6 Best Rings For A Strength Build

6 Best Rings For A Strength Build

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  • Dark Souls 3 allows players to create various builds like Dexterity or Strength, with rings to complement each.
  • Rings like Life Ring boost HP, Hornet Ring increases critical damage, and Lloyd’s Ring boosts attack and defense stats.
  • Rings such as Ring of Favor enhance HP, stamina, and equip load, while Havel’s Ring increases equip load for heavy weapons.

One of the greatest things about Dark Souls 3 is that it allows players to create tons of different builds depending on their preferences and play styles. Those who want Agility and speed might go through a Dexterity build that takes advantage of weapons such as the Sellsword Twinblades, whereas others might prefer to use frostbite and other elemental damage, such as fire, to their advantage.



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Strength is one of the most popular builds in the Dark Souls community, and it has been so since the first installment of the franchise. Here are some of the best rings for a Strength build in Dark Souls 3.


Life Ring

A Most Welcome HP Boost

Dark Souls 3 - Life Ring

How To Get

Burial Gift. It can also be purchased from the Shrine Handmaid for 1,500 Souls after giving her the Dreamchaser’s Ashes


Raises the Maximum HP by 7% when equipped

The Life Ring in Dark Souls 3 can be really useful, especially at the beginning of the game, when players don’t have a lot of HP and are prone to being killed by almost any enemy. The HP-boosting effect that this ring provides can be the difference between defeating some of the bosses in the early game and succumbing to their power.

If players don’t want to look for it, they can choose it as a Burial Gift and equip it as soon as their journey begins in the Cemetery of Ash. Otherwise, they can also purchase it from the Shrine Handmaid after giving her a specific set of Ashes. The Life Ring goes well with a Strength build, but pairing it with a Quality build and Quality weapons can also go a long way.


Hornet Ring

Backstabs Deal A Lot More Damage

Dark Souls 3 - Hornet Ring

How To Get

Located in the Firelink Shrine in the Untended Graves area


Increases critical damage by 30%

Backstabs and critical attacks have been around in the Dark Souls franchise since the first installment. There’s just something oddly satisfying about dodging an enemy’s attack and then striking them when their guard is lowered to inflict maximum damage. The Hornet Ring boosts critical attacks, which means that it’s possible to almost melt any regular enemy’s health bar with a single strike if players are using the right weapons.


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If comically oversized weapons are your thing in Dark Souls 3, these are the ideal way to smash through enemies—just keep an eye on that stamina bar.

This ring is also great for players who like parrying enemies’ attacks, as the Riposte is also considered a critical attack, meaning that the Hornet Ring will also increase the damage dealt in those situations. Pairing this ring with a Greatsword can be a wonderful way to become the ultimate threat in the game.


Lloyd’s Ring (Sword/Shield)

Great For Boosting Attack And Defense

Dark souls 3 - Lloyd's Rings

How To Get

Sword Ring: Located in the Cathedral of the Deep in a corpse near the first giant. Shield Ring: Sold for 2,500 Souls by the Shrine Handmaid after giving her the Paladin’s Ashes


Sword Ring: Boosts attack by 10% when HP is full. Shield Ring: Reduces damage taken by 20% when HP is full.

When it comes to Strength builds, Poise and the right strength weapons aren’t the only things that matter, as attack and defense stats are also key. By using Lloyd’s Sword and Shield Rings, players will be able to boost their attack and defense stats as long as their HP is full. Naturally, the effect of this ring is often short-lived, as being hit in any kind of way by an enemy will drop players’ HP, negating its benefits.

However, if players manage to master their dodging skills or use a shield that allows them to take 0% damage, these rings can be wonderful. Choosing the Knight as a starting class is a great idea, as they start with a 100% physical damage absorption shield.


Ring Of Favor

An All-Around Wonderful Ring To Boost Stats

Dark Souls 3 - Ring of Favor

How To Get

Dropped by Sulyvahn’s Beasts near Archdeacon McDonnell


Increases max HP by 3%, max Stamina by 8.5%, and Equip Load by 5%

The Ring of Favor is one of the most balanced rings in the entirety of Dark Souls 3, as it allows players to get a considerable boost in HP, Stamina and equip load. When using a strength build, it’s important for players to always have a bit of stamina, not only to keep delivering devastating blows with their massive weapons, but also to be able to dodge incoming attacks.

The same goes for a decent equip load, as strength weapons and armor sets are typically quite heavy, so players can become overencumbered sooner rather than later. Pairing this ring with a powerful Greataxe can be a great idea.


Havel’s Ring

Increasing Equip Load Is Critical When Using Strength Weapons

Dark Souls 3 - Havel's Ring

How To Get

Obtained through Soul Transposition by giving the Soul of a Stray Demon and 5,000 Souls to Ludleth of Courland at the Firelink Shrine


Increases maximum equip load by 15%

Havel is a recurring character in the Dark Souls franchise, as either he or his armor set make an appearance in all three titles of the trilogy. Havel’s set is arguably one of the heaviest, if not the heaviest armor set in the entirety of the game, which means that pairing it with a ring such as Havel’s Ring is not only recommended, but also necessary to avoid becoming overencumbered.


Dark Souls 3: All Fists And Claws, Ranked

Fists and Claws are rather uncommon melee choices in Dark Souls 3, yet they offer unique strengths and special benefits for those who master them.

To obtain this ring, players will have to defeat the Stray Demon at the higher ramparts in Farron Keep. This fight is not particularly difficult. However, given how early this enemy is encountered in the game, it might give players a bit of trouble. Those who don’t feel like defeating the Stray Demon can also use cheats or some of the mods for Dark Souls 3 to get it early on.


Prisoner’s Chain

Arguably, One Of The Top 5 Rings In The Game

Dark Souls 3 - Prisoner's Chain

How To Get

Obtained through Soul Transposition by giving the Soul of Champion Gundyr to Ludleth of Courland at the Firelink Shrine


Adds 5 Vigor, 5 Endurance, and 5 Vitality levels to the Ashen One, but it also lowers damage absorption

Lastly, there’s the Prisoner’s Chain, which grants players 15 virtual levels at the cost of some damage absorption. Unfortunately, this ring can only be obtained late in the game, as players must defeat Champion Gundyr in the Untended Graves area and then transpose his Soul at the Firelink Shrine to wear it.

This ring grants its wearer 5 extra levels in Vigor, Endurance, and Vitality each, which might not sound like much, but can be the difference between surviving a devastating attack or succumbing to it. Many players agree that the Prisoner’s Chain is the best ring in the game and is also ideal for PVE Builds.

Dark Souls 3 Tag Page Cover Art

Winner of Gamescom 2015 ‘Best RPG” and over 35 E3 2015 Awards and Nominations, DARK SOULS™ III continues to push the boundaries with the latest, ambitious chapter in the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series.

As fires fade and the world falls into ruin, journey into a universe filled with more colossal enemies and environments. Players will be immersed into a world of epic atmosphere and darkness through faster gameplay and amplified combat intensity. Fans and newcomers alike will get lost in the game hallmark rewarding gameplay and immersive graphics.

Now only embers remain… Prepare yourself once more and Embrace The Darkness!


March 24, 2016


M for Mature: Blood Violence

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