Best Fallout 4 Fix Mods In 2025

Best Fallout 4 Fix Mods In 2025

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  • Read each mod’s description to learn about it before downloading.
  • F4SE extends game scripting capabilities and is often required by thousands of other mods.
  • These mods won’t change much visually, but can massively improve performance and stability.

It’s no secret that Fallout 4 has one of the most active modding communities out there, with thousands still playing the game almost a decade after its release. On top of that, the popularity of Amazon Prime’s Fallout TV Series from 2024 brought an influx of new players, with many looking to jump into the world of Fallout modding.


Fallout 4: 23 Best Weapon Mods

For fans looking to add more gun options or better looks of the original weapons in Fallout 4, here are some great mods to install.

While Bethesda’s games are some of the most widely-loved RPGs of all time, they are also known for having quite a few bugs. So, before players go downloading all the cool mods out there, like weapons, armor, quests, and more, they will need to make sure their game is running smoothly and stable. It’s for that reason that these widely recommended community essentials just can’t be ignored, providing the perfect base for starting out or even adding more mods on top without running into any problems.

• Make sure you are using the correct mod version.

• Read the mod descriptions to learn about their setup, uses, and compatibility.

• Using a Mod Manager is highly recommended for organizing your modlist.


F4SE + Address Library

Extends The Game’s Scripting Capabilities

These are technically two mods, but they both work in conjunction with one another, not to mention being some of the first mods installed with any modlist. Fallout 4 Script Extender and Address Library for F4SE Plugins work to extend the game’s scripting capabilities. This allows mods that use scripts to access many more functionalities, making it so they can do many more things a lot easier than the base game would even allow.

This pair is pretty much a hard requirement for thousands of other Fallout 4 mods out there that use their included functions in various scripts. Not every player will need them, but with the sheer amount of mods out there that depend on them, it’s almost guaranteed there will be at least one mod on a players’ list that requires these two fundamental mods.


Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

Fixes Hundreds of Small Bugs & Inconsistencies

The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch by Arthmoor is considered a staple by many, being one of the most popular mods for the game over the years since its release. Arthmoor is known for making Unofficial Patches for other Bethesda Games as well, like Skyrim Special Edition, all of which have seen millions of downloads collectively.


The Best Fallout 4 Mods, Ranked

Fans of Fallout 4 have been making mods for the title ever since it was released. Here’s a look at some of the absolute best of the best, ranked.

At its core, the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch is essentially a big mod that packages together hundreds of changes and aims to fix many bugs, inconsistencies, and oversights that were left in the game and never patched by the developers. There are too many fixes to list even a fraction of them here, all outlined in the mod’s changelog. Overall, it gives a smoother experience and is usually considered one of the quintessential base mods for most Fallout 4 playthroughs.


Buffout 4

Patches Many Problems With The Game’s Engine

While the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch fixes lots of the problems in the game’s content, Buffout 4 by Fudgyduff instead focuses on fixing many problems with Fallout 4’s Creation Engine.

It’s another mod that does a ton of things, and admittedly, it gets quite technical. So, for the sake of keeping things easy to understand, Buffout 4 provides tons of improvements to the game’s engine, optimizing and expanding many functions within it. On top of that, it also provides the function of crash logging, to possibly shed some light on what may be causing a player’s game to crash. In simple terms, it prevents many of the common crashes and performance issues that players can face, especially when it comes to modding.


PRP – Previsibines Repair Pack

Fixes A Massive Issue With The Map

Previsibines Repair Pack is a huge mod that fixes a large chunk of the way Fallout 4’s map is designed. Back in the day, there was a mod called Boston FPS Fix, which improved performance in the Commonwealth’s Downtown area. Without going into the technical details of what “precombine” or “previs” means, the important part is that PRP aims to fix the entire map, remedying the issues that come with the technique Fallout 4 uses.

Its creator, BenRierimanu (also known as StarHampster) has gone through the painstaking process of rebuilding a majority of the problematic meshes. Its changes won’t look much different at all, but it will massively improve the game’s performance and stability overall.

All-In-One Package Of Useful Fix Mods

Community Fixes Merged by Ungeziefi isn’t just one single mod, but rather a large, all-in-one package of mods made by various authors over the years. Like the other mods here, this project aims to fix many of the little bugs, issues, and oversights to make the fallout experience a bit smoother. It fixes a ton of things, from flickering textures to various small tweaks to the animations that needed some cleaning up.

The great part is that Ungeziefi has packed them together (with permission) so players don’t have to go through and install a bunch of different, small mods.


High FPS Physics Fix

No More Flying Cars Of Death

High FPS Physics Fix created by Antonix35 is a small, but powerful mod that aims to fix one big problem with the design of Fallout 4’s engine and its physics concerning FPS.



Fallout 4: 18 Best Perks To Unlock Early

With so many options, players are going to want to pick these best perks first to make the most of their Fallout 4 playthrough.

Simply put, it is common for a game’s physics to be linked together with its FPS value to keep physics smooth and consistent. But, when Fallout players try to push past the 60FPS mark, the game gets a bit “wonky.” If players have ever seen cars ricochet around at warp speed, this is usually the cause. This mod simply works to untie these two values, allowing players to go above 60FPS without being obliterated by bumping into a Corvega Blitz. It’s practically a mainstay in the modding community for Fallout 4, especially for anyone with a 144hz monitor.


NVIDIA Reflex Support

A Bonus Mod For NVIDIA Users

Doing exactly as its title suggests, NVIDIA Reflex Support brings the wonders of Reflex Technology for Nvidia’s Graphics Cards to Fallout 4. Reflex aims to synchronize the workload for both the CPU and GPU, ideally reducing the render queue.

The result is less input lag, so actions in the game will feel more responsive. Its creator, doodlum, is well-known in the community for their many popular mods for both Fallout and Skyrim. This tech is usually supported in most newer games, like Deathloop for example, but older games usually lack that same support. Luckily, doodlum has managed to do it! This mod also works well in conjunction with the aforementioned High FPS Physics Fix Mod.

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November 10, 2015



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