Ways To Shake Up A Second Fallout 4 Playthrough

Ways To Shake Up A Second Fallout 4 Playthrough

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  • Focusing on settlement building in Fallout 4 lets players engage with a whole different world of the game.
  • Try joining a different faction for a more unique ending to the main story quest.
  • Use mods, survival mode, and avoid power armor for new challenges.

Fallout 4 is a video game that people have grown to love over time after it split fan opinion down the middle when it launched. If anything, the launch of Starfield cemented just how brilliant the world design of Fallout 4 is, with the Commonwealth being a riveting area to explore.


Fallout 4: All Of The Companions, Ranked

Fallout 4 offers players the chance to travel with a companion. With so many great ones available, however, deciding who to bring can be difficult.

With the Fallout TV series blowing up and arriving with a second season, it’s easy to see why fans would return to Fallout 4 and control the Sole Survivor in an engaging adventure once again. If players want to make a second playthrough as enticing as possible, then the following tips will be extremely important for them.


Focus On Settlement Building

A Great Distraction That Can Keep Players Occupied For Hours

Fallout 4 Wasteland Workshop Starlight Drive-In Settlement

One of the best additions to Fallout 4 was settlement building, allowing players to spend hours prettying up certain settlements and set up defenses that can aid the area in the event of an enemy attack. For the most part, settlement building was entirely optional and could be ignored by players if they just wanted to focus on exploration and combat.

However, a second playthrough can be made infinitely more interesting if players choose to deck out any run-down settlement they liberate from monsters or other enemies. It may bump up one’s playtime considerably, but watching settlers populate a well-defended settlement is more entertaining than most people would assume.


Align With A Different Faction

The Sole Survivor Can Ally With One Of Many Groups Near The End

The Minutemen

Fallout 4‘s factions may not be the most well-written groups in the series, but the variety of these groups should be praised regardless. From the synth-loving Railroad to the nostalgic allure of the Brotherhood of Steel, each faction brings something interesting to the table.

As one would expect, allying with a different faction will make the path to the ending feel unique on a second playthrough. It’s an easy way to justify playing Fallout 4 for people who’ve already completed the game once.


Try Out A Wealth Of Mods

PC Players Will Love How Unique The Playthrough Feels

Optimization and Compatibility for Diamond City Mod for Fallout 4
Optimization and Compatibility for Diamond City Mod

As one would expect from any Bethesda game, the modding scene for Fallout 4 is truly incredible. Players love the idea of downloading unique mods that personalize their playthrough, making their second run through the game downright unforgettable if the mods they’ve picked are excellent.


Fallout 4: Best Merchants In The Game

When looking to offload materials or buy new items, these individuals are some of the best merchants that players will find.

If players completed a vanilla run-through of Fallout 4, then mods are a must for a second playthrough. From adding more enemies to sprucing up the graphics, there are endless ways to make Fallout 4 feel more alive and engaging than ever.


Check Out Survival Mode

Makes The Game More Hardcore And Engaging Than Ever

A Fallout 4 Street in the Daytime

Players who want their trek through a wasteland to feel more engaging than ever will love Fallout 4‘s Survival Mode. It forces players to keep track of metrics like hunger, thirst, and fatigue to help immerse players in this massive world.

It’s a simple and great way to increase the difficulty of a game that has been labeled as a bit too easy by most fans. From managing the total ammo carried by the Sole Survivor to dealing with limited saves, there are several ways that Fallout 4 becomes incredible in Survival Mode.


Don’t Use Power Armor At All

Increases The Challenge Posed By The Game’s Many Encounters


Power Armor has been upgraded extensively in Fallout 4, making it more intuitive to use than ever before. Ignoring this critical component in Fallout 4 isn’t recommended in the slightest, but players on a second playthrough don’t need to face these issues.

If anything, Power Armor can make things very easy, especially since players get their hands on this suit relatively early in the game. To make a second playthrough more challenging, players should try and avoid this powerful suit altogether during their adventures.


Exclusively Use Melee Weapons

Players Will Love Getting Up Close And Personal With Their Enemies

Deathclaw Gauntlet Melee Weapon Fallout 4

At lower levels, players are encouraged to keep their distance from tougher foes and take them out without incurring any damage. It’s a play style that will carry the Sole Survivor till the very end of their adventure, but players can choose to switch things up for a second playthrough.


Fallout 4: 7 Overpowered Builds That Are A Lot Of Fun

Putting together a focused character build in Fallout 4 can generate some very overpowered results, something these builds excel at.

However, on a second playthrough, players will be confident enough to rely on melee weapons more often than not. Players can choose to rely exclusively on these weapons to make things more interesting against waves of enemies as they run up to them and either slash or pound them in style.


Explore The DLC

Both Nuka-World And Far Harbor Are Amazing To Explore

The Entrance to Nuka-World in The Day From Fallout 4

The base game of Fallout 4 had its issues, but most people will agree that the DLC was in a class of its own. Both Far Harbor and Nuka-World are engaging in their ways and ensure that players can explore new and interesting zones that are jam-packed with content.

Since most people checked out Fallout 4 when it launched and haven’t touched it since, prioritizing the DLC for a second playthrough would be perfect for them. Even if the base game feels familiar, the DLCs will be a breath of fresh air that will make a new playthrough more enticing than ever.


Head To The Glowing Sea As Quickly As Possible

A Unique Challenge That Will Invigorate A Second Playthrough

A Deathclaw From Fallout 4 In Foggy Sunlight

The Glowing Sea is one of the most intimidating locations in the Commonwealth that players would prefer to avoid unless they’re sufficiently prepared to deal with this area’s radiation and its many powerful enemies. However, Fallout 4 veterans can choose to chuck this sentiment for a second playthrough.

Gunning it to the Glowing Sea is a great way to challenge the player, forcing them to rely on the items and equipment they find during this journey to tackle the threats of this area. These brave players will be rewarded with high-end equipment that will serve them well for the remainder of the playthrough.

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