The Best Ways To Make Money Fast In Two Point Museum

The Best Ways To Make Money Fast In Two Point Museum
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Like nearly every other management sim, Two Point Museum requires you to balance your budget, spending your museum’s money in ways that will bring even more back in for you to re-invest. Income can be a bit hard to control, though, as you’ll have to rely on donations to pay for the museum’s high staffing costs; ticket sales won’t get you very far.


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You’ve got to spend money to make money, but spending money requires having some in the first place. If you’re having trouble getting extra funds for your museum’s next big project, try some of the tips in this guide.

Group Exhibits Together

a guest donates to the sea turtles exhibit in two point museum

Guests make their donations based on their overall experience, which means you need to ensure that each guest sees as much Buzz and Knowledge as possible, while increasing their Entertainment, Food, and other needs so that they stay longer, see more Exhibits, and spend more money. The less time guests spend walking, the more time they’ll spend taking selfies and throwing change into the Donation Bins.

To that end, try to cram as many Exhibits as you can together without compromising travel lanes or Decoration. A mid-sized room that’s completely packed with maximum-Buzz Exhibits and high-Knowledge Info Stands will impress guests – and garner more donations – than a large room with the Exhibits spaced out.

Guided Tours

Guided Tours take extra advantage of closely-grouped Exhibits that all have the same theme. Guests prefer Tours that don’t require walking long distances, so having your best Exhibits all in one place means you can easily run top-quality Tours and get generous donations from them. Best of all, donations from Tours are collected immediately, and don’t need to be picked up by a Security Guard!

Expand The Gift Shop

a mid-sized gift shop in two point museum.

The Gift Shop is a huge moneymaker if it’s appropriately sized and staffed. Guests will routinely spend a few hundred dollars each here, so it’s important to make sure that everybody gets a chance to visit and that the checkout lines move along at a steady pace.

The larger your Gift Shop is, the more guests can shop at once. As long as you have approximately one checkout counter for every ten people that can fit in the room, then an extra one for good measure, you shouldn’t have any queue bottlenecks either.

Try lowering the prices on slow sellers – it might encourage more sales, and customers who think they got a good deal in the Gift Shop will stay in the museum longer overall.


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Sell Old Exhibits

a popup asks the player to confirm selling an unused exhibit in two point museum.

As the game progresses, you’ll probably find yourself with extra copies of more common Exhibits from repeated Expeditions. If you’ve already reached maximum Knowledge for that item, selling extras for quick cash can fund further expeditions for better artifacts.

Alternately, if you don’t need money right away, you can always wait for a Collector to visit the museum then rush to display anything that they might be interested in buying. Collectors offer well above normal price for the piece they decide to buy (usually double), so if you’re really strapped it might be worth parting with that Pristine dinosaur skeleton if it means funding a new wing.

Sponsorships are hard to find if you don’t know where to look; go to the Finances Menu (the dollar sign) and then click the Sponsors Tab (the handshake icon). You’ll have two available Sponsorships at any given time, plus the option to declare bankruptcy if you’re in truly dire straits.

A Sponsorship deal gives you a special Exhibit that your sponsor requires you to display in the museum. You’ll get a monthly bonus for having the Exhibit on display, and extra cash each time a guest visits the Exhibit. Of course, many of the sponsored exhibits have drawbacks, like strewing litter all over the floor or boring guests with ads, so you may need to counter these effects. The money can really be worth it, though!

Raise Ticket Prices

Changing ticket prices in either direction is something you should always consider the pros and cons of before doing. The entry fee for the museum essentially establishes guests’ initial impression, which in the end determines how long they stay. Lower prices might encourage guests to stick around longer, and you can make up the money on the back end when they donate more, or make extra purchases in the Gift Shop.

Conversely, if you’re losing money month after month, raising ticket prices temporarily can be a way to stop the bleeding while you come up with a long-term solution. Just remember to set them back down once you’ve stabilized… unless it turns out that the guests still think the higher price is good value!

You can change the price of everything, from tickets to vending machines to Gift Shop souvenirs, from the dollar sign tab in the Finances Menu.

Take Out A Loan

the loan menu in two point museum.

Loans are also available in the Finances Menu, under the tab with the moneybag icon, and they’re the easiest way to get a large lump sum at once. You’ll have to start making monthly repayments immediately, and lenders with a higher maximum also have a higher interest rate, so have a plan for what you’re going to do with the money and don’t spend it all the moment you get it.


Max Loan

Length Of Loan


Monthly Payment

Total Repayment

Two Point Bank


3 years






4 years




Smell My Cash


5 years




Loans can be used as an emergency measure to save the museum from bankruptcy, but the best use for them is to fund a large, expensive project like a new building. For a loan to be worth the interest and the extra drain on your balance sheet each month, you need to use the money to eventually make more than you pay back to the lender. Brand-new Exhibits from far-off locations, and a huge new Gift Shop, could be just the ticket.


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