The Security Exhibition is the first Pop-Up Challenge that appears in the campaign of Two Point Museum. Given the job of managing a pre-built museum, you need to fend off organized heists and lone thieves trying to steal your Exhibits, all while squeezing as many donations out of your guests as possible in a short amount of time.

This challenge is tougher than it looks, and even if your security team successfully prevents any thefts, there’s no guarantee that you’ll make enough money to actually pass the challenge. With this guide, you’ll be able to turn the County Archives into a money-making machine.
How To Prevent Thefts
The focus of this challenge is on museum security, but a lot of the conventional strategies from regular maps doesn’t actually work. A Camera Room and the associated equipment is much too expensive given your starting budget, and having cameras everywhere won’t do a thing if there aren’t actual guards to pursue thieves. You’re much better off hiring a large guard force and using Security Chairs to get optimal coverage.
You’ll need about ten Security Guards in total, possibly as many as twelve in the final month of the challenge. Hire them early, then wait for the candidate pool to refill and hire even more!
Specifically, you’ll want to have a Security Chair in front of each bathroom (since the Boggymen will attempt to infiltrate the museum via the plumbing), and in view of your most valuable exhibits since those are the most likely to be targeted. Wait to set the latter up until after you’ve rearranged the museum – see below.
Remember, Security Guards also collect money from Donation Bins. Donations don’t count toward your score for the scenario, or get added to your budget, until this happens, so having extra guards means that donations are collected more frequently.
Best Way To Catch Thieves
Since you don’t have a Camera Room, it will be up to you to act as the “eye in the sky” for the museum. Whenever you’re unpaused, zoom all the way out and watch for suspicious activity. Specifically, you need to be aware of:
- The telltale whirlwind animation of a disguised thief revealing themselves.
- A hole appearing in the ground for the Golden Molers gang to emerge from.
- Wetsuited Boggymen emerging from the restrooms – watch for more people leaving the bathroom than went in.
- The blue Stolen Exhibit icon. It appears as soon as a thief takes an object, so if you’re fast you can catch them and recover the artifact before they escape.
If you see a thief, check if your Security Guards have already noticed them. If the staff is already taking care of the problem, you don’t need to worry. If there are no guards near the thief, you can manually move any of your available Security Guards on top of them (or just hire a new one on the spot) to immediately apprehend them. It’s cheesy, but it works!

How To Get A Gold Rating
Your overall rating in the Security Exhibition is based on how much money from Donations you collect by the end of the 181-day timer. You need to get at least a Bronze rating to win the scenario and progress the main campaign.
You can spend the money once it’s collected; all that matters is that guests donate it and a Security Guard picks it up.
Money from ticket sales, the Gift Shop, and your monthly grant don’t count toward scenario scoring, but can help you achieve the goal by buying decorations, hiring staff, or installing security equipment.
The point of the challenge is supposed to be keeping the thieves from stealing Exhibits so that guests will see them and feel inclined to donate, but even if you perfectly defend the museum, chances are that you’ll barely make bronze without making some major changes. The museum as it’s given to you at the start of the scenario is simply too widely spaced-out; guests will spend too much time walking and not enough time viewing Exhibits and donating.
Best Way To Change The Museum’s Layout
Start by moving the incomplete dinosaur skeletons into storage. In their place, move the Ancient Inventions and Frozen Cavemen to the front of the museum, packing as much Prehistory into the space just past the ticket booth as you possibly can.
Don’t forget to move a Freezer along with the Cavemen, or they’ll thaw out. This will rob you of some of your prize exhibits as surely as the thieves.
Make sure that every Exhibit has a full Decoration Rating of five. Knowledge doesn’t matter as much in this scenarios, since all of your visitors are basic Guests or Tourists, who make donations based on Buzz alone.
Once you’ve packed the entrance with Prehistory Exhibits, clear two of the trellises on the opposite wall in the Botany Wing and add an archway. This will allow guests to go straight to the Botany Exhibits without having to walk all the way through the now-empty rear of the museum.
Place speakers where guests congregate the most to get a Buzz bonus for any Guests viewing Exhibits there.
Grouping all of your Exhibits together not only means that guests will gain Buzz more quickly and be more generous with their donations, but it also means that your Security Guards will have a much easier time catching thieves since thjey have a smaller area to patrol. If you want to be truly hyper-efficient, you can seal off the rear of the museum entirely by removing the doors.
You should, at the very least, delete the center bathroom. It’s too far from the rest of the museum to be useful, and provides an extra entry point for Boggymen. Getting rid of it means one lest spot you have to watch.
As long as your Security Guards keep thieves from making off with your Exhibits, and there’s always a Donation Bin available for guests to toss cash into when the urge strikes, you should have little trouble reaching the $22500 required for a Gold Rating before the timer runs out.

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