All Romanceable Characters In Hades 2

All Romanceable Characters In Hades 2

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  • Hades 2 introduces new Greek characters and romance options for Melinoe.
  • Melinoe can use various items to deepen connections with characters, including Nectar, Ambrosia, Twin Fishing Lures, and Bath Salts.
  • Potential romanceable characters include Dora, Eris, Nemesis, Moros, Odysseus, and Icarus, while other characters like Herakles and Narcissus may become romance options in the future.

Supergiant Games hit a home run with their roguelike game Hades. The studio surprise-released the much-awaited sequel Hades 2 in May of 2024 as an Early Access title. With the game came an all-new protagonist named Melinoe, Zagreus’ little sister and lost daughter of the House of Hades. However, many of the characters fans know from the House like Nyx or Megaera aren’t around this time.


Hades 2: Every Character Based On A Greek God

Hades 2 feature more Greek gods granting boons and buffs, and while not all of them are based solely on ancient myth, the vast majority are.

Instead, there’s a new cast of Greek characters like Hecate, Melinoe’s mentor and powerful witch. This also means lots of new romance options for our intrepid Mel as she battles through the Underworld (and beyond) to reclaim her birthright. But which characters can Melinoe get close to? Here are all the romanceable characters so far in Hades 2.

Updated on February 24, 2025, by Gerardo Molina: Ever since the first Hades title was released, thousands of players have fallen in love with the amazing game mechanics present and the interesting characters that they can interact with. With a strong focus on the Greek Pantheon and Olympus, this title always has something new to offer players. Being able to romance a few characters is always welcome in a game of this type or any other, as sometimes players might want to do something other than engage in action-packed fights or witty conversations. Although it would have been nice to have more romance options, those available are great and deserve to be explored in depth.

This article contains spoilers for Hades 2. The game remains in Early Access, so the information may change over time.

How To Romance Characters In Hades 2

Melinoe can gift characters Nectar and Ambrosia just like Zagreus did in the original game. However, Hades 2 adds other items to be used, as well, including Twin Fishing Lures and Bath Salts. These items allow Melinoe to deepen her connection with other characters by fishing at the Crossroads or spending time in the hot springs.

The hot springs, while steamy, don’t always suggest romantic interactions and can happen with characters such as Hecate who may not be romanceable in the final game.

Dora – Perhaps…PANdora?

This Shade Has An Air Of Mystery

Hades 2 Possible Romances Dora

There’s a prevailing fan theory that “Dusa” in the original Hades was actually “MEdusa”, the Gorgon of legend who had been cursed to be the way she was. With the same logic, “Dora” in Hades 2 may actually be Pandora — the woman who unleashed horrible things on the world after being given a box and told not to open it. As Melinoe learns more about Dora, she drops some hints as to who she was in her corporeal life, but it remains unclear if she is Pandora.

A romance with Dora, since she is a Shade, may not be the same as it would be with someone like Moros. But it could also be a platonic romance like the one Zagreus had with Dusa in Hades. Only time will tell how Melinoe can fully bond with Dora. While this doesn’t have anything to do with the possibility of romancing her, it should be mentioned that, after the Olympic Update, Dora is recruited by Melinoë to oversee the Crossroads Renewal Project. This allows her to add decorations to the Crossroads through the use of Prestige and some other additional harvested materials.

Eris – Herald Of Discord And Strife

A Unique Twist On What Romance Can Be

Hades 2 Possible Romances Eris

In Hades 2, the romance system has two options: friendly or rival romances. That means that the Player can be a bit adversarial with their companions and still be in a romantic relationship together. Eris sets this tone right from the start — she throws rubbish everywhere, disobeys Hecate, and straight-up fights Melinoë many times. But she is the incarnation of Strife, so she’s just doing what she was created to do….right?


Hades 2: Eris Boss Guide

Eris AKA Strife Incarnate is one of the final bosses you’ll be facing in Hades 2’s Early Access, and she’s not easy. Here’s how to easily beat her.

What sticks out most about the potential Melinoe+Eris romance is that there wasn’t really a romance like this one in the original Hades. All of Zagreus’ options were friendly or affectionate. With this in mind, it will be very interesting to see how their relationship develops once the full game is released. During the Titan War, Eris stole the Adamant Rail from Hestia in an attempt to use it to sow chaos all over the land. However, it’s assumed that her plan never came to fruition, as it’s later explained that the weapon left her possession before she could use it for her intended purposes. Moreover, during the first game, Zagreus is shown to have the Adamant Rail, which raises further questions about the weapon.

