- Heat Gauge Auto-Charge: Desperation is not very useful due to slow filling at low health.
- No Reservations skill allows eating at full health, beneficial for completionists and menu buffs.
- Knockdown Evasion is a basic but essential skill for quick recovery and avoiding more damage.
There are a lot of skills to purchase in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii. Some skills apply to Majima’s core stats, others apply to the two specific combat stances. Shared abilities are another category of skill that can be used across both combat styles, and the category also includes some skills that apply to out-of-combat healing and cooking.

Best Sea Dogs Skills In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii, Ranked
Players who can’t decide on the best Sea Dog skills in Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii may want to focus on the following options.
Not all skills are equal, and with so much to spend money on in the game, players should invest wisely. All these skills are useful in some way, but some skills stand out above the rest as the ones that players should get first.
Heat Gauge Auto-Charge: Desperation
Heat Gauge Charge At Low Health
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 2
- Reputation: 7500
- Cost: $5000
- Effect: Heat Gauge fills slowly over time when health is low (flashing red)
This is probably the least useful skill in the shared skills category. Heat Gauge Auto-Charge: Desperation causes the heat gauge to rise automatically when the player is on low life. It only activates when health is low enough to flash red, and the heat gauge gain is slow, so not only does it not often activate, it barely does anything when it does activate. There’s always that one time across a playthrough where it’ll get players the last bit of heat needed for a clutch finishing move, though.
No Reservations
All You Can Eat
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 1
- Reputation: 25,000
- Cost: $10,000
- Effect: Can eat at restaurants even when full
No Reservation is a skill that only 100% completionists are really going to get the full use out of. This skill lets Majima eat at restaurants when he’s already at full life. This can be used in two ways: to gain buffs from menu combos, and to help complete restaurant menus for challenges.
This will save considerable time in completing menus, as players don’t have to lose health to continue eating. It’s not much use beyond that, though, when players can get buffs from their own cooking and items.
Knockdown Evasion
Get Back On Your Feet
- Requirement: None
- Reputation: None
- Cost: $50
- Effect: Can evade when knocked to the ground to get up quickly
Knockdown Evasion might be the cheapest and most basic skill on the shared abilities list, but players shouldn’t skip this early on in the game. The mere $50 to unlock this skill is well worth it, as it lets players get up quickly when knocked down, avoiding taking more damage while on the floor.

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii – 7 Best Skills To Unlock ASAP
With these skills in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, Goro can become the powerful captain he’s meant to be.
Executing the quick recovery requires pressing the dodge button when hitting the ground after being knocked down, so the timing can take some getting used to.
Quickstep Strike
Evasive Counter
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 1
- Reputation: 50
- Cost: $750
- Effect: Perform a light or heavy attack during a quickstep
Quickstep Strike isn’t a strong move by itself, but it will help players to flow back into their combos after dodging an enemy more easily. This skill lets players attack out of a quickstep with a heavy or light attack, which often allows players to hit opponents while their guard is down and transition into a regular light or heavy attack combo.
This works well with the later skill quickstep boost, as multiple quicksteps can allow players to quickly move behind an opponent and then transition into an attack move.
Grapple Counter
Break Enemy Grabs
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 1
- Reputation: 3000
- Cost: $1500
- Effect: Break out of an enemy grab by pressing any attack button
Getting grappled in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is one of the most frustrating things that can happen in combat. It breaks players’ attack flow and leaves them highly vulnerable to hits.
Players can guarantee that most tough enemies in the game will bring their minions, who just love to grab Majima at the worst moments. This skill lets players break grabs more easily by pressing any attack button, so it’s a borderline essential shared ability that all players should pick up.
Boost Recovery Amount At Restaurants
Better Health & Heat Recovery From Eating
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 1
- Reputation: 750
- Cost: $1000
- Effect: Increased recovery effects from restaurant food
There are restaurants dotted all over Honolulu, and eating to restore health and heat can be a relatively cheap and effective way to heal up between fights. This group of skills increases the amount of health recovered from restaurant food by 10% per level, up to 30%.

7 Things New Yakuza Players Should Know About Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii
Before diving into Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, there are a few things that new players should know.
It’s not necessarily a skill that players need to rush for, but it does make a big difference to healing efficiency over a full playthrough.
Goro Goro Booze Master
Brew Your Own Beer
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 1
- Reputation: 50
- Cost: $1000
- Effect: Enables brewing beer at cooking stations
Who doesn’t want to brew their own beer? Players might not see the value in this skill initially, as it simply states that it unlocks the ability to craft beer at cooking stations. The beers that can be created with Goro Goro Booze Master can offer some powerful buffs once players get better at crafting, though.
The quality of the brew determines the strength of the buffs it will give, and these can range from increasing attack power to filling the heat gauge and more. It’s a cheap and easily available skill that provides good value throughout the game, and the bespoke beer is also needed for some recruitment side quests.
Quickstep Boost
Dodge More Times In A Row
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 3
- Reputation: 7500
- Cost: $5000
- Effect: Quickstep more times in a row (Twice in Sea Dog stance, three times in Mad Dog)
Being able to dodge more often is a powerful buff in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. As large-scale fights can include a lot of opponents, being able to reposition is more vital than ever. Quickstep Boost lets players dodge twice in a row when in Sea Dog stance, and three times in a row in the more mobile Mad Dog stance.
This gives players a lot more room to maneuver in combat and further differentiates the two fighting styles. It’s a fairly costly skill, and only available at pirate rank 3, but it’s well worth pursuing for players who want to master the brawling combat.
Ultimate Counter: Desperation
Low Health Counter Damage Boost
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 3
- Reputation: 10,000
- Cost: $7500
- Effect: Ultimate counter damage is increased at low health
This skill is the definition of high-risk, high-reward. Ultimate Counter: Desperation increases the damage of Ultimate Counter follow-up attacks when health is low enough to flash red. As players have to dodge straight into the enemy’s toughest attacks to counter them, this comes with a high element of danger.
Yet, Ultimate Counters already do a lot of damage, so the boost is devastating – and it also applies to the additional follow-up attack that can be purchased in the Sea Dog skill tree.
Perfect Guard
Timed Guard To Break Enemy Combos
- Requirement: Pirate Rank 2
- Reputation: 5000
- Cost: $3000
- Effect: Enables timed guard to break enemy combos and create attack opportunities
Perfect Guard is a shared skill that every player should make a priority purchase. This skill makes well-timed guards stagger opponents, allowing the player to counter-attack. Once players reach pirate rank 2, they’ll need to accrue 5000 reputation and $3000 to unlock this skill, but it’s a necessary investment.
This helps players stay on the offensive in fights against multiple or single opponents, rather than having to weather long combos of blows with guards and dodging.

- Released
February 21, 2025
Mature 17+ // Blood, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
- OpenCritic Rating
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