World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 has an Immersion-Breaking Problem

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 has an Immersion-Breaking Problem

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  • Renzik “The Shiv” lacks voice acting in World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, hindering story immersion.
  • New NPCs in the update have voice actors, making Renzik’s silence noticeable.
  • Renzik plays a significant role in the story but lacks voice acting, impacting dramatic scenes.

Renzik “The Shiv” does not have any voice acting in World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, despite being a significant character in the story. This strange missing detail is breaking the immersion of many players, and damaging an otherwise well-received World of Warcraft content update.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is finally here, bringing the first major content update of The War Within to fans across the globe. Most of the update takes place in the subterranean Goblin city of Undermine, where heroes team up with the likes of Monte Gazlowe and Renzik “The Shiv” to topple Jastor Gallywix’s greedy schemes.


World of Warcraft Shares Handy Map of Patch 11.1 Rare Spawns

World of Warcraft shares a helpful map of Undermine that shows where players can encounter various rare spawns in The War Within Patch 11.1.

However, now that the first part of the World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 story has arrived, players have noticed a glaring omission that has impacted their enjoyment of the story. Renzik “The Shiv” – SI:7 agent and Gazlowe’s Alliance-leaning counterpart in Undermine(d) – does not have a voice actor. While this would not be an issue on its own, Renzik frequently shares conversations with multiple voiced characters, leading to puzzling scenes where other NPCs sound like they are talking to themselves because of his missing lines. Wowhead contributor and World of Warcraft fan Portergauge was just one of the players who noted this bizarre exclusion.

Renzik’s Missing Voice Actor in WoW Patch 11.1

There is a bunch of new voice acting found in the update as well. Major characters who were previously unvoiced, such as World of Warcraft Cartel leaders Baron Revilgaz and Marin Noggenfogger, got voice actors in the update. Even brand-new Goblins, like Venture Company representatives Grimla Fizzlecrank and Pamsy, have plenty of spoken lines, making Renzik’s silence even more deafening.

Warning: Spoilers for World of Warcraft: The War Within Patch 11.1, Undermined, below

What makes it even more egregious is Renzik’s role in the story. He accompanies champions for most of the Undermine(d) campaign, and in the last two chapters that become available on March 4, the World of Warcraft character’s heroic sacrifice emboldens Gazlowe to kick off a revolution, leading to the Liberation of Undermine raid. The absence of a voice actor will likely hinder the impact of the character’s loss for many viewers.

Unfortunately, the absence of Renzik’s voice lines is likely intentional, though the reason remains unknown. He has never had a voice actor during his previous appearances in Vanilla, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, or The War Within Patch 11.0.7, and has always used generic Goblin click quotes. Even “Tipping Point,” the short story from the upcoming World of Warcraft: Crossroads anthology, was narrated by John Behlmann, the voice actor for SI:7 leader Matthias Shaw. It seems like fans will have to imagine what Renzik sounds like during the Undermine(d) story.

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