Best Builds For KCD2

Best Builds For KCD2

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  • Stick to archetypes like The Longbow Marksman or The Stealth Assassin to thrive in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
  • Explore diverse playstyles like The Mounted Knight or The Two-Handed Slayer to tackle the game’s challenges.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 takes everything that made the first game great, like deliberate combat, deep RPG mechanics, and the brutal realization that being a medieval peasant wasn’t exactly hero material, then doubles the scope. Whether you want to be a noble knight, a sneaky rogue, or a shrewd diplomat, the game lets you mold the ideal Henry to tackle 15th century Bohemia.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Hardest Achievements To Unlock

These achievements are the most difficult you’ll encounter in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Despite Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 lacking any rigidly defined classes, sticking to certain archetypes will help guide your playstyle. If you want to thrive instead of barely surviving (or constantly running from angry guards), you’ll want to build Henry right. Here are the best ways to turn yourself into a medieval legend.


The Longbow Marksman

Let’s be honest, melee combat in Kingdom Come can be tough, so why not just avoid it altogether? The Longbow Marksman build is all about picking off enemies before they even know where you are. Prioritizing Eagle Eye, Surprise Attack and Hal Shot First makes you a silent, long-range nightmare. Just don’t expect to be great in close combat. If an enemy gets in your face, you’re probably in trouble.

You’ll want a Yew War Bow or Cuman Bow, combined with Long Distance Arrows for maximum damage. Wear light armor like a Brigandine Vest so you can still move quickly (hit-and-run tactics will be your best friend).


The Stealth Assassin

A player in kingdom come deliverance 2 assassinating an NPC.

While chivalrous duels may have been all the rage in the 15th century, a well-placed dagger can also be just as effective. The Stealth Assassin build is all about sneaking past enemies, taking them down quietly, and possibly even making off with their valuables. The Weasel Boy, One Way or Another, and Escape Artist perks make you virtually undetectable, especially if you stick to the shadows.

If you’re feeling extra sneaky, the Natural Camouflage perk turns you into an almost invisible (albeit dirty) ghost.

Your best weapon is a dagger for a quick assassination, and a bow for taking out guards from a distance. You’ll want to wear dark, quiet clothes/armor like a Blackened Chainmail Shirt and Dark Gambeson. If you like the idea of solving your problems with a knife in the back instead of a frontal assault, this is the way to go.


The Highwayman

Why work hard when you can just take other people’s stuff? The Highwayman build is for those who want to embrace the life of an outlaw, robbing travelers, ambushing patrols, and generally causing chaos. Key perks like Lawbreaker, Back Alley Skirmisher, and River make you a real menace in close combat, while Trafficker helps you sell your goodies after stealing them.

Your weapon of choice should be a Heavy Mace or War Axe, perfect for smashing through armor. A Shield adds some extra protection, and wearing a Chainmail Hauberk with a Lamellar Vest gives you enough defense to survive those inevitable guard chases. If you want to live fast and die wealthy, the Highwayman build is the perfect mix of violence and opportunism.


The Cunning Diplomat

A player in kingdom come deliverance 2 negotiating with a merchant.

Not every problem needs a sword to solve it. Sometimes, all you need is a sharp tongue and a fancy shirt. The Cunning Diplomat build turns Henry into a medieval con artist, capable of sweet-talking nobles, deceiving guards, and persuading merchants to give better prices. Key perks like Silver Tongue, Jack of All Trades, and Ladies Man make sure your words hit as hard as any sword. Maximizing your Charisma and Speech skills quickly is also important.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 8 Hardest Bosses

You’ll have a tough time with these bosses in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

You’ll want to wear clothes like the Noble’s Tunic or some classy spectacles. Not for protection, of course, but because looking rich actually makes people take you more seriously. If you’re adept at alchemy, you can also craft perfumes to give you social boosts. If you hate grinding for groschen or dealing with constant fights, this build lets you negotiate your way through the game by charming, bribing, and outwitting everyone in your path.


The Duelist

If you like the idea of winning fights with finesse rather than brute strength, the Duelist build is for you. This build is all about speed, precision, and counterattacks. Basically, you’ll feel like a true master of the blade. Mastering perfect dodges and Master Strikes make you a nightmare for opponents, letting you turn their attacks against them. Just don’t expect to tank hits like a knight wearing full plate. This build is about not getting hit at all.

For weapons, grab options like the Silver Rapier or Noble Short Sword. Both are great for quick slashes and precise thrusts. Wear light armor, like a padded gambeson and leather gloves, so you can move like a shadow and strike like a viper. It’s a high-risk, high-reward build, but if you get good at it, you’ll make knights in clunky armor look like lumbering fools.


The Mounted Knight

A player attacking from horseback in kingdom come deliverance 2.

If you’ve ever dreamed of charging into battle on horseback like a true knight, look no further. Mounted combat is surprisingly effective in Kingdom Come 2, and perks like War Horse, Knight Training, and Into the Fray make you a force to be reckoned with. With the right setup, you can skewer enemies on your halberd before they even react.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – 9 Best Characters

These are the best characters you’ll meet in KCD2.

Equip a polearm for devastating cavalry charges, and keep a sword handy for fights when you’re on foot. Wearing full-plate armor will also take advantage of the speed of your horse without the mobility drawback. Since your warhorse is just as important as gear, you’ll want to prioritize one with high speed and endurance.


The Two-Handed Slayer

A player in full plate armor attacking a guard in kingdom come deliverance 2.

This is the build for players who don’t care about speed or subtlety and just want to hit things really, really hard. The Two-Handed Slayer build is all about maximizing damage, with perks like One Man Army, Brute Force, and Blunt Force Trauma turning you into a medieval wrecking ball. Sure, you might be slow, but when you land a hit, it’s over for whoever is on the receiving end.

The best weapons for this build are Heavy Weapons such as warhammers or axes. You’ll also want to wear heavy plate armor – you’re already slow, so you might as well become a tank. Walking into battle like an unstoppable juggernaut will make you a nightmare for your enemies.

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