While Monster Hunter Wilds introduces a lot of unique things to the series, there’s one thing about Monster Hunter that never changes: not all monsters are created equal. The series is known for its massive menagerie of different kinds of monsters, and within each category, even different variants of monsters.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Beginner Tips
Start off on the right foot with these beginner tips for Monster Hunter Wilds.
Wilds has fewer variant monsters than previous Monster Hunter games – at least at the time of launch – but it does introduce one new monster type that is incredibly powerful. Read on to learn everything there is to know about Guardian monsters.
What Are Guardian Monsters?
Guardian monsters are a brand new subcategory of monsters introduced in Monster Hunter Wilds. These creatures aren’t actually monsters at all, but artificial constructs created by an ancient advanced society. Guardians have all the strengths and abilities of the monsters they mimic, but they also have some abilities that are exclusive to Guardians.
It isn’t exactly known how or why the people of Wyveria created the Guardians, but we know they used them as protection from monsters and rival tribes, and as a way to protect a powerful relic called the Dragontorch.
It is expected that more will be revealed about the origin of the Guardians in future Monster Hunter Wilds updates.
How To Find Guardian Monsters
During the main campaign, you will encounter a few Guardians as you progress through the story and learn more about their nature and connection to the Forbidden Lands. Once you’ve completed the story and started High Rank, you will only find Guardians in the Ruins of Wyveria, the northernmost destination on the world map.
Unlike normal monsters that roam in and out of each area, Guardians hatch from cocoons in the Ruins of Wysteria. After a while, they will eventually leave the area though.
There are six Guardian monsters in the base game:
How Are Guardian Monsters Different From Normal Monsters?
While Guardians share the same physical characteristics as the monsters they mimic, they’re treated as a totally separate species. Each Guardian has its own weapon and armor sets, its own weaknesses and resistance, and its own page in the Monster Field Guide.
Each Guardian monster drops its own unique materials, but there is also a pool of Guardian materials that is shared between all Guardian monsters.
For example, you can only get a Guardian Doshaguma Fang from Guardian Doshaguma, but any Guardian can drop Guardian Blood.
The biggest difference between a monster and its Guardian counterpart are the extra abilities that Guardian monsters have. Guardians are infused with energy that they absorb from the earth, which amplifies many of their attacks.
When powered up, Guardian monsters’ attacks become explosive and leave behind crystal structures that detonate when damaged by the monster, creating a massive explosion in a small area. If you target the crystal yourself with an elemental attack, you can often turn these structures against the Guardians.
Guardian monsters can also be Tempered. You earn additional material rewards for defeating them, but make sure you’re prepared for an intense fight.
One important mechanic to watch out for is the Guardians’ energy absorption ability. When wounded, Guardians will try to absorb energy from the earth to repair themselves. This is difficult to interrupt, so its a good idea to destroy wounds on Guardians quickly before they have a chance to heal themselves.
Some of the best weapon and armor sets in the game require Guardian materials, so expect to spend a lot of time hunting them down all across Wyveria.

Monster Hunter Wilds: The Melding Pot, Explained
Spice up your deco collection with Monster Hunter WIlds’ melding pot.
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