The Gloom continues to create new horrors in Helldivers 2, mutating the Terminid bugs into even deadlier forms. With Predator Stalkers and Hunters lurking around the spore-infested terrain, something else you will encounter are Bile Titan nests. These large bug holes spawn Bile Titans instead of small Terminids, making it a priority field order to close them before they unleash an overwhelming horde.

Helldivers 2: Best Predator Strain Loadouts
Discover the best Predator Strain loadouts in Helldivers 2, featuring top weapons, stratagems, and armor to counter these deadly mutated Terminids.
Where to Find Bile Titan Nests in Helldivers 2
Fortunately for new players or recruits who prefer taking it easy, these large-sized Bile Titan bug holes can only be found on level 7 suicide missions and above in Helldivers 2. They are also bound to heavy or mega nests, so you do not have to worry about Bile Titans spawning out small or medium bug holes.
Bile Titan bug nests have larger and distinctive Terminid spires that make them easily recognizable from a distance, allowing you to approach with caution.
How to Close Bile Titan Holes in Helldivers 2
Unlike standard Terminid nests, Bile Titan bug holes cannot be closed by throwing in a grenade. Firing an AC-8 Autocannon, CB-9 Exploding Crossbow, or R-36 Eruptor also does nothing. The only way to seal a Bile Titan hole is to use a minimum demolition (explosive) force of 40, almost the equivalent of destroying a Stratagem Jammer or Detector Tower in Helldivers 2.
The following are the only weapons and stratagems in Helldivers 2 that carry enough explosive force to destroy Bile Titan holes:
- Eagle 500kg Bomb
- Eagle Airstrike
- Eagle Napalm Airstrike
- Orbital 120mm and 380mm HE Barrages
- Orbital Laser
- Orbital Precision Strike
- Orbital Walking Barrage
- B-100 Portable Hellbomb
- FAF-14 Spear
- GP-31 Ultimatum (Secondary)
Considering heavy and mega nests have nearly a dozen bug holes, you will have a hard time destroying a Bile Titan nest by yourself in Helldivers 2. This requires a team effort because not only will you be sealing bug holes, but also dealing with multiple Bile Titans and Chargers spawning simultaneously.
There is nothing worse than staring into a Bile Titan hole and having two of them spawn at once. Save your Demolition Force 40 stratagems for the large holes, and use your other weapons or stratagems to take down the heavies.
Other Ways to Destroy Bile Titan Holes
Do you know what else packs a Demolition Force 40 punch in Helldivers 2? A Hellpod. Call in a Resupply Pack, your support weapon, or any emplacement sentry right on top of a Bile Titan hole. It lands with enough force to seal it shut.
Additionally, SEAF Artilleries (Mini Nuke and High-Yield Explosive) are equally effective. However, that requires you to first find and activate an artillery site, and they do not spawn on every map.
If you manage to kill a Bile Titan while it is climbing out of a bug hole, the sheer impact should be enough to seal the hole as well. Something else to note, and this may as well be unintended, closing a standard bug hole next to a Bile Titan hole often closes the Bile Titan hole as well.
Lastly, Bile Titans can destroy bug holes by stomping on them. The same goes for Chargers. However, this requires you to bait them, which is extremely risky. You will be deep inside a heavy or mega nest, which is always crawling with enemies.
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