How To Get The Drill In Fisch

How To Get The Drill In Fisch
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Introduced in the Mariana’s Veil update, the Drill is a tool in Roblox’s Fisch that can be very useful when participating in events. At first, you need this tool to collect the five parts of the submarine, but after that it will also be necessary to collect crystals in such locations as Volcanic Vents or Challenger’s Deep.


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The Drill itself is not difficult to obtain and does not require completing tasks since you just need to know where to go. To save you time, this is everything you need to know about a Drill, including where to get it and what you should do with it.

How To Get A Drill

The player character shows Dr. Glimmerfin NPC in the Roslit Bay area in Fisch.

The Mariana’s Veil update introduced a huge cave system to the game, which you can visit by building a submarine. The Drill is the main and only tool that will help you obtain all the parts of the submarine. Since the events take place in the Roslit Bay location, you can get the Drill itself there. This is the initial item, and all you need to get it is to find and talk to Dr. Glimmerfin.

Dr. Glimmerfin is an NPC you may have seen before, but now he plays an important role in The Submarine Depot. Finding this location is not difficult, just sail to Roslit Bay and head North-West. There, near the lighthouse, you will find The Submarine Depot, at the coordinates -1305, 130, 310.

On the platform, next to the submarine, you will find and be able to interact with Dr. Glimmerfin. This NPC will tell you that after the volcanic eruption, parts of the submarine were lost, and you need to find them by breaking rocks. After the dialog, Dr. Glimmerfin will give you a Drill and you can finally proceed with the task.

How To Use A Drill

The player character shows using a Drill on the rock with purple cracks in the Roslit Bay area in Fisch.

The Drill is a simple tool with straightforward mechanics. To use it, first pick it up by selecting it in the active slot. Next, approach the object you want to break and hold down the interact button to start breaking it. In general, there are a few objects that you can break with the Drill, and all of them will be integral to your cave adventures.

However, the first thing you will need a Drill for is to break the rocks with purple cracks and get the submarine parts from them. These rocks are located not far from The Submarine Depot. Just swim around the lighthouse from the other side. By breaking these rocks, you have a five percent chance of getting one of the submarine parts as a drop. You will need to collect five of these parts in total:

  • Back Fins
  • Metal Panels
  • Submarine Top
  • Side Fins
  • Windows

If you’ve already built a submarine and are traveling through underwater caves, you will also need a Drill in such locations as Volcanic Vents and Challenger’s Deep to get Lava and Ice Crystals from the rocks. These resources are ingredients for various crafts to upgrade your submarine, and a Drill is the only way to get them.


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