One of the most exciting things about a new Monster Hunter game is discovering all the new locations and creatures that bring the world to life. With the release of Monster Hunter Wilds, fans have dozens of new monsters to discover and hunt to their hearts’ content.

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But of course, every new Monster Hunter has to have some returning classics too, and Monster Hunter Wilds has one of the most classic. Gypceros is a monster that was introduced in the very first game and remains an iconic wyvern to this day. If you’re a little rusty on how to face this beast after all these years, read on for some useful information about hunting Gypceros.
Gypceros – Strengths And Weaknesses
Weak Points |
Resistant Points |
Elemental/Ailment Weakness |
Elemental/Ailment Resistance |
Best Weapon Damage |
Gypceros has a rubbery hide that makes it immune to Thunder-type damage and resistant to shock traps. Its impact-resistant exterior also makes it resistant to blunt damage, so the Hammer and Hunting Horn won’t be quite as effective.
Gypceros does have a minor weakness to Fire-type damage and a marginal weakness to Ice-type damage. Overall, the most effective damage type is Severing, so sharpen those blades and get ready to slice and dice.
Best Equipment To Fight Congalala
Best Recommended Weapons |
Best Recommended Skills |
Gypceros’ only true weak point is the crest on top of its head, which you’ll want to target to disable its flash ability. This can be a difficult spot to hit for some weapons, but long-range severing weapons like Lance, Gunlance, and Great Sword are excellent choices. Bowguns and Bows are also capable of easily targeting this small weak point.
No matter what weapon you choose, you can put some extra pressure on Gypceros by attacking it with a Fire-type weapon.
Gypceros – Fight Breakdown And Moves
Gypceros is a bit of a Swiss army knife monster. Like most small Bird Wyvern, Gypceros uses lots of physical attacks with its beak and claws. It likes to rampage around the battlefield pecking and swiping relentlessly while knocking you over if you get in its way.
But that’s just the first tool in Gypceros’ bag of tricks. This rubbery monster also has the ability to extend its tail and use it as a whip to catch hunters by surprise. Getting behind this monster doesn’t mean you’re safe, and even if you think you’re out of range you might not be. Its tail isn’t breakable or severable, which makes it one of the most dangerous parts of its body.
Gypceros uses the crest on its head to create blinding flashes that will temporarily stun you. It typically follows this up with a body slam or a heavy attack with its tail. You can recover quicker by shaking your left stick quickly, but you’re better off avoiding the flash altogether. Unfortunately, you can’t deny the flash simply by looking away from it. You’ll need to either get outside of its range or hide behind something to avoid getting stunned.
The Stun Resistance skill can help you recover from being stunned quicker, which might help you get out of the way before Gypceros can slam down on you with its long tail.
If all that wasn’t enough, Gypceros also likes to cover the battlefield in pools of poison. It will sometimes stand still and spit three globs of poison towards you, but it will also rush back and forth across the battlefield spraying poison all around it. The poison will drip from cave ceilings and run down slopes, so you have to be aware of where the poison spots are so you can avoid taking unnecessary damage.
If the fight goes on long enough in the same place it may eventually become necessary to start removing the poison pools. Shooting them with watermoss from your slinger will do the trick, and luckily, watermoss is pretty abundant in Gypceros’ habitats.
The best way to handle this fight is to direct as many hits as possible towards the top of the monster’s head. If you can manage to break its crest, you’ll have eliminated one of its strongest abilities. After that, you should have an easier time chipping away at Gypceros’ health total until it eventually goes down for good.
Gypceros – Drops And Materials
Gypceros can only be fought in high rank. It drops the following materials:
High Rank |
Part Break |
Rubbery Hide+ |
N/A |
Gypceros Head |
Head |
Dash Extract |
N/A |
Gypceros Tail |
N/A |
Toxin Sac |
N/A |
Novacrystal |
Head |
Gypceros Certificate S |
N/A |
Bird Wyvern Gem |
N/A |
Hunting Objectives
Hunting this monster numerous times will reward you with the following titles for your Hunter Profile:
Objective |
Reward Title |
Hunt 20 times |
Gypceros |
Hunt 30 times |
Madness |
Hunt 40 times |
Purple |
Hunt 50 times |
Runner |

Monster Hunter Wilds Is Paywalling Character Editing
Nothing quite like having to pay real-life dollars to edit your in-game character.
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