During your journey into the Fordiden Lands in Monster Hunter Wilds, you’ll eventually discover a brand new monster variant never before see in the series. These monsters are able to absord energy from the earth to heal themselves and unleash powerful that can be devestating if you aren’t prepared.

Some of the most entertaining NPCs you’ll meet in the Monster Hunter series.
The first Guardian monster you’ll encounter is Guardian Alpha Doshaguma – a rampaging version of the bear-like monster you fought all the way back in chapter one. If the creature’s new guardian abilities are giving you trouble, this guide breaks down the best ways to approach this hunt.
Guardian Doshaguma – Strengths And Weaknesses
Weak Points |
Resistant Points |
Elemental/Ailment Weakness |
Elemental/Ailment Resistance |
N/A |
Best Weapon Damage |
Bludgeoning damage is more effective than slashing damage specifically on Guardian Doshaguma’s head, but all types of damage are equally effective elsewhere. Guardian Doshaguma has more elemental weakness than normal Doshaguma, but you’ll find ice-type damage to be the most effective overall
Best Equipment To Fight Alpha Doshaguma
Best Recommended Weapons |
Best Recommended Skills |
Since Guardian Doshaguma’s forelegs need to be broken in order to expose its weak point, the best weapon will be the ones that excel at breaking parts. You may want to equip weapons, armor, and decorations with the Partbreaker skill. You can also prioritize weapons with ice-type damage to take advantage of this monster’s weaknesses.
Just like the other Doshaguma, you should look for armor and decos that offer the Earplugs and Tremor Resistance skills. Guardian Doshaguma also has an acidic spit that temporarily lowers your defense, so equipping the Iron Skin skill will also help you avoid taking too much damage when bitten.
Alpha Doshaguma – Fight Breakdown And Moves
Guardian Doshaguma has a lot in common with its naturally born counterpart, but there are a few special things about this construct you’ll need to be aware of. The biggest and most important difference is Guardian Doshaguma’s Guardian energy attacks.
When Guardian Doshaguma absorbs Guardian energy, his attacks become bigger and stronger. Whenever it slams on the ground it will create big explosions around itself, so you’ll need to dodge roll or dive out of the way to avoid damage. These attacks also leave behind crystal made of solid Guardian energy, which can be detonated by shooting them with slinger ammo. This is an effective way to damage Guardian Doshaguma when it is powered up and too dangerous to approach.
Absorbing Guardian energy also heals the monster’s wounds, so it’s a good idea to destroy open wounds before the monster gets a chance to restore them.
Guardian Doshaguma also has acid in its saliva that will lower your defense. The monster will spit several globs of acid at you at the same time. When this happens you can consume an armorskin or adamant seed, or use hardshell powder to quickly increase your defense. Alternatively, you can also use the Iron Skill skill to mitigate some of the acid’s effects.
The most efficient way to approach this fight is to focus on the monster’s forelegs until they break, then continue dealing damage to the exposed weak point underneath. This means fighting the monster from the front where it can hurt you with devastating explosions, so you have to be on your toes and only strike when there’s a good opening. Once its forelegs are broken, you’ll have a much easier time finishing this hunt.
The same techniques you used on Alpha Doshaguma are still viable here. Mounting this monster is relatively easy and a great way to knock the monster over so you can focus on breaking its forelegs. This is also an easy monster to lock down with shock traps and vine traps, so make good use of your items and environment. Thanks to its large explosions, it’s best not to fight this monster in tight space, so try to bait it out into open areas if you find yourself in a narrow part of the map.
Guardian Doshaguma – Drops And Materials
Depending on the difficulty you’re playing on, Alpha Doshaguma can drop the following materials:
Low Rank Drops
Guardian Doshaguma Fur
Guardian Doshaguma Claw
Guardian Doshaguma Hide
Guardian Doshaguma Fang
Nourishing Extract
Guardian Doshaguma Certificate
Guardian Pelt
Guardian Blood
High Rank Drops
Guardian Doshaguma Fur+
Guardian Doshaguma Claw+
Guardian Doshaguma Hide+
Guardian Doshaguma Fang+
Nourish Extract
Guardian Doshaguma Certifacate+
Beast Gem
Guardian Pelt+
Guardian Blood+
Hunting Objectives
Hunting this monster numerous times will reward you with the following titles for your Hunter Profile:
Objective |
Reward Title |
Hunt 20 times |
Guardian Doshaguma |
Hunt 30 times |
Fortitude |
Hunt 40 times |
Indomitable |
Hunt 50 times |
Conviction |

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