What is Brawlhalla Chest Rotation?

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Brawlhalla is free to play, but it does have some items you can buy. Like any other freemium game, there are premium skins you can purchase. A big part of Brawlhalla’s ecosystem is the Chests. Brawlhalla chest rotation is a term that might be confusing if you’re new to Brawlhalla. If you’re waiting for a specific chest to pop back up in the store, how can you know when it’ll be back?

If you can find which chest the Brawlhalla chest rotation is currently on, it’s simple to work out. Then you can be sure which chest is coming up next.

The chests in Brawlhalla have a simple rotation. Although, it has been a private rotation system. Developers haven’t fully explained the rotation. That hasn’t stopped players from tracking it and working out the exact Brawlhalla Chest rotation though! If you’re looking for a chest skin for your Brawlhalla skins collection, we can work out when it’s back. By looking at the sequence of chests players have been able to deduce the full the Brawlhalla chest rotation so we can safely know what’s up next in the game.

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Brawlhalla Chest Rotation in 2025

Brawlhalla has quite a few items. Enough that it has even built up a collection of hard-to-obtain rarest Brawlhalla items. One of the ways players can get certain items like skins is to purchase a chest. Chests have different themes and can give you access to different items. However, the same chests aren’t always available. To maintain a degree of scarcity, Brawlhalla rotates the available chests. It stops the game getting stuck with the same content for weeks on end.

The chests that are available will rotate in and out in a specific order. It’s had some changes over 2024 but seems more stable now in 2025. The chests moved into a different pattern, but we’ve had enough time to get used to the new ones.

At the moment, there are two chests active at once. Only one changes each day though, so each chest slot misses a day. The chests cycle in this pattern, but their order is still the same.

This is their order as tracked by u/juangana on Reddit.

  1. Odin’s
  2. Wild
  3. Elemental
  4. Revenant
  5. Exalted
  6. Olympian
  7. Forgeborne
  8. Celestial
  9. Skysail
  10. Ragnarok
  11. Royal Order
  12. Outlaw
  13. Sunken
  14. Ancient
  15. Dragon’s
  16. Forbidden
  17. Sandstorm
  18. Imperial
  19. Cosmic
  20. Brawl City
  21. Synthwave

Once it hits the end of this loop, it returns to Odin’s. Since the chest Rotation happens pretty frequently, it does loop around eventually. If you want a Sandstorm chest and notice the current one is Cosmic though, you’ll likely have a little while to wait.

The Brawlhalla chest rotation makes sure each gets its day in the sun. Although, it also means waiting around for the exact thing that you want. Brawlhalla gets new content all the time though. Most recently, there’s been big announcements for new items along with the new Brawlhalla weapon. As there’s more and more to unlock, you’ll need to keep Chest rotation in mind even more.

In the meantime, there are plenty of Brawlhalla tournaments going on regularly, even if you’re not getting any more chests until the rotation comes around.

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