How To Befriend My Sweet Piano In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

How To Befriend My Sweet Piano In Hello Kitty Island Adventure
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A majority of the characters in Hello Kitty Island Adventure will be available either from the start or relatively early into the game. Still, there are a handful of other characters that you will need to work for in order to officially meet them. One such character is My Sweet Piano.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Usahana Character Guide

Usahana is a colorful little bunny found within City Town in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Here, you can learn how to find and befriend her.

In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to unlock, meet, and befriend My Sweet Piano in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. This will cover all prerequisite quests that you will need to complete, as well as the rewards for leveling up your friendship with her.

Where To Find My Sweet Piano

A player unlocking My Sweet Piano in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

My Sweet Piano needs to be unlocked through the questline called A Friend Indeed. This consists of three different quests that occur back-to-back. In order to start the first quest, you’ll need to reach friendship level 15 with My Melody, who is My Sweet Piano’s best friend.

Part One

Once you reach this friendship level, head to my Melody and begin Part One. This portion of the quest tasks you with gathering the following items.

  • 10x Woodblock
  • 10x Mechanism
  • 10x Fabric

These can all be crafted from a crafting station. Woodblocks require either Sticks or Coconuts, Mechanisms require Gizmos (from Chococat), and Fabric requires Thread (from Tuxedosam).

After giving these gifts to My Melody, you will need to wait one real-life day in order to start Part Two.

Part Two

The second step of this quest requires you to get even more gifts for My Sweet Piano. In total, you will need to make six gift boxes, which we’ve listed on the table below along with the required materials.


Required Materials

Aquatic Gift

1x Gift Box

10x Seashell

Gift Box

3x Box Clam

1x Starfish

Rocky Gift

1x Gift Box

10x Shiny

Swampy Gift

1x Gift Box

10x Mushroom

Tropical Gift

1x Gift Box

10x Sand Dollar

Volcanic Gift

1x Gift Box

10x Obsidian

After giving My Melody all of these, you’ll need to give My Sweet Piano’s invitation to Cinnamoroll. Once this is done, you will then need to wait one more day.

Part Three

My Sweet Piano dropping into the Island Resort in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

The third and final part of this quest is pretty simple. There is nothing that you will actually need to do; just watch My Sweet Piano drop from the sky like she’s in a battle royale, and then you’ve officially unlocked her!

After moving to the island, you can find My Sweet Piano in Small Gift Big Smile, along with My Melody. My Sweet Piano will typically be in the side room of the shop.

Gifts To Give My Sweet Piano

Like everyone else, My Sweet Piano likes to receive gifts. Overall, she likes items with the Cloud, Wood, and Creative tags. These look like clouds, a log, and a lightbulb. If an item has at least one of these tags, it will be a one-heart gift.

You can also gift her two and three-heart gifts. Compared to other characters, My Sweet Piano has a lot of two-heart gifts. You can find all of her two and three-heart gifts listed below.



3 Heart

Colorful Lamb Plush

2 Heart

Aquatic Lamb Plush

Dreamy Lamb Plush

Lamb Plush

Rocky Lamb Plush

Swampy Lamb Plush

Tropical Lamb Plush

Volcanic Lamb Plush

Blue Tree Cloud

Pink Tree Cloud

In return for giving her a gift, My Sweet Piano will give you some Wool. This is used to make Basic Plushes, as well as cottage furniture.

If you’ve just met her, you may be wondering where in the world to get these gifts. Thankfully, there are a few options for you to give her. If you are going for basic options, you can give her Woodblocks and Basic Plushes, which are crafted with just three Wool.

The themed plushes can be good gifts, but many of them are a bit resource-heavy. If you have limited material, we recommend gifting her candles and the plushes if you have enough resources to spare.

After unlocking Cloud Island and the Candy Cloud Machine, you can make Sweet Clouds, which just takes a Candy Cloud and either Sugarkelp or Swampmallow.

Friendship Rewards

A player growing their friendship with My Sweet Piano in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

My Sweet Piano has 20 friendship levels that you can progress through, each with its own reward. Overall, these rewards tend to be crafting plans; you will get a lot of plans for cottage-themed furniture.

Below, you can check out every level, as well as what the rewards are.

Quests From My Sweet Piano

My Sweet Piano telling the player to wait a day in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Through leveling up your friendship with My Sweet Piano, you’ll unlock the following two quests.



The Fun In Furniture

This quest requires you to gather some simple materials and ultimately unlock the option to customize furniture.

My Furniture Finale

This quest tasks you with making your own Furniture Customizer, which can be placed in cabins.

Daily Quests

Lastly, we have daily quests related to My Sweet Piano. In total, there are a lot, but don’t feel overwhelmed. You won’t see all of these at the same time; you may even go a few days without seeing any. Additionally, some of these daily quests are currently only available for mobile players.

The reward for these quests is friendship with My Sweet Piano.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: How To Unlock City Town

Here, you can learn how to complete the quests necessary to access City Town for the first time in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

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