Breaking Through Quest In DDV

Breaking Through Quest In DDV

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If players wish to start the Breaking Through quest, then they must complete the Monkey Business quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Upon unlocking the realm of Agrabah and managing to reunite Jasmine and Aladdin, Dreamers help them complete some tasks as the area is filled with dangerous obstacles and sandstorms.

At the end of the Monkey Business quest in DDV, you are given an amulet with three gemstones to protect yourself from sandstorms. Additionally, players have found an Ancient Tome that could be the secret to freeing Agrabah from the sandstorms once and for all.


Disney Dreamlight Valley: All Critters Schedule

In order for a Critter to become a companion in Disney Dreamlight Valley, players must know the schedule to feed them.

How To Trigger The Breaking Through Quest In Disney Dreamlight Valley

After picking up the Ancient Tome and talking with Aladdin, the Breaking Through quest will be triggered in DDV. Head to Jasmine and give her the book so she can translate the ancient language. As it might take some time, she suggests that you and Aladdin collect materials to build a new Alchemy Table as you will need it later. However, keep in mind that all the materials can be found in the vast desert, outside Agrabah.

Get out of the city into the desert and head left to find some rocks obstacles in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Remove them to see two groups of rocks protecting something. Use the Pickaxe to destroy them and pick up the Alchemical Cauldron and Alchemy Table Base. Return to Agrabah’s entrance and turn right to remove the rocks, revealing the Alchemy Table Crucible. Go back to where Aladdin and Jasmine are and approach the two braziers to build the Alchemy Table.

Now that the table is built, Aladdin asks Dreamers to collect more materials in Disney Dreamlight Valley, as coal and fuel are necessary for any experiment. To find Charcoal, any fire pit can be used to get the coal. The closest ones you can find are in the same area as Jasmine and Aladdin; one is behind the Alchemy Table while the other is on the wall across it next to a closed door in the corner. Interact with them and get Charcoal. Next, head to the Central Market and find the stall with black vases. Approach it to obtain two Fuel Bottles.

Return to the Alchemy Table and place the coal and fuel in both braziers to light them up. Now that everything is working, head back to Jasmine to see if she manages to translate anything. In short, players must create a lamp that will absorb the energy of the Windcaller.

The first step is to find the required materials:

  • Lamp Mold (Artisan’s District): Next to the fountain entrance in the corner near the stairs. Use the shovel to get the Lamp Mold out.
  • Golden Shards x18: Obtained from destroying rock obstacles in Agrabah.

Use the crafting table to create the Gold Lamp and speak with Jasmine to complete the Breaking Through quest. Next, the Wish Magic quest is triggered where you will save a certain companion.

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December 5, 2023


E For Everyone

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