If you’re wondering which champions are the strongest with Kai’Sa, here are the five supports to play alongside her in season 15.

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The best supports to play with Kai’Sa in LoL
If you like playing ADCs and love making sweet outplays, then Kai’Sa is the champion for you. Ever since she was released to League of Legends, she became one of the most popular champions.
Not only because she is strong, but she also has a satisfying kit to play with. That being said, if you’re looking to extract Kai’Sa’s maximum potential, you have to play her alongside specific supports who can share great synergy with.
For that reason, we have created a list of the five best supports that will work with her. By looking at their key strengths and weaknesses, you will know which duos you should be playing in every single match.
Nautilus – the no. 1 support for Kai’Sa
Kai’Sa and Nautlius are probably the best combo you can go for in the current meta.
This is because Nautilus provides an incredible setup for Kai’Sa, allowing her to hit her spells easily and use her burst damage to take down the enemy targets. Nautilus can use his ultimate on any target, and Kai’Sa will able to follow up by using her own R to get closer and kill him with her auto attacks and abilities.

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On top of that, the support can also use some of his crowd controls to peel for Kai’Sa, in case she is getting threatened by the enemies.
If you want to climb soloQ in this meta, Nautilus will always be the primary choice to play with Kai’Sa. While it requires a good level of proficiency and coordination, the combos are quite straightforward and easy to pull off. Be careful when playing from behind, though, as this bot lane struggles when on low resources.
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Thresh – One of the most versatile supports for Kai’Sa in the meta
If you’re someone who likes sticking to the meta to increase the chances of victory, be aware that Thresh is one of the strongest and most versatile supports of the moment. And given Kai’Sa’s preference for tanky champions with engage potential, the two make a scary combination in the bottom lane.
Just like Nautilus, Thresh is great at making picks to initiate fights. Whether it’s through a hook or a Flash-E combo, he can lockdown and chain up his crowd controls to set up Kai’Sa and allow her to burst down the target.
During the laning phase, you ideally want to look for short and quick trades. Once the enemies are low enough, find an opening to quickly shut down one of the two champions.
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Rell – the best support for dives
Compared to hook champions like Nautilus or Thresh, Rell’s engage is much stronger when it comes to coordinated skirmishes and multi-man plays. Whether it’s finding the right angle with a flank or a dive, she is much more reliable and sets up Kai’Sa more easily.

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The pairing, however, requires Kai’Sa to reach her item spikes so the laning phase should be more about making sure to get good farm and experience. Don’t force plays unless it’s a clear winning play.
Karma – the meta-adherent support
Kai’Sa usually prefers beefy front liner who have lots of crowd control and good enough tankability to survive incoming enemy damage, but there has been one enchanter champion working particularly well with the Void champion, and it’s Karma. The Ionian support has been at the top of the support list in recent times, and her ability to provide peeling for her ADC makes her synergize decently well with Kai’Sa.
The main upside is Karma’s ability to dictate the laning phase thanks to her poke and harass, something that Kai’Sa cannot do on her own due to her scaling characteristics. Even if Karma falls off later in the game, the marksman champion will come online and dish out damage thanks to her item spikes. You don’t have to win the lane here, just make sure the AD can farm safely and complete her items as quickly as possible.
Pyke – The All-in combo
To round off the list we have Amumu, who is a great alternative if you need to have strong hard-engage. Thanks to the new Q, Bandage Toss, he has two opportunities to land his engage and start his trades. Paired with Kai’Sa’s good burst damage with her Q-AA-W combo, they can quickly chunk down a target.
That said, the real reason you pick Amumu support with Kai’Sa is the ability to apply crowd control to multiple targets with his ultimate. The stun duration gives enough time for Kai’Sa to follow up with her ultimate and burst down one enemy.

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That said, this bot lane duo struggles a lot more during the laning phase, especially if it’s not a winning matchup. The laning phase is fully reliant on Amumu’s ability to hit his Qs, and it can be tough if the enemy is well-positioned. Not to mention that Amumu is relatively immobile and can be punished or abused. Compared to other champions in this list, he’s not as versatile or reliable: pick it if you know you need hard engage and his ultimate to initiate fights.
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