How To Improve Exhibits In Two Point Museum

How To Improve Exhibits In Two Point Museum

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Exhibits are the most important part of Two Point Museum. They’re what the guests are here to see, after all, so they need to be both impressive and informative. Having good Exhibits will cause happy guests to leave good reviews, driving more attendance and better funding from the Department of Culture.


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Grouping Exhibits together with the right decorations, and upgrading them once you have an Analysis Room, will go a long way to making your museum one of the star attractions of Two Point County. Read on to find out everything you need to know.

How To Increase Buzz

An Exhibit’s Buzz represents how impressive and exciting it is for guests to see in the museum. In general, the rarer an object, the more Buzz it generates. For the most part, a guest’s overall experience is determined by the total Buzz of all the Exhibits they view over the course of their visit.

While both Buzz and Knowledge contribute to the review that a guest leaves, only Buzz determines how much they are willing to donate.


Placing decorations near an Exhibit will increase its overall Decoration Rating, which goes from 1 to 5. The higher the Decoration Rating (indicated by the picture frame icon in the Exhibit’s stats), the more Buzz it will have.

Decorations that match the Exhibit’s type (Prehistory, Marine Life, etc.) go further toward improving the Exhibit’s overall rating.

Buzz Bonuses

Many Exhibits have a Buzz Bonus that provides 5 additional Buzz if the Exhibit is placed near a specific object. This bonus will be noted on the left side of the screen while you’re placing the Exhibit, and you can always hover over the Exhibit’s Buzz total to check it.

A very small number of Exhibits with Buzz Bonuses have multiple requirements. You can fill a few of them to get a smaller bonus, or fill them all to get maximum points!


An Exhibit’s Quality (that is, its rarity color), determines its maximum Buzz. If you find a new copy of an object that you already have, but of better Quality, replace the old one. The lower-Quality Exhibit can either be sold, or better yet sent to the Analysis Room (see below) for some permanent upgrades.

Multi-part Exhibits like dinosaur skeletons increase their Quality with each piece found, eventually becoming Pristine once completed.

Maintenance And Grubbiness

An Exhibit’s Buzz is capped by its overall Maintenance; the longer an object goes without being attended to by an appropriate Expert, the more Grubbiness it will gain, making it less Buzzy. Be sure to have enough Experts on staff to keep your Exhibits in top shape.

Exhibits in the wrong type of climate will decay much faster, and many, especially living plants and animals, have Traits that cause them to be destroyed if their Maintenance reaches zero.


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How To Use The Analysis Room To Increase Knowledge

Knowledge determines how much guests can learn about your Exhibits when visiting the Museum. Some guests care more about Knowledge than others, and will adjust their reviews accordingly, so it’s important to make sure that there’s plenty to learn.

Guests don’t gain Knowledge from Exhibits directly, instead learning from Information Boards. An Information Board provides any guest that reads it with Knowledge equal to the total Knowledge rating of all Exhibits within its range.

Most Exhibits start with a Knowledge rating of 1, and the only way to increase this number is to find additional copies and research them in the Analysis Room. Once you’ve built this facility, drag an Exhibit that you’d like to analyze into the Deconstructor. An Expert with the appropriate specialty will then spend time studying the object; when they’re done, the Knowledge rating of all current and future copies of that Exhibit will permanently increase by 1, up to their maximum.

Analyzing an Exhibit permanently destroys it, so always use your lowest-quality copies or ones that are about to be destroyed due to poor maintenance.

Enlightenment And Perks

Each time you analyze an object, you gain one point of Enlightenment in that item’s subject. This will unlock a new decoration for the museum fitting the item’s theme; there are a ton of things to unlock, so don’t be afraid to send out expeditions just for artifacts to analyze and destroy.

Occasionally, analyzing an item will reward you with a perk. Janitors can install perks on Exhibits and equipment throughout the museum, making them more effective and efficient. Each perk can be used once, and when installed becomes a permanent feature of the item it’s equipped to.

Analyzing or selling an object with a perk will cause you to lose the perk.


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