How To Activate Every Astral Anomaly In Two Point Museum

How To Activate Every Astral Anomaly In Two Point Museum
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Sending your Space Experts off to explore the Known Universe in Two Point Museum will often yield Astral Anomalies, mysterious artifacts of an ancient alien species. These strange devices all have a purpose, but until you can activate them, you won’t know what it is.


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When enough Astral Anomalies are placed together in the correct combination, they’ll transform, adding a bonus effect to any guests that view them. This makes them some of the best Exhibits in the game, but only if you have precisely the right setup. Here is everything you need to know about Astral Anomalies and activating them for these bonuses.

How To Activate Astral Anomalies

If you look closesly at each Astral Anomaly, you’ll see a symbol near its center. If the Anomaly is activated, it will power any Anomalies within its effect radius that have that symbol as a requirement. Most Anomalies have two to three symbols, usually marked around their base or their outer casing, which show the Anomalies that need to be placed nearby to activate them.

Celestial Cells, the most basic Astral Anomalies, are always activated, and come in three types; Triangles, Circles, and Squares. These are used to activate the more advanced Anomalies. Cells and Anomalies can power more than one device.

Since some Astral Anomalies, especially the more advanced ones found in the deepest reaches of space, require other, fully-activated Anomalies in order to function, you’ll likely need to activate several Anomalies in sequence. That makes it a good idea to keep them all displayed in a single, large room, where they can all power one another easily.


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Every Astral Anomaly In Two Point Museum

Use this chart to reference each Astral Anomaly and its activation combination, without having to continuously cross-reference the symbols in-game.

Solar System

The Triangle and Circle Celestial Cells can be found in Two Point Orbit, while the Square Celestial Cell is located on The Moon.


Activated Device




Galactic Bulb

Cybegonia Flower

Two Point Orbit

2 Triangle Cells, 1 Circle Cell

Temporarily prevents guests from losing Environment happiness.

Table Of Cosmos

Theoretical Extrapolator

The Moon

1 Circle Cell, 1 Square Cell, 1 Cybegonia Flower

Provides 1 additional Knowledge to Info Stands within range.

Cheesemoonger System


Activated Device




Space Ball

Anatomic Fabricator


2 Square Cells, 1 Triangle Cell

Periodically creates unique Space Decorations.

Orbit Totem

Therasonic Amplifier

Blue Cheese Moon

1 Triangle Cell, 1 Circle Cell, 1 Anatomic Fabricator

Increases the overall Happiness of nearby guests and staff.

Decorations created by the Anatomic Fabricator can be picked up and dragged from its center once completed.

Space Gibbon Moons


Activated Device




Blending Gears

Culinary Compounder

Gibbon Moon One

2 Circle Cells, 1 Square Cell

Guests can interact with this Exhibit to get Food and Drink.

Pressure Pod

Lavatory Laboratory

Gibbon Moon Two

1 Square Cell, 1 Triangle Cell, 1 Culinary Compounder

Serves as a toilet that doesn’t need maintenance.

Moon Junk

Aligner Recliner

Gibbon Moon Three

1 Square Cell, 1 Anatomic Fabricator, 1 Therasonic Amplifier

Guests can sit down to recover Energy.

Guests tend to form large queues to try the Aligner Recliner, so try to collect several if you can.

Frogborne System


Activated Device




Ballistic Antennae

Universal Grasper

Satelilly Pade

1 Circle Cell, 1 Culinary Compounder, 1 Lavatory Laboratory

Increases the Entertainment of guests who interact with this Exhibit.

Stellar Sting

Buzz Pollinator

Hyperway Services

1 Culinary Compounder, 1 Lavatory Laboratory, 1 Universal Grasper

Guests who walk by get 10% more Buzz from all Exhibits for a limited time.

Anomalonian System


Activated Device




Star Cannon

Publicity Ray

Hayley’s Comet

1 Triangle Cell, 1 Cybegonia Flower, 1 Theoretical Extrapolator

Guests who interact with this Exhibit have their Desire To Stay increased.

Drop Platform


Hayley’s Comet

1 Anatomic Fabricator, 1 Therasonic Amplifier, 1 Aligner Recliner

Guests who interact with this Exhibit get a temporary boost to their movement speed.

Podium Of Pain

Astral Archway

Anomalonian Archives

1 Cybegonia Flower, 1 Theoretical Extrapolator, 1 Publicity Ray

Guests who interact with this Exhibit get a Happiness boost.

Puzzle Piece

Perception Desk

Anomalonian Archives

1 Buzz Pollinator, 1 Pedi-Pond, 1 Astral Archway

Increases the Buzz, Knowledge, and Happiness of guests who interact with this Exhibit.


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