Best Skills For A Fire Wizard Build

The Best Skills To Unlock First In Avowed

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Obsidian’s Avowed has quickly drawn gamers with its impressive versatility and fun mechanics in combat. This is especially the case when it comes to Wizard builds — and those who favor slinging loads of elemental spells at unprepared enemies.


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Fire spells can be quite satisfying and effective in an already heated battle, as they encompass a wide area and inflict ample damage over time (not to mention burn away pesky spider webs). For those looking to delve into the dark arts of fire wizardry in this fantasy game, these are the best skills to focus on. Most stem from the Wizard Tree — though a few complementary options from the Ranger and Fighter trees should be considered, too.

Ranger Ability Tree – Level One (Rank One)

Avowed Ranger Casting Tanglefoot

Building a powerful fire mage doesn’t necessarily mean that all skills should be allocated to fire-based spells, or even the Wizard Ability Tree. Having a well-rounded Wizard build — one with complementary abilities — means branching out somewhat and at least dabbling in a few skills that can enhance fire spells.

One particularly useful one includes Tanglefoot, which should especially be focused on when not using Marius (and his Binding Roots) as a companion. The move will root all enemies in its range in place, granting the more vulnerable Wizard some cover and giving a singular point to blast — and eventually ignite — several targets in one convenient cluster.


Constant Recovery

Fighter Ability Tree – Level One (Rank Two)

Avowed Increase Health Healing Guide How To Heal Abilities Constant Recovery Fighter

Being a potent Wizard often means having to sacrifice in terms of HP and defense, so having two or three skills allocated to the Ranger and/or Fighter Trees in the early-middle portions of the game is a worthy investment. This passive allows for a slow-but-consistent HP recovery, which can mean the difference between life and death over long periods.

Having Tanglefoot handy, along with an aggro-drawing companion or two can free up a Wizard and allow them to unleash loads of powerful fire spells from a safe distance as they regain lost health. If Constant Recovery is ranked up, players can restore a large chunk of any HP lost during a fight.


Wand Mastery

Wizard Ability Tree – Level Five Required (Rank Two)

Avowed Wand Mastery Wizard ability

It’s a good idea to have a secondary spell projectile available at the ready, especially after spamming fire spells for prolonged periods of time.

Not only can Wands complement fire spells, but they’re also a nice counterbalance to melee weapons, which even the most fire-focused mage is likely to hold at some point in Avowed. Players should at least consider bringing this passive to the second rank, which bumps up Wand damage 40%.


Arcane Veil

Wizard Ability Tree – Level One (Rank One)

Avowed Best Wizard Skills Spells Tier List Arcane Veil

Arcane Veil can be useful for those who’d rather not venture into the Ranger Tree, or for those looking for a reinforcement of defense and evasion with Tanglefoot. The spell allows for a quick shield for 20 seconds, rather than Tanglefoot’s mere eight seconds of enemy encumbrance.

It’s certainly a better option in the thick of a heated battle, as it offers protection (and uninterrupted spell-casting for a bit) even when many foes are near. Players should at least opt for the first rank with this one.


Grimoire Mastery

Wizard Ability Tree – Level Five (Rank Two)

Avowed Best Wizard Skills Spells Tier List Grimoire Mastery

Even when wielding separate spells and Wands as a fire-loving Wizard, it’s a good idea to have some moderate expertise with Grimoires. Not only do they allow for quick, easy access to several diverse spells, but they’ll also enhance the speed and power of spells already unlocked in the skill tree.


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To clarify — players must unlock the same skill that is currently being used in the Grimoire to trigger this perk. If, for instance, a player blasts foes with Fan of Flames via Grimoire, and already has a rank two upgrade of the same ability in the Wizard Tree, the Grimoire version of Fan of Flames unleashes a “rank three” version.

This means longer duration and more power, along with quicker casting and lower Essence cost. In “essence”, players should at least unlock and upgrade Grimoire Mastery to rank two. This covers enhancements to all fire spells outside of Meteor Shower.


Scion Of Flame

Wizard Ability Tree – Level 15 (Rank Three)

Avowed Scion of Flame stats screen

In perhaps the best example of a “goes without saying” entry here, players will want to opt for the Scion of Flame passive, ideally upgrading it completely when reaching level 20.

The ability to amp up the Fire Accumulation dealt with each attack by 45% has an impact in the long haul. This opens the door to much more frequent enemy igniting, which brings ample damage-over-time.


Ring Of Fire

Wizard Ability Tree – Level Ten (Rank Three)

Ring Of Fire in Avowed Killing Spiders

While there are better options as far as this element goes, fire-focused mages should still gather each of the four active fire spells for the sake of variety and casting speed. True to its name, Ring of Fire summons a hollow circle of flame surrounding the player, being both an offensive and defensive force.

This wide presence of damage and protection proves useful when mobbed by scores of weaker enemies, though it may not be as handy against fewer swift or larger enemies.


Harvest Essence

Wizard Ability Tree – Level Ten (Rank Two)

Avowed Restore Essence Increase Max Essence Harvest Essence Wizard

One of the more crucial passives for almost any Wizard in Avowed, Harvest Essence is extremely helpful when casting potent spells in the middle part of the game. Whether through Grimoires or casting directly, players will likely find their Essence dwindling harshly and often, with few food items (and even fewer potions) to restore it.


Avowed: Best Unique Weapons You Can Unlock Early, Ranked

Players should unlock these weapons sooner rather than later in Avowed’s early game.

Particularly when unlocking the second or third rank, players will find that these items are scarcely needed when gathering Essence fragments from defeated foes. Just be sure to use a melee weapon, gun, or bow at times to make up the difference and gather enough fragments without burning much more Essence.


Fan Of Flames

Wizard Ability Tree – Level One (Rank Three)

Fan of Flames skill in Avowed

While not the most glamorous visually, Fan Of Flames gets the job done when it comes to quickly, efficiently burning multiple targets’ HP at once.

When ranked up and using a Grimoire, this move is essentially a mob-melting spell that takes little time and effort to unleash. Find a crowd of low-to-medium-level fleshy targets and have fun.



Wizard Ability Tree – Level Five (Rank Three)

Avowed Best Wizard Skills Spells Tier List Fireball

Spanning a wide area of effect in terms of damage, Fireball is the truly amped-up flame spell that most fiery Wizards will be looking to exploit.

Not only is this move strong and effective — taking up a fairly large space — but it also yields lingering flames that allow for greater Fire Accumulation and ignition. It’s a great option for stubborn bosses and more powerful baddies.


Meteor Shower

Wizard Ability Tree – Level 20 (Rank Three)

Meteor Shower spell in Avowed

Meteor Shower is the cream of the fiery crop when it comes to spells of this element. Though it takes many levels to even get access to it, it’s worth the investment in time and resources, especially for fire-stressing mages.

It conjures a barrage of flaming meteors that pummel those in its range with loads of immediate damage and Fire Accumulation. This is worth ranking up — as the high Essence cost is reduced, and the meteors break upon impact when doing so, further spreading the inferno of destruction.

Avowed Tag Page Cover Art


February 18, 2025


Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Violence


Xbox Game Studios

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