Resident Evil 9 Having RE7 Vibes Would Have One Big Upside

Resident Evil 9 Having RE7 Vibes Would Have One Big Upside

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The Resident Evil series has been experiencing a renaissance ever since Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was released in 2017. Resident Evil 7‘s return to a true survival horror experience after the much-maligned Resident Evil 6, combined with the stunning graphics of the RE Engine, created one of the most memorable horror games of the decade. Its success gave Capcom the momentum to both continue Resident Evil 7‘s story with a direct follow-up — Resident Evil Village — and release remakes of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 4 using the RE Engine.

With Resident Evil Village and the remakes also eliciting both praise and profit for the series, leaks and rumors have been circulating regarding Resident Evil 9. These include possible settings and protagonists for the upcoming Resident Evil sequel. However, little is known about what Resident Evil 9‘s tone will be like. Though Village‘s slightly more action-oriented gameplay proved to be popular, following in RE7‘s footsteps could open the door for the return of a classic feature from Resident Evil‘s past: a recurring boss that gets stronger as the player does and pursues them throughout the game.


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Bringing Back an Iconic Enemy Type in Resident Evil 9

Tense Gameplay in Past Resident Evil Games

Resident Evil games tend to follow one of two paths when it comes to gameplay. The first derives its tension from unforgiving survival mechanics. Limited resources, unreliable weapons, and deadly enemies place the player on the defensive constantly. This approach can be found in the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 7. The second path derives its tension from pitting the player against horde after horde of ravenous enemies. Even though the player has access to more resources and a larger armory, an abundance of enemies means that gamers will need to have their head on a swivel or risk being overrun. This approach can be found in Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil Village.

The Resident Evil series has followed the latter path with the back-to-back releases of Resident Evil Village and the Resident Evil 4 remake. While this style of gameplay is less prone to frustration, it misses out on much of the innate terror of the original Resident Evil formula. A big reason for Resident Evil 7‘s success was its return to form. The Resident Evil series had gone so far off the deep end with its bombastic action prior to RE7, so a scarier game that adhered more closely to the difficult, tension-fueled gameplay of the beloved Resident Evil 2 was more than welcome. Rather than once again oversaturating the series with a heavy emphasis on gunplay, Resident Evil 9 returning to its horror roots would not only shake things up, but allows for the return of a certain character type that wasn’t available in Village or the RE4 remake.

Giving Resident Evil 9 Its Own Jack Baker

While most of the enemies encountered in Resident Evil games are zombies or mutants that die once the player deals enough damage to them, several Resident Evil games have featured unkillable enemies that pursue the player over the course of the story. These include Mr. X from RE2, Nemesis from RE3, and Jack Baker from RE7. The looming threat of being attacked by such an enemy instills the player with an omnipresent sense of dread during each play session, as well as an immense sense of satisfaction when they manage to outmaneuver — and eventually defeat — the threat. Due to this, the aforementioned characters have become far more iconic than any of their games’ primary antagonists.

These invincible stalkers make for great additions to the survival horror-focused entries in the Resident Evil series, but they are less commonly found in the more action-oriented games. Sure, RE4 and Village have powerful recurring enemies like the Garrador or Lady Dimitrescu, but with the game constantly regularly handing the player weapon upgrades and ammunition, any enemy can eventually be overcome with enough well-placed attacks — besides that terrifying baby from House Beneviento. Though this provides the player with a more regularly-scheduled dose of satisfaction as they dispatch monster after monster over the course of the game, it strips the game of that classic Resident Evil feel.

Jack Baker was such a refreshing and terrifying enemy to face in RE7 because of his constant presence and insistent taunting. Lady Dimitrescu might be a more popular character due to the internet becoming obsessed with her character design before Village was even released, but anyone who plays the Ethan Winters duology will find Jack Baker to be a much more memorable and threatening foe. If Resident Evil 9 were to be more in line with the tone of RE7, there would be a perfect opportunity for the game to put its own spin on this iconic enemy type.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Tag Page Cover Art


January 24, 2017


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language

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