Dave Bautista would really like to be in that upcoming Gears of War Netflix movie, and he’s asked all of us to help him out.
You know who literally everybody wants to see in the upcoming Gears of War movie? Dave Bautista. And you know who wants that more than anybody else? Dave Bautista! Seriously, since the movie was announced back in 2022, the Guardians of the Galaxy actor has been repeatedly asking Netflix to cast him in it, but it still seems like the streaming service hasn’t gotten that far, as he’s asking about it once again. The actor recently appeared in an interview with Comicbook.com, where when asked about the movie, he said that someone should “start an online thing about freaking Gears of War. Come on, Netflix. Come on already.”
When the interviewer makes the point that people have been fancasting him for years, he went on to say it’s “not like I’m not badgering them”, jokingly telling Netflix to “get it together.” And he’s right! They should get it together. I haven’t even played Gears of War, but Bautista is genuinely a great actor, and he looks the part, so what possible reason could they have to not cast him? Hell, he is literally in Gears of War 5 as a skin, complete with his own voice lines, he already has direct ties to the series, what more could you want?
There’s not been a huge number of updates on the Gears of War Netflix projects since they were announced, though screenwriter Jon Spaihts, who wrote both of the Deni Villeneuve Dune films as well as 2012’s Prometheus and 2016’s Doctor Strange, is aboard the project as a writer.
At the time of the announcement that he’d be writing the film, Spaihts said that “Gears of War is one of the all-time great action games, with vivid characters, a beautifully designed world and a combat system that drives home the lethality of war and the importance of standing by your squadmates. It wants to be cinema, and I’m thrilled to have the chance to help that happen.” You want cinema? Cast Bautista! Give him some money to expand that vintage lunch box collection.
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