Oda Has Already Decided Zoro And Sanji’s Peaks

Oda Has Already Decided Zoro And Sanji's Peaks

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This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • Zoro and Sanji will always be on the same level in terms of strength and importance.
  • The Monster Trio of the Straw Hat Pirates mirrors the powerful trio of the Roger Pirates.
  • Zoro and Sanji are destined to surpass Rayleigh and Gaban, reaching Yonko-tier strength.

The Elbaf arc of One Piece is underway already and fans are seeing some incredibly exciting developments in the story already. With One Piece now being in the very final saga, it is quite clear that there are going to be some incredibly high-level wars and, of course, the Straw Hat Pirates will find themselves at the center of it all.


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Among the Straw Hats, three characters stand out particularly as the very best fighters, and fans know them better as the Monster Trio. All of them are incredibly powerful, and their strength is quite clearly immense. In the Final Saga of One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates will go on to reach new heights, and it shouldn’t surprise any fan to know that their ceiling is very high. Oda has great plans for them, and fans absolutely cannot wait to see what happens next with their growth.

The Straw Hat Monster Trio and The Roger Pirates Mirror Each Other

  • The Monster Trio Is Incredibly Strong
  • Roger Had His Own Powerful Trio

When it comes to the strong crews in the One Piece world, all of them are special in a certain way. Fans know the Yonko crews to hold special importance, and at the same time, there are other crews that aren’t recognized as the Yonko that stand out quite a bit as well. But, historically, among the strongest crews, it is quite clear that the Yonko are special. Usually, the Yonko crew have a certain hierarchy. The Yonko stands at the top as the strongest, and they’re followed by 3 powerful commanders right behind. For instance, Kaido was the mightiest in his crew, and he was followed by King, Queen, and Jack. Similarly, Big Mom was the strongest of her crew, and she had 3 strong subordinates in Katakuri, Smoothie, and Cracker.

He’s a man who stood on par with the likes of Roger and Rayleigh, Scopper Gaban! — Oimo and Kashi

Most Yonko in One Piece follow this order, but there are certain crews that are far too special. For instance, the crew of the Pirate King, the Roger Pirates, operated completely differently. Instead of Roger having 3 strong underlings who were far weaker than him, Roger himself was a part of a strong trio. Gol D. Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, and Scopper Gaban formed a monstrously powerful trio the likes of which has never been seen in the whole story. This was confirmed recently in Elbaf, and according to Oda himself, there were two others in the Roger Pirates besides Roger himself who were deemed to be monsters. These were Gaban and Rayleigh. It is said that Gaban was a figure on par with the Pirate King and the Dark King, and that they all possessed tremendous strength in combat.

Roger Execution One Piece

Clearly, the Straw Hat Pirates are similar to the Roger Pirates in that regard. Luffy has his own Wings, and these two are by his side at all times. Luffy’s wings, when taken into consideration together with him, make for a formidable trio that fans know as Monster Trio, labeled by Oda himself. The Straw Hat Pirates most definitely parallel the Roger Pirates in this regard, which simply tells the fans that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji will be able to rival the likes of Roger, Rayleigh, and Gaban in the future of the story.

Zoro And Sanji’s Will Always Be On The Same Level

Zoro And Sanji Are Luffy’s Wings

Zoro Sanji Yelling

For years upon years, there have been discussions about the strength of Luffy’s strongest underlings. First things first, fans need to acknowledge the fact that Zoro and Sanji will always be Luffy’s strongest underlings. They’re the strongest that Luffy has, and as Robin put herself, they’re his wings that will help make him soar. Luffy will not fly without his wings and he most definitely won’t be the Pirate King with either of them missing. Within the Wings, there is no hierarchy. This is where the Straw Hat Pirates differ from the Roger Pirates.

Sanji is the Wings of the Pirate King who will help Luffy soar. — Nico Robin

While Silvers Rayleigh was the Vice Captain of the Roger Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates don’t have a Vice Captain, and both Zoro and Sanji carry equal authority. In terms of power, they’re both known to be monsters, and no matter what opinions fans hold, they will always be relative to each other in strength. Oda himself has portrayed them as equals and their rivalry will stand until the end of time. Fans can bicker about who the stronger one is and that’s fine, but what matters is the acknowledgment of the fact that Zoro and Sanji will always be on the same level in the story, no matter what.


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Whether it is right now, or when Luffy becomes the Pirate King and Zoro becomes the World’s Greatest Swordsman, or Sanji finds the All Blue, Sanji and Zoro will always be relative in strength, although Zoro will likely be the more infamous of the two due to his status in the world.

Zoro And Sanji Will Surpass Rayleigh And Gaban

Oda Has Already Decided Their Peaks

Now that it’s been established that Zoro and Sanji are and will always be relative, it’s time to talk about their power levels. The simple truth is that both Zoro and Sanji are destined to go beyond Yonko’s level. Zoro’s goal is the World’s Greatest Swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, and he has to defeat him, no matter what. Once Zoro beats Mihawk, he will automatically be on the same level of strength as the Emperors. As for Sanji, he doesn’t have a Zoro-like goal, but fans have already seen Scopper Gaban, his Roger Parallel, and he will most definitely go on to surpass him in combat. Gaban himself was a pirate rivaling the likes of Roger, Rayleigh, and Garp, among other legends. This is Roger’s version of Sanji.

But, that’s not all. The new generation will most definitely go on to surpass the old one, and this is set in stone already. Roger himself suggested that someone will surpass them in the future. As strong as Roger was, he will eventually be surpassed by Luffy, and similarly, Zoro will surpass Rayleigh. Meanwhile, Sanji will go beyond even Gaban. Given that both Gaban and Rayleigh are Yonko tier fighters, it is no surprise to know that Zoro and Sanji will be stronger than most Yonko at the end of the story.

It is only a matter of time before these two get stronger and truly show off what they’re capable of achieving in battle. With wings as strong as Zoro and Sanji, it shouldn’t surprise any fan that the Straw Hat Pirates are as strong as they are and that Luffy will be the man to become the Pirate King.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1141, is set to be March 2, 2025.


One Piece

Release Date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Mayumi Tanaka

    Monkey D. Luffy (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Kazuya Nakai

    Roronoa Zoro (voice)

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