Being one of the most beloved and widespread minigames in all of, well, gaming, fishing is a wonderful pastime. And really, what game is a better fit for fishing than Monster Hunter Wilds? Have you ever really looked at a fish? Those things are monsters all right.

Monster Hunter: The 12 Biggest Monsters In The Series, Ranked
A major staple of the Monster Hunter series is the inclusion of gigantic beasts for players to defeat, and here is a look at the biggest ones.
Of course, not everyone in the game sees them as monsters. Indeed, at the Scarlet Forest Base Camp you will meet Kanya who has something of an eccentric love for fish. And for this quest, she tasks you with finding the incredibly elusive Gravid Bowfin. So let’s go fishing.
How To Start The Fishing For Flavour Quest
Starting this quest is nice and easy. You just complete the ‘Seeking the Goldenfish’ quest first, which is also from Kanya. She will have given you two new pieces of bait as part of that quest, the Golden Bughead and the Emerald Jitterbait, the latter of which is needed for this quest.
This time, you are tasked with finding the Gravid Bowfin. Unlike the previous Goldenfry though, the Gravid Bowfin just so happens to be one of the rarest fish in the game. A tall task for only your third fishing quest. Now where to find it?
While you can catch fish with the Capture Net, you will have to land them with the Fishing Rod for it to count for this quest.
Best Areas To Find A Gravid Bowfin
Well, the Gravid Bowfin, like the related Virid Bowfin, can actually be found in every region, which means you’ll have to cast quite a wide net to find it. This only contributes to hard it is to find with it having a relatively low spawn rate in every body of water in which is can appear.
Specifically, Gravid Bowfins most prominently appear in exteriors, and tend to stay more below the water than other fish, making them hard to spot. However, we found quite a bit of luck with finding them in the Scarlet Forest, around Area 13 along the stream.
Since the Gravid Bowfin is red, only search for them in the Scarlet Forest during the Plenty. The red water in other weather conditions will make them almost impossible to see.
Best Bait To Use For A Gravid Bowfin
Given in the previous ‘Seeking the Goldenfish’ quest, Gravid Bowfins respond great to the Emerald Jitterbait, though they are a decidedly more skittish fish compared to others. Try to land the bait close to them, and then slowly reel it towards you periodically. This has a much higher chance of getting a Gravid Bowfin’s attention than flicking or dragging it.
Virid Bowfins are found in all the same areas as the Gravid Bowfin, but are green instead. Keep this in mind when trying to land this elusive fish.
Once it bites, just pull the trigger to catch them and you’ll have finally caught yourself a Gravid Bowfin. Congrats!

Every Monster Hunter Game In Chronological Order
Monster Hunter continues to be well and alive after almost two decades. With so many titles, it can be confusing to know how to play them in order.
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