Every Primary Attribute In Heroes Of Hammerwatch 2.

Every Primary Attribute In Heroes Of Hammerwatch 2.

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Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 is a game all about slowly raising your stats over time with each completed run. You can make your characters stronger by leveling up, finding new gear, buying upgrades for your town, and a whole lot more.


Heroes Of Hammerwatch 2: 8 Beginner Tips

Here are some beginner tips to help you get started in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

There are five main Attributes in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2, which can be increased by equipping certain pieces of gear, or spending Attribute Points that are primarily gained through leveling up. Below, we’ll take a look at all five of the main Attributes, what they do, and which ones are the most useful to improve.



+1 per point

Armor Penetration

+0.15 per point

Spell Power (Paladin and Warrior)

+1 per point

Strength is the primary Attribute for Paladins and Warriors, and dictates a character’s Armor and Armor Penetration. On Paladins and Warriors, increasing the Strength Attribute also increases Spell Power.

The Paladin’s Guild Title bonus also increases Armor, so this is a good way to increase this stat without putting points into Strength.

Strength is also used for equipping Axes, Greataxes, Maces, Mauls, Longswords, Shields, Longbows, Crossbows, and Heavy Armor. You’ll need to increase your Strength to certain stages to equip these types of items.


Weapon Crit Damage

+1% per point

Weapon Crit Chance

+0.33% per point

Spell Power (Rogue and Ranger)

+1 per point

Dexterity is the primary Attribute for Rogues and Rangers. Increasing Dexterity will increase Weapon Crit Damage and Weapon Crit Chance, and Rogues and Rangers will have their Spell Power increased as well.

Besides equipment and putting points into Dexterity, there aren’t any other ways to increase Weapon Crit Damage and Weapon Crit Chance. However, most classes rely entirely on their Spells for dealing damage rather than their normal weapon hits, making these two stats somewhat obsolete.

If you’re running a weapon-based build that doesn’t rely on Spells, then Dexterity will make a much greater impact on your character’s damage. Unless you’re a Rogue or Ranger though, most other classes will want to avoid putting points into Dexterity.

For equipment, Dexterity is used for Shortswords, Daggers, Twin Daggers, Shortbows, Hand Crossbows, and Medium Armor.


A Warlock casting a ritual circle in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

Spell Crit Damage

+1% per point

Spell Crit Chance

+0.33% per point

Spell Power (Wizard, Sorcerer, and Warlock)

+1 per point

Intelligence is the primary Attribute for Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks. This stat increases the character’s Spell Crit Damage and Spell Crit Chance, while the aforementioned classes also get an increase to their Spell Power.

The counterpart to Dexterity, Intelligence is an extremely useful stat, as most classes will benefit from increased Spell Crit Chance and Spell Crit Damage due to their reliance on Spells for the majority of their damage. This makes it a good idea to put points into Intelligence no matter what class you’re playing.


Heroes Of Hammerwatch 2: How To Unlock Every Class

Here’s how to unlock the Rogue, Warlock, and Sorcerer in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

However, you’ll want to keep in mind that Crit Chance has diminishing returns. The first few points give around 0.33 percent Spell Crit Chance per point of Intelligence, but this begins to drop around 20 Intelligence, then further the more you increase it. Don’t carelessly dump all your points into Intelligence, especially at later levels.

Intelligence is used for equipping Dirks, Wands, Tomes, Staves, and Light Armor.


A Warrior throwing axes at enemies in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

Maximum Health

+5 per point

Health Regen

+0.05 per point

Every point put into Vitality increases the character’s maximum Health and Health Regen, increasing their survivability. Each class will want at least a few points in this stat to survive bigger hits later in a run, while some classes, like melee ones, will want more than ranged ones.

Maximum health can also be increased by leveling a Warrior, which gives three max Health per level through the Guild Title system. Raising your character’s health is important, but it’s also important to ensure you have the Armor and Resistance to back up your health pool.

Your vitality stat is used when equipping any type of Cloak.


A Sorcerer striking enemies with lightning in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2.

Maximum Mana

+5 per point

Mana Regen

+0.1 per point

Increasing a character’s Focus increases their maximum Mana, as well as their Mana Regen rate. Similar to Vitality, every class can take advantage of this stat, but some of the more Mana-hungry classes like Sorcerer will want higher Focus than others.

Mana Regen can also be increased by leveling a Sorcerer through the Guild Title system. Each Sorcerer level increases all of your character’s Mana Regen by 0.1. Since every class uses Spells to deal damage, having higher Mana Regen is always a bonus, but only to a certain point. If you’re constantly capped on Mana, you don’t necessarily need more Mana Regen.

Focus is used when equipping any type of Cape.

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