All Oracle Crates In Way Of The Winter

All Oracle Crates In Way Of The Winter

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The Lunar Oracle event in Once Human is a great opportunity to get a lot of event-specific resources and obtain some high-level weapons and gear with a little bit of grinding. Aside from the Crimson Moon reward track, the event has also spread around some special crates that only appear during the Lunacy hours.


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Opening these chests by investing Lunar Whispers guarantees highly valuable drops, but with the game’s gigantic map in the Way of the Winter scenario, it would take so much time to find the exact location of the crates one by one, especially knowing that not every outpost has Oracle crates.

Frost Forge, Vena Fjord

Frost Forge - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (-2424, 5017)
  • Crate 2: (-2317, 5109)
  • Crate 3: (-2296, 4967)

Located on the west side of Vena Fjord, Frost Forge is home to three Lunar Oracle crates, and all of them can be spotted easily once the player gets close enough to the coordinates. The best way to travel to Frost Forge is to unlock the fast travel tower on the east side of the base and then glide from there all the way down into the base.

Keep in mind that the third crate is located inside a building, which is heavily guarded by armed enemies and an elite creature during Lunacy.

Avalanche Monolith, Vena Fjord

Avalanche Monolith - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (34, 4507)
  • Crate 2: (-41, 4815)

This location is guarded by hostile soldiers and snipers. There is a travel tower inside the site, but it cannot be unlocked before entering the base, which is not even required. The first chest is located in a storage area north of the gate entrance to the base. You don’t enter the base, though.

The second chest is actually next to a watchdog tower at the north of the base, adjacent to the main road. You can glide from the base towards the watchdog tower or use a nearby zipline.

Fiskur Harbor, Vena Fjord

Fiskur Harbor - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (782, 6577)
  • Crate 2: (640, 6674)
  • Crate 3: (840, 6769)
  • Crate 4: ​​​​​​​(676, 6957)

Fiskur Harbor is one of the rich destinations when it comes to Lunar Oracle crates, with two crates outside the harbor and two more inside. The first chest is located right next to the western entrance gate of the harbor, while the second one is in front of a small house on the opposite side of the harbor, a little bit away from the first crate.

The third chest is located near the Rift at the eastern port. Finally, the fourth chest can be found inside the Rippley Shipyard, northwest of the harbor.

Hiverail, Vena Fjord

Hiverail - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (1292, 4673)
  • Crate 2: (1337, 4382)
  • Crate 3: (1273, 4308)

Hiverail is an interesting outpost with a spiral platform in its southern part. The first chest is located on the outside area of the Hiverail in the northern parts, but for the second and third crates, the player needs to go through the entrance building gates to the south and then glide all the way down.

The second chest is downstairs and easily spottable, but the third crate is at the west side of the center of the spiral. So, glide toward the spiral and then use the jump booster platforms to climb up until you reach the aforementioned coordination.


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Mousseville, Onyx Tundra

Mousseville - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (5122,4688)
  • Crate 2: (5231, 4623)
  • Crate 3: (5389, 4617)
  • Crate 4: (5307, 4765)

Mouseville is one of the entry-level outposts in the Way of the Winter, and it comes with four chests, all located in pretty easy spots. Just following the coordination will directly lead you to the crates, with their oracle eclipse visible from afar.

Only the third chest might be a bit tricky to find, which is located on the frozen lake right beneath a circular building.

TAIGA Containment Center, Onyx Tundra

TAIGA - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (3514, 3989)
  • Crate 2: (3565, 3967)
  • Crate 3: (3564, 3788)

There is a fast travel tower on the eastern side of TAIGA, which allows the player to glide directly onto the base. The first crate is quite visible while gliding, while the second one is hidden behind a bridge and a staircase, which requires the player to glide all the way down to the lower level of the base.

The final crate is located inside the main building. It is recommended to go back to the fast travel tower again, and this time around, glide towards the big yellow entry gate located at the middle of the building at a higher level. Head inside through the gate and get past the reception area, where you will find a massive rectangular room with the crate located at the middle of it, behind a big machine.

Fort Obsidian, Onyx Tundra

Fort Obsidian - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (5488, 3421)
  • Crate 2 Cave Entrance: (5473, 3109)

The first crate in Fort Obsidian is pretty easy to spot as it is located just next to the main road. The second one, however, is inside a cave, and the coordination for it refers to the cave entrance and not the crate itself.

So, head towards the coordination and enter the cave, then take the stairs to enter the base inside. The Lunar Oracle crate should be visible next to a tall watch tower.

Sunshroud Cave, Ember Strands

Sunshroud - Once Human
  • Cave Entrance: (-5768, 7251)
  • Crate 1: (-5696, 7426)
  • Crate 2: (-5915, 7311)
  • Crate 3: (-5806, 7363)
  • Crate 4: (-6000, 7282)

Located in the highest-level area of the scenario, Sunshroud Cave is a deadly place for under-level players but also hosts four Lunar Oracle crates. Three of these crates are inside the cave, with only one of them located outside. So, before you can get to the first three coordinations, you must go to the cave entrance and head inside, then explore the cave to find the crates.

It is strongly recommended to carry a good amount of Adrenaline Shots, as well as healing items, as this location has a lot of normal and elite enemies at the highest level. Also, the platform inside is surrounded by lava, which makes it difficult to maneuver without risk.

Ashenton, Ember Strands

Ashenton - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (-6393, 4701)
  • Crate 2: (-6427, 4613)
  • Crate 3: (-6286, 4735)
  • Crate 4: (-6311, 4836)
  • Crate 5: (-6504, 4802)

Aside from the lava rivers homing around it, Ashenton is a pretty easy place to navigate, with all the chests located at ground level on the aforementioned coordinates. So, as long as the players can deal with the high-level elite enemies, there will be no problem finding the Lunar Oracle crates.

Fire God Research Center, Ember Strands

Fire God - Once Human
  • Crate 1: (-5024, 3195)
  • Crate 2: (-5108, 3231)
  • Crate 3: (-5087, 3231)
  • Crate 4: (-5214, 3296)
  • Crate 5: (-5264, 3196)

This research center is located to the south of Ember Strands, and it comes with multiple levels. There will be a lot of stairs to go up and down on this site, but it is no big deal as long as the players go exactly to the set coordinates. All crates are located in the outpost, so there is no need to exit the base.

The enemies in this base are armed soldiers, and a good sniper rifle can come in handy to take them down before taking serious damage.

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July 9, 2024


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