Palworld: All Custom Settings Explained

Palworld: All Custom Settings Explained

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Minimum and Maximum Value

Recommended Usage

Day Time Speed

Lower values make daytime last longer, while higher values shorten it.

0.1 to 5

This setting can help you pass the daytime quicker, leading to shorter days. Since some resources reset on a daily basis, setting its value to maximum can help you gather them faster.

Night Time Speed

Lower values make nighttime last longer, while higher values shorten it.

0.1 to 5

Similar to daytime speed, this setting affects nighttime duration. You can extend nighttime if you want to catch more nocturnal Pals.

Auto Save Interval

Controls the time gap between automatic game saves.

  • 1 minute
  • 5 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 30 minutes

Lowering this interval reduces the risk of losing progress in case of crashes or disconnections.

EXP Rate

Higher values increase the amount of experience points gained.

0.1 to 20

If you want to level up faster in Palworld, increasing the EXP Rate is the best way to do it.

Pal Capture Rate

Higher values improve the chances of capturing Pals.

0.5 to 2

Increase this setting if you’re struggling to catch high-level or rare Pals.

Pal Appearance Rate

Higher values increase the number of Pals that spawn.

0.5 to 3

Increase this setting if you want to find multiple copies of the same Pal. However, too many Pals on-screen can affect performance.

Damage from Pals Multiplier

Adjusts the damage dealt by both wild and captured Pals.

0.1 to 5

Lowering this multiplier makes it easier to survive against powerful Pals, but it also reduces the damage your Pals deal.

Damage to Pals Multiplier

Adjusts the damage received by both wild and captured Pals.

0.1 to 5

Increasing this multiplier lets you defeat Pals more quickly, making boss fights easier.

Pal Hunger Depletion Rate

Controls how quickly a Pal’s hunger decreases.

0.1 to 5

If you dislike constantly refilling food supplies, lowering this setting will make Pals stay full longer.

Pal Stamina Reduction Rate

Controls how quickly a Pal’s stamina depletes.

0.1 to 5

Lower this setting to slow down stamina consumption, allowing Pals to work longer.

Pal Auto HP Regeneration Rate

Adjusts the rate at which a Pal’s health regenerates automatically.

0.1 to 5

Increasing this setting allows Pals to recover health more quickly, sometimes even outpacing incoming damage.

Pal Sleep HP Regeneration Rate

Adjusts the rate at which a Pal’s health regenerates while sleeping.

0.1 to 5

This can be useful if you don’t want to adjust the auto HP regeneration rate but still want Pals to heal faster while sleeping.

Damage from Player Multiplier

Adjusts the damage dealt by players.

0.1 to 5

Increasing this makes combat easier by letting you deal more damage. However, be cautious in multiplayer servers.

Damage to Player Multiplier

Adjusts the damage received by players.

0.1 to 5

Lower this to take less damage from enemies and environmental hazards.

Player Hunger Depletion Rate

Controls how quickly the player’s hunger decreases.

0.1 to 5

Lowering it allows you to survive longer without needing food frequently.

Player Stamina Reduction Rate

Controls how quickly the player’s stamina depletes.

0.1 to 5

Lowering this makes stamina last longer, useful for extended exploration and combat.

Player Auto HP Regeneration Rate

Adjusts the rate at which the player’s health regenerates automatically.

0.1 to 5

Increase this to recover health more quickly outside of combat.

Player Sleep HP Regeneration Rate

Adjusts the rate at which the player’s health regenerates while sleeping.

0.1 to 5

Increase this to recover more health while sleeping.

Damage to Structure Multiplier

Adjusts the amount of damage dealt to structures when attacked.

0.5 to 3

If you have raids enabled, lowering this multiplier helps protect your base from attacks.

Structure Deterioration Rate

Determines the rate at which structures outside your base take damage over time.

0 to 10

If you don’t want structures outside your base to deteriorate, set this to zero.

Maximum Number of Dropped Items in a World

Limits the number of items that can remain on the ground. Items exceeding this limit will be deleted.

0 to 5000

The default value of 3000 is decent, but lowering it may improve performance.

Gatherable Items Multiplier

Adjusts the amount of resources obtained from mining, cutting trees, farming, etc.

0.5 to 3

This setting helps in early-game resource gathering, especially if you lack efficient Pals.

Gatherable Objects HP Multiplier

Adjusts the durability (HP) of farmable resources like ores and trees.

0.5 to 3

Lowering this allows you to mine resources faster.

Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval

Sets the time required for farmable resources to regenerate.

0.5 to 3

Use this to make resources respawn faster, but rotating between different areas is often a better strategy.

Dropped Items Multiplier

Higher values increase the number of item drops from Pals.

0.5 to 3

Use this setting to improve your chances of obtaining rare drops, like blueprints.

Item Weight Rate

Adjusts the weight of items in your inventory. Lower values reduce item weight.

0 to 10

If you find item weight management annoying, setting this to zero removes weight restrictions.

Meteorite/Supply Drop Interval

Controls the time between meteorite or supply drops.

1 to 999

Lowering this timer increases the frequency of meteorite and supply drops. Meteorites bring rare Pals, while supply drops contain valuable loot.

Incubate Egg Timer

Lower values reduce the time needed for eggs to hatch.

0 to 240

Setting this to zero makes Pal eggs hatch instantly in an incubator.

Enable Raid Events

When enabled, your base can be raided by wild Pals and factions.


Raids can be challenging but provide free loot and new Pals. If you prefer a peaceful experience, disable this setting. Not to be confused with raid bosses like Bellanoir.

Enable Predator Pals

When enabled, Predator Pals will spawn in the world.


Predator Pals drop Predator Cores, which are needed for crafting. It’s recommended to keep this enabled.

Death Penalty

Determines what happens when you die.

  • No Drops (keep all items)
  • Drop All Items Except Equipment
  • Drop All Items
  • Drop All Items and Pals.

Choose based on your preferred difficulty. Casual players may prefer No Drops to avoid losing progress.

Max Number of Guilds

Sets the maximum number of guilds allowed.

1 to 100

This setting is relevant only for multiplayer servers.

Max Number of Bases per Guild

Limits how many bases each guild can own.

3 to 10

Choose the number of bases based on your playstyle, but note that higher values can affect performance.

Max Pals Working at Base

Determines the maximum number of Pals that can work at a base.

1 to 50

Higher values mean more efficiency, but it may also impact performance.

Max Structures per Base

Limits the number of structures that can be built in a base.

  • 500
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
  • No Limit

Choose a value based on your base-building needs. No limit may cause performance issues.

Random Pal Mode

When enabled, random Pals will spawn in the world.

  • No Randomization
  • Randomize by Region
  • Completely Random

This can make Palworld feel more unpredictable and diverse.


If Random Pal Mode is enabled, entering a seed changes which Pals spawn.


Useful for customizing Pal spawns when using Random Pal Mode.

Enable Fast Travel

Allows the use of fast travel points.


Keep this on if you want to move quickly across the map.

Hardcore Mode: Player Death

If enabled, dying results in a permanent game over.


Recommended for extreme challenge seekers.

Hardcore Mode: Pal Permadeath

If enabled, Pals cannot be revived once they die.


Use this if you want a more challenging and realistic experience.

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