All Unique Accessories In Dawnshore

All Unique Accessories In Dawnshore

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Dawnshore is the first region players visit after starting Avowed. The region is expansive, with its centerpiece being Paradis City. Players can find unique accessories with great buffs early on in the game by exploring the city, the Shantytown near it, or even braving the wilds of the Southern Embrace. Most of the accessories found in this region will range from common to fine quality, so don’t expect to find any exceptional or superb accessories yet.


All Missable Quests & Items In Avowed

Various quests and items can easily be missable during your playthrough of Avowed, here’s a list of them to help you keep track of them.

All Unique Accessories in the Dawnshore region of Avowed

All Dawnshore Unique Accessories Avowed

Players can find over 10 unique accessories in the Dawnshore region of Avowed. These are some of the best amulets, rings, and trinkets to equip you and get an instant stat boost for your characters. Here are the complete details of all of these unique accessories.






Bitter Bonding

From a Paradis Citizen in Shantytown

  • 1% of your Attack Damage is restored as Health

Band of Transcendent Suffering

Paradis Market District

  • +35% Melee Damage
  • -100% Damage Reduction

Arcanist’s Ring

Castol’s Folly

Delver’s Caution

Quest reward for “Dawntreader”

  • +1 Dexterity
  • +15% Parkour Speed

Ring of Many Stars

Sanza’s quest

  • Conjure magical homing projectiles that bounce between targets

Vindictive Band

Quest reward for Cabin Fever

  • Critical Hits deal Poison Damage

Wayfarer’s Ring

South of Runyd’s Home

  • +20% Health and Essence regeneration from Potions and Food


The Fantastic Alembic

Quest reward for Precious Light

  • Drinking a potion clears all your accumulations

Night-Mistress’ Favor

Quest reward for A Lady Never Tells

  • Slowly regenerate Essence while close to a Companion

Rathun Figurine

Purchase from a Merchant in Shantytown


Enchanted Suolenet

Quest reward for Lost Suoles

  • +20% currency when looting coins


Reward for Completing all Bounties in Dawnshore

  • -3% damage from Kith
  • +10% damage from other sources

Steel Garrote Medallion

Nacib Spider Bounty Arena in Ruinous Cavern

White Key Cameo

Claviger Eamund’s Estate

  • Restore 50% of your Maximum Health when reviving a Companion

So, there are all the unique accessories that players can find in the Dawnshore region of Avowed. Although all offer great stat-boosting properties, Bitter Bonding, Band of Transcendent Suffering, Night-Mistress’ Favor, and The Fantastic Alembic are among the best ones you can equip on your character.

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