Tips For High Stealth Gameplay In Sniper Elite: Resistance

Tips For High Stealth Gameplay In Sniper Elite: Resistance

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Games set in World War 2 often have you on the frontlines, leading the charge against an enemy army. But, a series that has gained much acclaim over the years is Sniper Elite, and Sniper Elite: Resistance takes the stealth-based Nazi shooting to all new heights. While the game can be played with plenty of different styles, it definitely pulls the player into a more stealth-focused mentality.


Sniper Elite: Resistance – Stealth Ribbons Guide

Stick it to the Nazis quietly with Sniper Elite: Resistance’s stealth ribbons.

Becoming the sneaky-sniper Harry Hawker can take some skill, the right weapons, and plenty of patience. You don’t have to be a stealth game master to do well in this game though. With a little time, and a few tips, you can get in and out of a mission without any of the higher-ups being any the wiser.


Scout Often

Eyes Up

A photo of Harry Hawker aiming a sniper in Sniper Elite Resistance.

It can be easy once you’re in the thick of it to forget about the handy binoculars Harry has in his pocket. Scouting through these is an easy way to get a head start on a stealth playthrough of a mission.

Any time you start a mission, get highground, or enter a new area, it’s the perfect time to pop your binoculars out and give the map a glance.

Through them, you can not only mark enemies, but also explosives in the world, key pathways around difficult areas, and even listen in on important conversations about your objectives. What’s more, the details the binoculars give you about your enemies let you know how difficult it will be to avoid them, or take them on in a fight. A group of jaegers is much harder to avoid than a simple squad of infantry.


Use Variant Ammo

A Bullet With Their Name On It

A photo of a ammo box with an orange glow in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Simple rifle, pistol, and smg ammo are in abundant supply, but they aren’t as useful as some of the other ammo types out there. Each of the ammo types has their pros and cons. Learning all of them is the first step.

Subsonic and non-lethal ammo types don’t have the damage or range that other types have, so you’ll want to adjust your aim, and aim for vital spots when using them.

For stealth playthroughs, subsonic and non-lethal ammo will be your go-tos. Both of them are incredibly silent in comparison to normal ammo types, making quick stealth shots much easier without having to find a sound mask. After progressing through the game, you can have these ammo types already in your inventory at the start of a mission, but they can also be found on the map too.


Take Care Of Enemy Snipers

A Duel Of Sorts

A photo of a sniper aiming in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Each enemy type can be a pain to deal with in their own ways, but enemy snipers are the most difficult to handle. They can easily spot you from across the map, and their bullets can cause you to bleed, losing health over time until you bandage yourself.

They also often have special ammo types, tools, or even silenced weapons you can use near them or on them.

Finding and then eliminating them early on will make even the toughest maps far easier in the long run. It can take time, but it is well worth the extra effort. The key to this is to first scout them out. They are often on rooftops, catwalks, vantage points, and towers. From there, sneaking up and using a takedown on them, or sniping them from afar is the easiest way to stop them.

This can often be done at the spawn spot on a map, as they are usually vantage points, and have some distance between you and the first enemies on the map.


Separate Targets

One By One

Sneaking up on a nazi in Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Whether it be in later missions, or in important areas, enemies will often bunch up, either in pairs or even groups. This means that they will have overlapping fields of vision, and often be near some form of alarm system too. Taking them out one-by-one can take time, but it will help you get through these particularly tough spots.


Sniper Elite: Resistance – Best Authentic Loadout

Take on Sniper Elite: Resistance’s hardest difficulty with this Authentic loadout.

This can be done with relative ease by using the bottles or whistle to draw out one at a time, taking them out while they are removed from the group, and then repeating. Taking enemies out behind cover, or moving their bodies soon after, can help you remain undetected for longer. Plus, if you re-orient yourself after each kill, you can take enemies out from different angles, avoiding suspicion.


Lethal Is Easier

Killing Nazis

Sneaking Up On Enemy While Distracted By Decoy In Sniper Elite: Resistance.

Non-lethal takedowns and ammo are a great way to knock out your enemies on the fly. Unfortunately, they aren’t that much quieter, or faster, to really make much of a difference. If you are going for a high-stealth run of a mission, then lethal will make your playthrough far easier.

Non-lethal takedowns and the same ammo type will also have your enemies waking up after a period of time, something that is a difficult situation in longer missions, as they will be confused about what happened and begin searching around them. This may potentially cause a chain reaction and get you spotted.


Save Often

Use Those Save Slots

Harry fires the Trench Gun over cover at a Nazi in Sniper Elite Resistance.

While fans of many games are against it, save scumming, at it is often called, can be a big help early on in your stealth playthroughs when one misstep can mean a lot of Nazis converging on your location.

Saving often can make missions much easier to beat with high stealth as the goal. Especially as you are learning the game, and in the later missions where things get much tougher. Saving at least after completing main objectives, or entering new areas can save you plenty of time and energy. Unless you want that much more of a challenge of course.


Stick To The Shadows

Night And Day

Harry chokes a Nazi from behind in Sniper Elite: Resistance.

It may seem obvious, but one of the biggest keys to staying stealthy in Sniper Elite: Resistance is enemies seeing you directly. This is much easier for them to do when you are in a well-lit area.

It can be easy for players to be so focused on the sounds they are making in the world, and the bodies they are leaving behind, that walking into a lit area can happen by accident. You can see how easily people can see you on the minimap at the bottom of the screen, where a circle surrounds your icon, growing and shrinking depending on how visible you are. Look to that when you need an extra bit of help with staying unseen.


Plan Your Route

A Little Forethought

A photo of the player standing in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When the bullets start flying it can be easy to make a new plan on the fly. But, planning your route ahead of time can be the difference between an easy mission, and restarting because you made an explosive entry.

There are often areas that you can move through rather easily that the developers have sprinkled throughout the map. Underground areas, through wooded places, and the edges of the map are great places to look.

Looking at the map at the beginning of your mission can make or break a run. Not only should you have a preferred route, one of the least resistance hopefully, but backups at intersections also come in handy. This goes double for when you find out a certain route has a tank guarding it, or has overlapping guards watching it you can’t get around.

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