Pokemon TCG Pocket: Best Gallade ex Deck

Pokemon TCG Pocket: Best Gallade ex Deck

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Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket‘s meta is always evolving with the addition of new expansions that are added as part of the live-service format. With each new expansion that arrives, a series of new cards are introduced for players to utilize in their collections and decks. Among the various sets available, Space-Time Smackdown featured pack artworks of Dialga and Palkia and contains cards with a number of notable Sinnoh Region monsters.

Among the various cards in Space-Time Smackdown, Gallade ex is one of many new monsters to have emerged as a viable Ace Pokemon in deck builds. If you’re looking to try out Gallade in battle, then carefully picking out the best cards to synergize with it and maintain a strong strategy is important. A complete Gallade ex deck build has been outlined in the guide below, including a card list and an explanation of the role each key card plays.


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Best Gallade ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket, Explained

gallade ex line

Gallade carries the unique possibility to change an evolution line Type, switching up from Psychic to Fighting. With careful planning, players can use this to their advantage to pivot and exploit key weaknesses across multiple Types. Gallade ex also has the potential to deal 70 base damage per turn, but stack an extra 20 damage per Energy that is attached to the defending Active Pokemon.

Farfetch’d has been included as an early-game monster, making a decent lead Pokemon due to only needing one Energy to deal a generous 40 damage per turn. Hitmonlee also works as a solid attacker during early matches, as Gallade ex can take a bit to get on the field due to being a three-stage evolution line. Hitmonlee fills this role well due to the Stretch Kick attack, which will also apply pressure by dealing damage to the bench as well as the Active Pokemon.

Cyrus also synergizes well with Hitmonlee in this build, letting you force the opponent to switch their Active Pokemon out for one of the damaged Pokemon on their bench. Rocky Helmet helps Gallade to deal extra chip damage when it takes damage, which can be helpful when going up against opponents who are less Energy-reliant, as well as providing extra threat to decks that are extremely Energy reliant – due to Gallade’s Energized Blade hitting much harder in these scenarios.

Gallade ex Deck Build in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Card Name


Set & Number


  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 068


  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 069

Gallade ex

  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 095




  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 150

X Speed

Poke Ball


Rocky Helmet

  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 148

Professor’s Research

Pokemon Communication

  • Space-Time Smackdown
  • A2 146
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Tag Page Cover Art



October 30, 2024


DeNA, Creatures Inc.

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