In a game as quirky and snarky as Two Point Museum, it’s inevitable that there are going to be some references for eagle-eyed players to catch. The latest visit to Two Point County has plenty of jokes and gags, including pop culture Easter Eggs ranging from the subtle to the obvious.

In fact, it almost seems like there’s a new reference to find every time you play Two Point Museum. We’ve listed our favorites below. Did you catch any that we missed? Be sure to leave a comment letting us know if you did!
Haunted Doll
Creepy dolls are nothing new when it comes to horror, but in the last ten years or so Annabelle has supplanted Chucky as the foremost possessed toy in moviegoers’ minds. Two Point Museum’s Haunted Doll Exhibit isn’t exactly Annabelle – she’s much less scary, this game isn’t M-rated, after all – but her pigtails, rosy cheeks, and unblinking stare definitely evoke the tiny terror.
Freddy Krueger’s Sweater And Hat
A Nightmare On Elm Street
It would have been easy to miss this guest in a crowded museum, but there’s no mistaking that atrocious striped sweater and black hat. It’s entirely possible that a guest could have a randomly-generated outfit that makes him look exactly like an unburnt Freddy Krueger, the murderous ghost from A Nightmare On Elm Street, but given the plethora of references to classic horror elsewhere in the game, it’s unlikely to be a coincidence.
I’m honestly glad that no fires broke out during this guest’s visit – I don’t think even a max-level Supernatural Expert would have been equipped to deal with one of Hollywood’s most preeminent and unstoppable slashers.
Alternate Yesterday Fossil
Star Wars
The Alternate Yesterday Fossil is an unfortunate time traveler who visited an era millions of years in the past, and ended up staying there permanently, eventually returning to the present as a museum exhibit through the normal passage of time. It’s a pretty unsettling thing to put on display, and they’re disturbingly common on top of that.
The pose of the fossilized explorer will be familiar to anyone who’s seen The Empire Strikes Back (a set which includes, it’s fair to assume, most of the people reading anything here at TheGamer). It’s the same pained image of Han Solo frozen in carbonite, complete with outstretched hands.
Haunted Animatronics
Five Nights At Freddy’s
The Roach Burger Animatronics are a bit off-putting, but a bunch of corporate mascots playing songs on tinny speakers doesn’t quite match up the haunted-house vibes of the other Supernatural Exhibits in Two Point Museum… or they wouldn’t have, if the game had come out in 2014 instead of 2025. Ever since Five Nights At Freddy’s transformed corny restaurant attractions into jumpscare nightmare factories, it’s hard to look at this jolly band of robots without wondering when they’ll bare their teeth.
Honestly, it’s a wonder that a museum with a full set of the Haunted Animatronics is able to hire and keep Security Guards to operate the Camera Booth. We all know what happened to the last person who had that job…

“They Have The Sea At Home”
Internet Memes
It’s a risky proposition, including a meme in a video game. Most have a short shelf life, so by the time a game actually launches the meme could already be dated and irrelevant. Fortunately, We Have That At Home has stuck around for the time being, and Two Point Museum smartly hides it in description text rather than trying to force it down our throats.
Once you unlock museum visitors from Wetlantis, check their description in the Sticker Book. It notes that they’re less impressed by Marine Life Exhibits because “they have the sea at home.” Of course, just like the meme, your museum probably has much more exciting and exotic fish to look at than what they’re used to in boring old Wetlantis!

Two Point Campus: Guide To Funny Business
Want to have a campus of the funniest clowns around? Here’s a guide on how to build your Funny Business.
Honorable Mention: “They May Be Some Time.”
While this isn’t technically a pop-culture reference, it’s one of the smartest lines in the game and deserves to be mentioned. Occasionally, when you send a team on a Detailed Expedition, Tannoy announces that they may be some time. This is a reference to the last words of Lawrence Oates, a member of the failed Scott Expedition to the South Pole in 1912.
Realizing that the team’s food was running low, Oates chose to leave the tent and walk into a blizzard, sacrificing himself in the hope that the rest of the survivors would make it (they didn’t). All he said was, “I am just going outside, and may be some time.” His body was never found.
Given Tannoy’s grim humor and her general pessimism about the expedition team’s prospects, this is a particularly biting way to send off the museum’s explorers, to say the least.
Chomper Pit
Little Shop Of Horrors
The Chomper Pit is one of the largest, scariest, and most dangerous Exhibits to obtain in the entire game. You’ll have to risk your staff’s lives several times over to obtain a Pristine specimen from the Chomper Jungle, but once you do it’s sure to be the centerpiece of your museum.
This massive, flesh-eating flower is a reference to Little Shop Of Horrors, a stage musical and movie about a carnivorous plant that grows beyond the control of its handler. The Chompers, at least, seem to be much pickier eaters than Audrey 2, which is good for the museum (and the world in general).
The Vampire Walk
Michael Jackson’s Thriller
If your museum has a Haemogobbler Plant, it will periodically turn guests into vampires, who will then go about the rest of their visit with renewed, undead vigor. Their walking animation, with their arms at an odd angle and their fingers curled like claws, calls back to the famous dance sequence in the music video for Thriller by Michael Jackson.
Thriller is one of the most influential music videos of all time, and the album of the same name remains the best-selling in history, even four decades later. Given the song and video’s horror themes, vampires were a perfect choice for throwing in a nod to the iconic dance.
Lone Henge
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lone Henge is the first Ancient Mystery that you’re likely to encounter in the game. Appearing as a smooth obelisk of black stone, it’s straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the 1968 sci-fi film by Stanley Kubrick.
In the movie, the monolith is one of the first things the audience sees, and it’s implied that its alien creators had a hand in human evolution. Two Point Museum’s Lone Henge is in fact alien technology, but once you hook it up to the appropriate power source, you’ll find that its true purpose is much more innocuous – in fact, it’s comedically disappointing.
What’s In The Box?
If you ever needed proof that Tannoy really doesn’t expect anything good to happen at the museum, hearing her make this chilling reference to Se7en with a possible hint of satisfaction in her voice should be all the confirmation that you need.
At the climax of the 1995 thriller, serial killer John Doe presents his pursuer, Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) with a box. Mills’ breakdown as he slowly realizes that the box’s contents – whatever they are – mean that Doe has destroyed his life has made the desperate, “What’s in the box?” the movie’s most famous line.
Overlook Hotel Carpet
The Shining
Somebody – probably several somebodies – at Two Point Studios must be a pretty big Kubrick fan, because they snuck in a reference to another of his films. This one’s easy to miss, but it’s also a masterfully-placed Easter Egg.
Polterguest Rooms let you keep ghosts on display in an extended stay at your museum. They’re the main feature of the Wailon Lodge map, a haunted hotel… and wouldn’t you know it, the default carpeting in a Polterguest Room is eerily similar to that of the Overlook Hotel, the setting of The Shining (1980).
Once you progress the Wailon Lodge storyline a bit, you’ll also see two Haunted Dolls holding hands in a photo on the Museum Map when choosing a scenario; this, of course, is a reference to the twin ghost girls from The Shining. Their haunting “come play with us” is arguably the most famous shot in the movie that doesn’t feature Jack Nicholson or Shelley Duvall.

Life Simulation
City Builder
- Released
March 4, 2025
Everyone // Mild Fantasy Violence, Comic Mischief
- Developer(s)
Two Point Studios
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