The War Within’s Undermine(d) Goblin Cartels Have Been Longtime Coming

The War Within's Undermine(d) Goblin Cartels Have Been Longtime Coming

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With the release of World of Warcraft: The War Within‘s Undermine(d) update, players are being immersed in the expansive culture of goblins. While they may have been introduced as a playable race back in 2010’s Cataclysm, players have not really had the chance to explore their capital until now. Because of that, they will finally get to see where some iconic World of Warcraft characters came from and discover the secrets that lie in this subterranean capital. They must also spend their time befriending the four major cartels that call Undermine home.

As players traverse Undermine, they must complete a variety of tasks for the four cartels that hold power within the capital, with a mysterious fifth one also on the way. In a recent interview with Game Rant, associate game directors Morgan Day and Katrina Yepiz talked about where these cartels came from. Specifically, they discussed their importance to goblin culture and how players will finally be able to see the inner workings of these powerful organizations.


World of Warcraft Still Has a Gold Mine of Potential Playable Races

Coming up with a new playable race every few years can be challenging, but World of Warcraft already has some eager candidates.

Undermine(d) is Finally Shedding Light on Goblin Culture

The Four Cartels Are a Core Part of WoW

While Undermine(d) will be the first time that players are exploring the city of Undermine, the four cartels have been a part of World of Warcraft‘s lore for a little while now. Some of these factions have actually been a part of the story since the very beginning, with their importance only growing as the years have gone by. However, players have never really gotten to explore them in-depth. Luckily, according to Yepiz, Undermine(d) is here to fix that.

“Historically in the game, we’ve had these cartels present. We’ve had Steamwheedle and the Blackwater with Booty Bay fame, and even Venture Co., we have coming back. We’ve seen them in several places around the game, usually popping up as an enemy. Now, we finally have an opportunity to sort of see some of the inner workings of Venture Co. We have Bilgewater, who Gazlowe is in charge of. Steamwheedle is Marin Noggenfogger, Baron Revilgaz of Booty Bay fame leads the Blackwater, and Venture Co doesn’t currently have a leader. I do believe they have a character that you’ll be referring to for missions and such…They are a great track for our reputation, but thematically and fantasy-wise, they’re kind of something that really influences goblin culture, and that’s the main reason we want to use them there.”

These four cartels play a major role in goblin culture, so it is only natural that a goblin-focused update would put them front and center. Not only will they serve as a great new Renown track, but the stories they will tell should further build out the goblin lore in exciting new ways. Just being able to interact with these characters as allies rather than adversaries sounds like a welcome change of pace, and if they lead to some fantastic moments, then players may never want to leave Undermine’s winding streets.

Those Cartels Have Made Their Mark on The War Within

Another great part about these four cartels is that they have actually made their mark on Undermine’s aesthetic. While they will be using the Intercontinental Hotel as a central hub, players will also be exploring each cartel’s territory. Said territories are vastly unique from each other, which Day says makes for a fun zone just waiting to be explored.

“It’s really fun because each of these cartels within the zone has their own headquarters, and they’re all very unique. Venture Co. is almost in a junkyard space. It feels very different to be in the Heaps than if you’re aligning with Steamwheedle, where their space is called the Vatworks because Noggenfogger is known for his almost more alchemical substance experimentation. So their part of town will feel more distinct than some of the other cartel’s parts of town. It’s a really fun space to explore as you’re running around or driving around on your G-99 breakneck and doing the different activities for each of these cartels.”

One of World of Warcraft‘s best aspects has always been its zone design, so if Blizzard has been able to capture the feeling of each cartel, then players will be in for a treat. Of course, the stories that fill these zones also have to be exciting enough to keep them coming back for more, but so far, The War Within does not seem to disappoint in that regard.

World of Warcraft Tag Page Cover Art



November 23, 2004


T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)

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