of the best customization tools in any JRPG. The magical mako-infused orbs allow you to set up your party however your heart desires. If you wish, you can turn the lovable Aerith into a physical brawler or the protagonist, Cloud Strife, into a long-range mage.


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With certain equipment allowing you to combine or enhance Materia with linked slots, the possibilities are endless, yet some are better than others. Knowing what Materia to pair with each other will be crucial in your fight against Shinra and the silver-haired Sephiroth.


Healing And Auto Cast

healing materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has a party system of three. During combat, you’ll be able to cycle through your party members to perform their signature attacks, but what if you prefer one over the other? Maybe you don’t want to play a healer, but you are getting smacked around by the Death Claw. This is where pairing Healing and Auto Cast Materia on a character you are not controlling will come in handy.

You’ll have to make sure that the accessory or weapon that the character has equipped is linked, otherwise, they will not spam Cure every chance their ATB gauge fills up.


MP Absorption And Any Magic Materia

mp absorption materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

If you’re maximizing the use of your healer or mage-type character, then you’ll know how important MP is, and how quickly it can deplete. With this combination of Materia, every spell you cast will get a small kickback of MP.

This will work on any magic Materia, but you’ll get the most use out of it with any spell that you use the most, whether it be offensive or defensive.

This combination will apply the MP Absorption to any damage of the same type


Magic Efficiency And Any Magic Materia

magic efficiency materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

Magic is expensive. There are only so many MP Up Materia you can equip onto a character to offset the cost of a powerful spell like Firaga. If you equip Magic Efficiency linked to a Magic Materia, the MP cost will be greatly reduced.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Early-Game Materia Set-Ups

These Materia set-ups will help you succeed in FF7 Rebirth’s early game.

This combination is one of the best ones to use for any magic-wielding character in your party, like Aerith or Barret, since they’ll mostly be casting. If you manage to level up the Materia to level three, you’ll halve your entire MP usage.


Magic Focus And Any Damage Magic

fire and ice materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth (2)

This combination of Materia is a great way to maximize your spell potency. You magic casters will need every buff they can so they can shred through enemy defenses.

The Magic Focus Materia can also be equipped with any Magic orb, like Barrier or Time, and will extend the buff’s duration, but it works best when you pair it with some of the damage spells. The enemies can’t hurt you if you defeat them before they even get an attack off.


First Strike And ATB Boost

ATB boost materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

After the Materia system, the ATB gauge is one of the most important ways to maximize your damage output in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. With the First Strike Materia, you’ll earn a bonus to your ATB gauge if you strike before entering combat.

Take the offensive with this combination to take full advantage of its benefits

Combined with ATB Boost, which doubles the amount of ATB you have upon activation, you’ll be able to enter combat with almost your entire ATB gauge filled. This is a great combo to use if you want to Assess your enemy at the beginning of battle or get in some big early damage.


First Strike And Speed Up

first strike materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

Another combination similar to the First Strike and ATB Boost, this one will require less of you for its benefits. Speed Up will increase your overall Speed stat, which charges your ATB gauge faster.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: The Best Materia, Ranked

Here’s the best Materia to equip your party members with in FF7 Rebirth.

This combination will give you close to the same effect as the one with ATB Boost, but this one doesn’t require a button press or have a cooldown, meaning you will consistently have a fast ATB gain.


Steadfast Block And Precision Defense Bonus

steadfast block materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

A lot of the combinations can be utilized for any of the party members, but this one is better suited for a character you’ll mostly be controlling yourself. Steadfast Block further reduces the amount of damage taken when blocking and even gives you a small boost of ATB gauge.

Combined with Precision Defense Bonus, your defense will be unmatched. Luckily, these two Materia are not dependent on each other, so no need to slot them in a linked slot better suited for a combo that requires it.


Reraise And Auto Cast

Auto Cast Materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

There are many difficult battles in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. With this combination of Materia, you’ll get a second chance whenever fighting a strong enemy. The Reraise spell costs quite a bit of MP, but you’ll automatically be revived once your HP drops to zero.

Equipping this combo on a character you are not controlling will make them cast Reraise automatically, once their ATB gauge fills up. This means you’ll only have to survive for a couple of seconds until you receive the magical buff.


Reraise And HP<>MP

hp mp materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

This one is a bit dangerous, but if done correctly, it can yield some destructive results. HP<>MP Materia will switch your MP and HP values with each other, leaving you at very low HP, but with an extraordinary amount of MP.

Reraise takes up a ton of MP to cast, but by flipping your stats, you’ll be able to cast it whenever you desire, on top of the barrage of offensive spells you’ll spam to shred through your enemies.


Elemental And Fire And Ice Or Lightning And Wind

lightning and wind materia shown in menu in final fantasy 7 rebirth

Fire and Ice and Lightning and Wind Materia are some of the best new additions to Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. These Materia give you access to both spells in the name at the cost of a single Materia slot in your equipment.

Combining one of the two dual spell Materia with Elemental will imbue your weapon with said element, but the game will determine the best element to use when fighting an enemy that is weak to one of the two, helping you pressure enemies much faster.

If you equip this combination on an armor piece instead of a weapon, you’ll gain resistance to those elements.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Materia Guide

You’ll live in a Materia world in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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