Every Occult Lifestate In The Sims 2, Ranked

Every Occult Lifestate In The Sims 2, Ranked
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With the re-release and modernization of The Sims 2 for the series’ 25th anniversary, many players are picking the game up again. This edition includes all the expansion packs, so the game can get quite bizarre and chaotic, something which includes a town full of occult creatures.


The Sims 2: All Expansions, Ranked

Second in the series, first in many players’ hearts, The Sims 2 had some fantastic expansions.

From vampires to robots, there are lots of strange happenings around town. Including these mystifying sims in your playthrough makes the game a lot more fun and unpredictable. Here is every occult creature in The Sims 2, ranked.

Not every occult sim on the list is playable, but they can all be found wandering around your neighborhood.





An elder sim walking away from a genie while thinking about college.

While the Genie is a non-playable occult Sim, he is a fun addition included with the Freetime expansion. After rubbing a dusty lamp, a mysterious purple figure simply called “genie” will grant you three wishes.

The Dusty Old Lamp is delivered by the Matchmaker once your sim has high Enthusiasm and high Lifetime Aspiration.

These wishes include gaining wealth, beauty, a longer life, and other nice boosts. The wishes can be asked by anyone in the household, not just the Sim who rubbed the lamp, so make sure you choose wisely.




A green ghost in a doorway in The Sims 2.

Anytime after 8pm, you may encounter a deceased sim floating around your house as a spooky specter. While they are unplayable, Ghosts still add a strange ambiance to your Sims household.

These transparent figures can scare your Sims, possess objects, and interact with their surroundings. These hauntings aren’t exclusive to The Sims 2, as they appear in every version of the game.


The Sims 2 Bigfoot by a tree.

Cryptid fans will be excited when they spot Bigfoot on a secret lot in Three Lakes which came with Bon Voyage during their vacation. Though he’s difficult to find, you can locate him if you try hard enough.


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Once you see the sasquatch, you can build his trust and eventually invite him to move in. He’s a surprisingly nice roommate and can even get a job to pull his weight, although he is unable to marry or have children.




Female Servo robot holding a baby in The Sims 2.

While Servo isn’t quite an occult creature, he fits the strangeness of this list. These unique robots are created by your regular Sims using the Robotics skill. Like Frankenstein, you can create life, even if it’s a machine.

Like your other Sims, Servos have their own aspirations, personality, wants, and needs. Their expressions don’t change, and they move without the fluidity of humans, but they are a valuable part of your Sim’s family.




An adolescent zombie in The Sims 2.

Did you know your Sims can come back from the dead? If someone passes away, you can call on the Grim Reaper to revive them through the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, a feature introduced in the University expansion.

There is no in-game cure for becoming a zombie, so only choose this if you want the damage to be permanent.

However, if you don’t have the funds, your loved one will come back like a zombie. They’ll move slowly and have a blue/grey skin tone, though they can still go to college. At least their education won’t suffer like their movement and daily hygiene will.




A male PlantSim in The Sims 2.

First introduced in Seasons, PlantSims are the result of using too many pesticides on your plants. These vibrant, green Sims can talk to plants and are top-tier gardeners, receiving a gold Gardening badge.


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They only have three needs: love, water, and sunlight. There is a cure to this state of being, but this occult Sim is a lot of fun to play, so hold off on drinking the Plantophic-C potion until you’ve experienced this occult creature for a bit.

PlantSims can reproduce without a partner, spawning a toddler-aged Plantbaby on the spot.




Leader of the pack of werewolves in Sims 2.

Werewolves were introduced in the Pets expansion. Infected with Lycanthropy, these Sims have been bitten by the Leader of the Pack. Once you’re a werewolf, you transform into a large, hairy creature every night.

You can cure the werewolf condition with the Lycanthropic-B potion.

After your transition, your personality and body will shift. You’ll become stronger and more active. If you want to expand your pack, you can turn other Sims into werewolves too. This condition is curable, though you may enjoy howling by the light of the moon.


Witch Or Warlock


A witch reading a book in The Sims 2.

Witches and warlocks were added through the Apartment Life expansion. As expected, they can create potions, cast spells, and wear robes and hats. You can either be a good witch or a bad witch, depending on what type of witch you initially befriend.

Casting spells may make other Sims a bit scared of you, but you can always turn them into witches, too. If the Pets expansion is installed, you can even get a feline familiar to join your spellcasting journey.




Sim holding an alien baby in The Sims 2.

In The Sims 2, aliens are a normal part of life. The only thing different is their appearance, but that’s off-putting enough for some Sims. Seeing as alien abductions are a regular occurrence in Strangetown, that fear is understandable.


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Even so, aliens can get jobs, start families, and have hobbies like any other Sim. You can play as this mysterious occult race by making them in Create A Sim or choosing one of their families in your neighborhood.




A vampire with her arm across her face.

The most fun occult creature to play, vampires came in the Nightlife expansion. They have blue/grey skin and fangs, and many of them sport Victorian garb, making them easy to spot. Like in most vampire lore, you are infected with vampirism after being bitten.

Vampirism can be cured with the Vamprocillin-D potion.

Once a vampire, your Sim has specific actions such as transforming into a bat or the Bleh!!! Interaction, which can scare others. You also stop aging after adulthood, making you immortal, though you do have to hide from the sun during the day.

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