How to Complete the Antiquity Economic Legacy Path in Civ 7

How to Complete the Antiquity Economic Legacy Path in Civ 7

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Civilization 7 introduces Legacy Paths, a method of progression that is separate from victory conditions but tied to them nonetheless. In each age, players have four legacy paths, each corresponding to one of the victory paths that they need to follow in order to obtain Attribute Points for each milestone that they complete.

If you complete an entire legacy path, you will get a reward that will carry over to the next age, drastically boosting your capability in one way or another. The economic legacy path in the antiquity era is called the Silk Roads, and it can be a little difficult to complete.


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How to Complete the Silk Roads Legacy Path in Civ 7

All Requirements & Steps

The goal of Silk Roads is simple: assign 20 Resources to your Settlements. You don’t have to assign all 20 to one single settlement; they can be spread around the different cities and towns in your empire.

However, you do need to assign the resources, meaning that you need at least 20 slots in your empire collectively that can hold the resources; just obtaining the resources isn’t enough. While the overarching goal is fairly simple, if hard to accomplish, there are six steps in total that you need to complete:

  1. Study the Code of Laws civic and unlock the merchant civilian unit.
  2. Create a trade route to a foreign civilization using the merchant.
  3. Improve Trade Relations with another empire to create multiple trade routes.
  4. Slot 7 resources to achieve the first milestone of the Silk Roads legacy path.
  5. Slot 14 resources to achieve the second milestone.
  6. Slot 20 resources to complete the Silks Road legacy path.


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Tips for Increasing Resource Acquisition in the Antiquity Era

There are two main things you need to worry about when trying to complete the antiquity economy legacy path in Civ 7: obtaining resources and unlocking resource slots to put those resources in. Getting resource slots isn’t too difficult, but getting the necessary resources can be challenging.

  • Settling strategy: Make sure you create as many towns and cities as possible. Find strategic locations with access to 3 or more resource tiles to progress the Silk Roads legacy path.
  • Become the trade capital: Improve relations with as many nations as possible and create an army of merchants in order to reach every settlement you possibly can. The more people you trade with, the more resources you’ll have.
  • Friendly relations: It is important to keep your neighbors happy and docile, or else they will wage war on you for your expansionist actions. You can’t avoid incurring their wrath since you need to secure as many resources as possible, but having enough influence to maintain good relations with them is important so you don’t get diverted by a war.
  • Camels: One of the more important ways to increase your resource holding capacity is by securing Camels. Camels are a city resource that lets a city hold +2 resources. This includes the slot it uses itself, letting the player slot in three more resources after allocating a camel into a city.
  • Starting Civilization: Aksumite or Mississippian are your best bets when it comes to maximizing resource acquisition. They both have unique civics that increase the resource capacity of your empire. The Mississippian Civ only increases the capacity in your capital, whereas the Aksumite Civ increases it in every settlement on the coast or a navigable river.


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Rewards for Completing the Silk Roads Legacy Path in Civ 7

For each milestone you complete in the Silk Roads legacy path, you will gain a unique legacy option and an economic legacy point. You can use your legacy point at the start of the new age to buy legacy options that you unlock by completing the milestones.


Unlocked Legacies



First Milestone Reward

Economic Attribute Point

Gain 1 Economic Attribute Point.

1 Economic Legacy Point

Second Milestone Reward

Master Caravaneer

+5 Gold for every Trade Route in Antiquity.

2 Economic Legacy Points

Third Milestone Reward

Silk Roads Golden Age

All your cities from the previous age remain cities.

2 Economic Legacy Points

Sid Meier's Civilization VII Tag Page Cover Art

Grand Strategy

Turn-Based Strategy



February 11, 2025

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