How To Defeat Typhon In Hades 2

How To Defeat Typhon In Hades 2

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Hades 2’s Warsong Update brings to the table changes big and small, and some far bigger than others. Typhon, the Father of All Monsters, is revealed as the final boss of the surface, and he might just be the size of Olympus itself. Once you fight your way through the darkened Summit, you’ll come face-to-face with Typhon, and you’ll need to be prepared.


Hades 2’s Next Major Update Is Called Warsong, Adds Ares

Hades 2’s next major update has dropped, and it’s bringing back the God of War.

With the Summit opened, new enemies and challenges await. Here, we’ll go over some of the build-up to Typhon, what fighting him looks like, and how you can defeat Melinoe’s biggest threat yet.

Hades 2 is still in Early Access at the point of writing, so some information in this guide may change over time.

The Summit

Melinoë entering the Summit. A large gate with a carving of Zeus is raised before her. It's stormy, dark, and ominous.

The newest region on the surface route is the Summit, opening up after you defeat Prometheus. Here, all the gold and white glory of Olympus is gone. The Summit is all dark colors, writhing tendrils, and breathing stone. The enemies here are often small and quick, but there’s a few larger monsters that can hit hard and stun Melinoe temporarily if they hit.

And every once in a while, the Tail of Typhon will slam down into the field, obliterating both Typhon’s children and you, if you’re in the way. It does telegraph where it falls with a dark, blinking circle, but it can be easy to miss if you’re not paying attention or swarmed by enemies.

Also stalking the Summit are three new minibosses: Typhon’s monstrous children, the Spawn of Typhon and Twins of Typhon, and his own spiny tail, the Tail of Typhon.

What Are Typhon’s Attacks?

Melinoë and Typhon fighting. Typhon is firing exploding red eyeballs at Melinoë, who's dodging to the side.

You’ll fight Typhon at the very top of the Summit, on a surprisingly small battlefield. In front of you is just Typhon’s head, as he’s too big to fit on a more typical battlefield, and maybe most notable of all: he has no health bar.

Melinoe notes that she can’t sense his life force, and at no point will you be able to see how much damage the Father of All Monsters has taken, or how much health is left.

Heavier Attacks

Typhon vulnerable to attack, slumped over with his tongue sticking out.

Typhon’s two most dangerous attacks are a slam and a red whip.

For his slam attack, he drives his head into the battlefield, and it stuns Melinoe for a couple of precious seconds. Before this attack, Typhon raises his head a bit, and his face and horns start sparking red. There’s not a long warning period, though, so react fast. The area of effect isn’t that big, so as long as you aren’t directly beneath Typhon you’re safe from this attack.

The other kicker is Typhon’s tongue, which is a long red whip-like attack that covers almost the entire field. Typhon telegraphs it by pulling back and to one side. It’s a heavy hitter that will deal a lot of damage. You can avoid it by standing right below Typhon—the slam’s danger zone—as it’s the magic part of the whip that does damage, not Typhon’s actual tongue.

Move fast here—dodging the slam might put you at risk of the whip, or vice versa, if you don’t move fast enough.

Lesser Attacks

Melinoë dodging some of Typhon's attacks and spawn. A shockwave races across the field.

For the less dangerous attacks, Typhon will fire projectiles and whirlwinds at Melinoe.

For the projectile attack, Typhon summons floating red eyes around his head like a crown, and fires them down at Melinoe. There’s a lot of them, and they deal damage both when they first hit the ground and a second time as they split apart and ricochet, bouncing a second time.

They move pretty slowly, but there’s a lot of them, and that second burst is harder to keep track of than the first. Moving to the furthest corners might keep the majority away from you. Luckily, they don’t hit as hard as some of Typhon’s other attacks.

The whirlwinds are familiar! They’re pretty much the same as the Harpies in the Rift of Thessaly and Olympus. They’ll take up a lot of space, push you around, and do some damage. Typhon gives a big roar for this one, and breathes the whirlwinds from his mouth.

What Are The Environmental Hazards?

Typhon rears back to breathe out cutting whirlwinds, roaring "KILLLLLL... YOUUU...."

We can’t forget the storm ravaging the Summit—periodically, strong winds will buffet the battlefield. This will push Melinoe to the side if you stand still, away from Typon and potentially into other hazards. Running normally against the wind is slowed, but dashing and sprinting can make some headway. You won’t move during attacks, either, but once that combo is done you’ll likely need to sprint back into position before Melinoe slides away.

And in case you were feeling complacent, Typhon’s Tail—or maybe one of many—is also back. It will slam into the ground and send out a shockwave, as it does when it makes random appearances throughout the Summit. It can’t be damaged, showing up to do a hit-and-run or two before vanishing again.

It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it approach: a growing shadow on the field that only takes two or three seconds before it hits. If you remember seeing it throughout the Summit, it’ll be familiar here.

Summoning Spawn

Spawns of Typhon fighting in the final battle. They've hatched from red eggs and are the big, quadripedal monsters with a big horn for ramming. Melinoë is the one ramming here, though, with the Skull.

Occasionally, Typhon will retreat back into the storm, leaving his children to fight Melinoe.

When he retreats, you will be unable to damage or affect Typhon. He spits red eggs onto the field—try to kill as many as you can before they hatch. You’ll have about ten seconds.

At first, they’ll hatch relatively easy monsters, like the one-eyed Polyps—but as the fight continues, the monsters hatching from the eggs will only get more dangerous. The smaller versions of the Spawn of Typhon miniboss, especially, pack a punch, and have armor that makes dispatching them more difficult.

Try focusing fire on one or two eggs rather than spreading it out, as you likely won’t get all of them before time’s up, so you may as well get at least one.

Later on, you might also see whip-like spines sprout up from the floor, take a few swings, and vanish. It’s also likely that there will be too much going on to really notice. Don’t fret: this is more of an annoyance than a threat, like the whirlwinds.

Second Phase

Zeus joining the fight against Typhon. He appears to the side and fires lightning bolts at Typhon.

After smacking on Typhon for a bit, Zeus will make a guest appearance and blast Typhon with lightning—finally, the gods aiding Melinoe in a more direct manner! This will temporarily knock Typhon out, leaving him and his odd bulbous tongue vulnerable to attack. Hit him as hard as you can here: he’ll only be down for a couple of seconds.

Everything becomes faster here. Typhon’s attacks remain the same, but he moves faster, giving you less time to react. The monsters he spawns will be stronger. And that slam attack of his has a bigger range.

Once defeated, Typhon drops a Void Lens.

What’s The Best Fight Strategy?

A photo of gameplay from Hades 2.

If there’s one thing to load up on before fighting the Father of All Monsters, it should be your Max Life. Many monsters in the Summit and Typhon’s battle hit incredibly hard, and nothing’s worse than losing a fight to one bad hit. Extra Life and methods to block, dodge, or reduce damage taken are always going to be useful.

With how small the battlefield is, hiding and dodging everything is nearly impossible. At a certain point, it might be about deciding what you would rather get hit by.

If you defeat Typhon and later speak to Odysseus in the Crossroads, Melinoe will admit that she didn’t particularly “outwit” Typhon: that all she could do was hit him as hard as she could and hope for the best. And indeed: that’s what you need to do. The battlefield will get crowded and chaotic, full of distractions–very death by a thousand cuts.

Through it all, decide what hits you can take and which you can’t, and keep hitting Typhon with all your might. He’ll make it at least a little bit easier for you: he won’t run away.


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