Star Wars Battlefront II: Age of Rebellion Update Turns 5 – A Look Back

Star Wars Battlefront II: Age of Rebellion Update Turns 5 – A Look Back

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JEECE7d ago

They definitely look good, but my problem with BF2 2017 is that I never felt like I was in the middle of a large scale war. I always feel like I’m just being funnelled down corridors that happen to have a Star Wars skin.

That’s what the original 2004 game got so right. Although it also has tighter, infantry only maps, it also has a number of large open maps with infantry, land vehicle, and air combat all happening simultaneously and affecting one another. BF2 2005 lost some of that because it removed many of the best maps, but it was still there to a degree. BF 2015 captured it to a degree in Walker Assault and Supremacy, but never to the same extent as 2004.

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