Blades of Fire, a gloomy new hack and slash, gets a trailer and a May release

Blades of Fire, a gloomy new hack and slash, gets a trailer and a May release

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There’s nothing new about games letting you craft your own weapons, but Blades of Fire, an upcoming hack and slash dropping this May, throws in a neat twist; you’re the only person in the human world who can forge weapons.

Ever wonder what you’d get if you slammed Elden Ring and God of War together? The answer could be Blades of Fire, a fantasy action adventure which casts you as the exceedingly angry-looking Aran de Lira, out to defeat Queen Nerea.

This evil queen, who takes her fashion tips from Diablo 4’s Lilith, has turned her enemies’ weapons to stone. Granted, you could do some serious damage with a big rock, let alone a granite mace, but she had the good sense to leave her own armies untouched.

That’s where you come in, seemingly the only person in all the realm who can forge metal weapons, from axes to swords to other pointy objects. And, having made them, you use them to smite Nerea’s minions.

Developed by MercurySteam, the team behind the rather excellent Castlevania: Lords of Shadow games, Blades of Fire looks impressive enough in action. The trailer shows off its combat, with Aran taking on a range of gloomy foes, including a few who could have stepped right out of Elden Ring.

You won’t have long to wait to get your hands on Blades of Fire, either. It’s set for a May 22 release date though, despite its developer’s name, it won’t be dropping on Steam at launch; instead, it’s an Epic Games Store exclusive.

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