Ways To Shake Up A Second Playthrough In The Legend Of Zelda

Ways To Shake Up A Second Playthrough In The Legend Of Zelda

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Players who loved Breath of the Wild considered the six-year wait for its sequel to be worthwhile. After all, Tears of the Kingdom‘s complex mechanics make it a huge technical achievement, doubly so since it managed to be relatively polished on the Switch despite this console’s limitations.


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The game is full of unique content as players do everything in their power to prevent Ganon’s plans and save Princess Zelda. Even with the lack of any DLC, Tears of the Kingdom is a ripe candidate for a second playthrough, especially since fans can tackle the game in a different way to switch things up meaningfully.


Use Ultrahand In Creative Ways All The Time

The Possibilities Are Limitless

link powering up hand in tears of the kingdom

Ultrahand is easily the best power in Tears of the Kingdom that players will mess around with time and time again. The ability to construct anything and everything helps gameplay feel more dynamic than ever.

If players want to make a second playthrough interesting, then they should try and use this power as much as possible in everything from exploration to combat. Ignoring horses for vehicles, creating drones to aid Link in combat, and completing all the Ultrahand-relevant challenges on the map is a great way for players to push this system to its very limit.


Avoid Using The Glider

Players Can Figure Out New Ways To Stay Afloat

tears of the kingdom player builds cat

Getting the glider is slightly trickier in Tears of the Kingdom than its predecessor. Players must reach Lookout Landing and complete a series of missions before Link can glide across the air with little to no effort.

However, given the many options Link has to ascend vertically and stay in the air, players should refrain from using the glider whenever possible. Creating parachutes and using Ascend at regular intervals can make a second playthrough way more interesting in the eyes of many.


Make A Beeline For The Hyrule Castle Depths

Try And Get Through The Nightmarish Gauntlet Of The Ending With No Upgrades Or Equipment

Ganondorf unleashes the power of his Secret Stone in The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Just like its predecessor, players don’t restrict Link from heading to Hyrule Castle for the final challenge. However, this time they must explore the depths and deal with a wealth of challenges before eventually reaching Ganon.


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The fight against this foe is infinitely challenging compared to the previous game’s final boss, which can make it hard for underpowered players to deal with his damaging attacks and Gloom buildup. However, players who wish to test out their skills can try and take on this imposing foe from the very moment they leave the Great Sky Island, although they should be ready for a nightmarish trek that ends in a nigh-impossible boss fight for all but the most skilled Tears of the Kingdom players.


Complete Mineru’s Quest Before Being Prompted For The Same

Players Can Find This Hidden Spirit Well Beforehand If They Explore The Skies

Mineru’s Construct in in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

After completing all four main quests and heading to Hyrule Castle, Link will be informed of a fifth Sage whose abilities can aid Link in his travels. This prompts them to reach an obscure section of the Sky Islands that is covered in a thunderstorm and requires Mineru’s mask for players to clear the skies.

However, instead of going through all of this, players with ten hearts can just happen upon the door to Mineru’s mask and unlock the path to the fifth Sage well before the game prompts them. It lets players summon the robot earlier than usual and switches up the order in which they acquire the Sages in a second playthrough.


Avoid Fast Travel Altogether

Exploring The World Organically Feels Great

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom horse rearing

The world of Tears of the Kingdom is bigger and more immersive than ever before, giving Link endless avenues to explore. Given how massive and layered Hyrule is, it’s easy to see why some players would prefer to just fast-travel to cover great distances after a point.

However, in a second playthrough, players should try and avoid any form of fast travel and figure out the quickest ways to get from point A to point B. A horse is reliable, but there’s something about attaching a ton of rockets on something and making it yeet Link to the other side of the map that will never cease to be entertaining.

It’s Easy For Players To Ignore Them And Go About Their Way Otherwise

Korok in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The Koroks are back in Tears of the Kingdom, with some challenges requiring players to mess around with Ultrahand to help two partners reunite. Given how plentiful Koroks are in the open world, some players may prefer to ignore these requests after a point.


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However, players who want to increase their equipment slots as much as possible won’t mind completing every Korok request that comes their way. Some people may even welcome this as a great way to make a second playthrough feel just a tad bit unique if their go-to move was to ignore these Koroks in a first playthrough.


Don’t Run Away From Any Fight

Take On Any Challenge, No Matter How Intimidating It May Be

link hits trick shot on gleeok

Tears of the Kingdom is full of several intimidating foes that players will prefer avoiding unless they’re strong enough. However, in a second playthrough, players will have the skills they need to challenge themselves against these imposing foes.

Instead of running away from the Gloom Hands, Lynels, or Gleeoks that players encounter in their travels, they should rise to the challenge and take out these foes by any means necessary. It’ll be a true test of a player’s skill during a second playthrough, making it all the more satisfying when players deal with this threat easily.

Stamina Isn’t Off-Limits Since It’s Required To Get The Master Sword

Tears of the Kingdom shrine crystal trick

Players must level up their stamina to acquire the Master Sword, but Hearts aren’t required anywhere aside from opening the door to Mineru’s mask. So, anyone who doesn’t mind going through the game with four Sages should challenge themselves by not leveling up their hearts at all.

This makes combat more grueling than ever as players try to avoid one-shot attacks that can end their journey in no time. It’s a refreshing way to challenge players and makes Tears of the Kingdom infinitely more engaging in a second playthrough.




May 12, 2023


Rated E for Everyone 10+ for Fantasy Violence and Mild Suggestive Themes





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