How To Use The Boombox In Roblox: Evade

How To Use The Boombox In Roblox: Evade
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Roblox’s Evade is a terrifying game of cat and mouse where large meme images, or Nextbots, try to find and kill you before the timer runs out. During the game, you are given the choice to either fend for yourself or help other players by reviving them. Additionally, there are numerous items to buy from the shop that will make surviving easier.


Roblox: Evade – How To Get Points Fast

If you want cool cosmetics for your character in Roblox: Evade, you’ll have to gather (many) points. Here are all the ways to do that.

Of the many items available is the Boombox, which allows you to play your favorite tunes at any time during a round. Whether the music is for your friends, or just for you, we’ve got a guide to help.

How To Get The Boombox

To get the Boombox, you must buy the Boombox gamepass for 300 Robux. This can be found either in the in-game store under the Robux section or under Evade’s store in the main Roblox menu. Once you’ve bought it, you can equip it by going to your Cosmetics in the Character Loadout and putting it in either slot one or slot two.

How To Use The Boombox

The Boombox menu to play a song ID in Roblox Evade.

To use the Boombox during a round, simply press ‘V’ to open up the Boombox menu, or if have the Boost Pack equipped, press ‘H’. From here, paste in the song ID of your choosing and hit ‘Enter’. The song itself will keep playing until you either put in a new ID, or press ‘Enter’ when the ID box is blank.

Roblox Song IDs can be found using a quick web search, either looking for your specific song or finding one of the many websites that have an easy-to-navigate collection.

Playing songs with inappropriate language and curse words is an easy way to get banned.


Roblox: Evade – How To Get Tokens Fast

Here’s all you need to know about getting tokens in Roblox: Evade!

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