All Birds! Memoir Recording Locations In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

All Birds! Memoir Recording Locations In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage

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Swann Holloway loves to be outdoors and experience nature in Lost Records: Bloom & Rage. Before meeting her friends in the summer of 1995, her only companions were her own pets and the surrounding animals in the world.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – My Room Memoir Locations

1995 was peak bedroom decor.

One of her favorite things to do is capture footage of the local scenery and wildlife with her camcorder that she got for her 16th birthday. We see this prevalent in the many memoir collections that feature nature, including the Birds! Memoir. Swann uses this memoir to compile shots of all the feathered friends in and around her little slice of Velvet Cove.

Zoomed In On Cardinal In Lost Records: Bloom & Rage.

The initial shot for the Birds! collection will be caught as part of the main story progression in Chapter 3, in Swann’s bedroom. To complete the memoir, you will need 15 total recordings of different bird species, including the cardinal that starts it all.

Throughout the chapters you may come across duplicates of many of the birds, especially the geese. But there are a few birds, like the goldfinch or the redheaded woodpecker, that’ll you’ll only see once.

However, even if you miss a shot, you always have the option to replay a scene in Collectible mode to gather any footage you missed.





Northern Cardinal

Part of story progression, unmissable.


Canada Goose

Part of story progression, unmissable.


House Finch

  • After Swann has her snack, she continues down the trail. Here you’ll find the finch on a log.
  • There’s a finch duo in the grass to your left, so step carefully!


Ring-Billed Gull

You’ll find plenty of these all over the area near the Movie Palace:

  • On the white van
  • Behind the movie store
  • In the parking lot by the ice cream shop
  • On the roof of the movie store


Great Horned Owl

On top of the slum slide playground equipment. If you miss this one, there are more of these in chapter 12.


Great Blue Heron

When the girls first stop in the forest to record, out on the pond are two of these birds.


Black-Billed Magpie

Go past the ranch fence then look to your right. This bird will be perched on top of a post near the broken-down motorcycle.


American Robin

  • Before crossing the log bridge, to your right zoom in on some tree branches to find an American Robin.
  • Look back down the path, and you’ll find another one on one of the fence posts.
  • At Autumn’s feet by the steps to the overlook are three little American Robins.


Common Raven

As present-day Swann begins talking about the story she’s writing, you’ll time warp back to 1995 when the girls are in the woods at night. Immediately take out your camera to film the raven on a broken tree trunk beside Autumn.


Wood Thrush

Before you join the girls at the private beach, go back around the house. To the right of the windchimes this bird is perched on a bowl.



Back at the beach, zoom way out onto the water with the camera to record a small group of mallard ducks swimming.


Tufted Titmouse

At the beginning of the chapter, before you follow the girls through the forest, there’s a birdhouse on a tree to your right. Record the bird perched ontop of the birdhouse.


Redheaded Woodpecker

As the girls all head back into the cabin from the beach, on a stump in front of the cabin you can record a redheaded woodpecker.



After you record the woodpecker, walk over to the outhouse area, and you can record a yellow goldfinch here.


Blue Jay

During Kat’s interview in the playground you’ll find a blue jay perched above the construction.


Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Bloom… Choices Guide

Is your story about vengeance or justice?

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