An Obvious Choice For Melinoe

Hades 2 Possible Romances Nemesis

Nemesis was one of the first characters teased when Hades 2 first started its marketing rounds. She is an imposing woman clad in full armor and has just as intimidating a demeanor to match. Having sparred with Melinoe her whole life, she now challenges her as she pursues Chronos (despite being ordered to stay at her post in the Crossroads by Hecate). Nemesis’ domineering personality often puts her at odds with Melinoe, but not in a malicious way.

However, through talking with Nemesis and spending time with her at the hot spring, her hard shell begins to crack. The full release of Hades 2 will surely have tons more content regarding a romance with Nemesis for fans to indulge in. The relationship between Melinoë and Nemsis is rather complicated, as they seem to be rivals. However, Nemesis seems to inspire Melinoë in more than one way through said rivalry. While players would probably not be able to guess this just by looking at her, it turns out that Nemesis is older than both Eris and Thanatos. Moreover, Nemesis often mentions that she finds removing some of her armor cumbersome, which is why she chooses to keep it on more often than not.

Moros – Doom Incarnate, But In A Cute Way

A Contrast To Other Romances

Hades 2 Possible Romances Moros

Another child of Nyx, Moros serves the Three Fates as Doom — the last thing mortals see before they die and are sent to the Underworld. He has that same air of mystery about him that all children of Nyx have and an alluring soft-boi aura that melds well with Melinoe’s personality. He’s gentle, inquisitive, and empathetic to boot. He also enjoys bugging Odysseus about how he avoided Moros for all those years despite his many scrapes with death and peril.

All of this makes him an obvious romance choice for the Player in the same way that Thanatos, his brother, was a romance option for Zagreus. However, Mel and Moros differ from Zag and Than in that they haven’t known each other their whole lives. They only meet after Melinoe performs an incantation to summon the Fates. It’s a solid meet-cute and the romance between them should be similarly sweet, warm, and fuzzy.

Odysseus – A Clever (Potentially Still Married) Hero

So Far, He Doesn’t Feel Like A Love Interest

Hades 2 Possible Romances Odysseus

The same Odysseus that tricked the cyclops Polyphemus serves as an advisor to Hecate and Melinoe in their quest to topple Chronos. He’s cheeky, confident, and has tons of wild stories about his travels. But he also frequently talks about his wife, Penelope, and his child.


Hades 2: All Nocturnal Arms (Weapons) & Tools

Take down Chronos with this complete list of weapons and tools in Hades 2.

Though right now it seems Melinoe can romance him, perhaps the game will make it more like Zagreus with Achilles and Patroclus. Our underworld princess can instead reunite Od and his estranged family. Besides, even though Melinoe is a Greek demigod, Od acts more like an uncle to her than a love interest.

Icarus – Ill-fated Old Flame Or Just A Friend?

He And Melinoe Have History

Hades 2 Possible Romances Icarus

The player encounters Icarus top-side after besting Polyphemus and battling through Chronos’ resurrected ship graveyard. He provides aid in battle and gives Melinoe a unique boon of his own. However, the more the player interacts with Icarus, the more information he reveals about his and Melinoe’s relationship — including what may or may not have happened to her arm.

It’s clear that they have some kind of history; whether it was romantic or not remains in question. However, he seems to be of a similar maturity level to Melinoe, and they have chemistry for sure. It stands to reason that he could be romanceable in the full release with lots of unique dialogue and perhaps even a unique quest line or two.

Possible Romances

What Other Characters Could Melinoe Pursue?

Hades 2 Possible Romances

The game makes it more obvious that Mel can romance certain characters over others. Though some suspect she can romance Hecate, it would be a bit weird for Melinoe to romance the person who literally raised her, wouldn’t it? However, there are other characters who could potentially become romanceable.

Consider Herakles, slayer of the Nemean lion and a bit of a stand-offish brute. But also…are they related? Perhaps then Melinoe could romance Narcissus. Of course, Echo the Nymph might not be too happy about that and Narcissus is, as expected, supremely into himself. Fans will just have to wait until the game is more complete to find out who Melinoe can charm with her underworldly wiles.

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