Blue-Eyes White Destiny is a fantastic structure deck for anyone who wants to start playing Yu-Gi-Oh! on a budget. This premade deck not only has all the cards you need to make a Blue-Eyes deck but also makes some of the most important cards in the meta available to newcomers by lowering the price ceiling.

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These lower-cost cards aren’t the only reason to pick up this structure deck. Each package also comes with one random card that rarity bumps some of the new inclusions from this set. You can find them as secret rares, or if you’re lucky, you might even get a coveted quarter-century rare card.
Prices reflect the market price as seen on TCG and may be subject to change with time.
Nibiru, The Primal Being Common $0.58
A Neat Impact On The Board
Nibiru has gotten plenty of reprints in the various sets that were released before the Blue-Eyes White Destiny structure deck. This marks the first time it is printed in the common rarity. While this won’t entice those who love high-rarity cards, it is perfect for new players.
Nibiru The Primal Being has an even better entry-level price with this set. It is a great counter against combo decks that seem to go on forever. If your opponent overextends, Nibiru will tribute all of their current monsters and leave them with a vanilla token.
Wishes For Eyes Of Blue Ultra Rare $0.60
Increase Your Card Advantage
Wishes For Eyes Of Blue is one of the cards for the Blue-Eyes archetype that was introduced in the Blue-Eyes White Destiny structure deck. This Spell lets you search out a Light Level one Tuner and any Spell or Trap that even mentions Blue-Eye White Dragon.

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This card is included in every structure deck. If you want to get a rarity bump for it, then it won’t be too difficult to get a copy later on down the line. This is the least expensive rarity available of the card as an ultra rare.
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon Secret Rare $0.93
A Brilliant Dragon For The Collection
The structure deck not only includes fresh Spells, but a bold new Synchro Monster in the form of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. While it takes two Tuners to bring this card out, it is worth it for the negate on the field and its ability to float into another Light Dragon monster in the graveyard.
While every deck comes with a copy of this Synchro Monster, you’ll need to rely on luck or singles to get the secret rare bump. Luckily, the card pool isn’t too big with only three names available for you to pull.
Wishes For Eyes Of Blue Secret Rare $0.98
A Cheap Rarity Bump
If you enjoy rarity bumping your cards, then Wishes For Eyes of Blue also comes as a secret rare. This is the cheapest rarity bump you will get for this card before the prices start going sky-high. It is not a bad way to make your deck sparkle a bit.

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Thees pulls can net you a pretty penny from Supreme Darkness.
This card has a searching ability in the hand while also being able to equip your Blue-Eyes White Dragon monsters with Fusion Monsters from the extra deck. This makes it easier to keep your combos going no matter where this card finds itself.
Maiden Of White Secret Rare $1.37
One Of The Best Blue-Eyes Support Cards
A copy of Maiden of White is already included in your structure deck. If you’re lucky, you might find a second copy inside the special pack that it comes bundled up in. What makes this version so special is that it is a secret rare variant.
Luckily, getting your hands on a copy is fairly easy and inexpensive whether you want to pull it or buy it as a single. This is also a card you want three of since it searches out True Light, and can Special Summon itself onto the field easily for some extensions.
Ash Blossom And Joyous Spring Common $1.60
A Necessary Hand Trap
This is not the first time that Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring get printed in a structure deck. However, each time it gets another common printing, the card itself keeps getting knocked down in price. This is great for budget players.

Ash Blossom is one of the most essential hand traps for any deck. It stops your opponent from searching for a card or from Special Summoning a monster from the deck. A well-timed Ash Blossom can kill your opponent’s ability to go full combo.
Infinite Impermanence Common $2.85
Reprints For Everyone
The Blue-Eyes White Destiny structure deck brings together many of the essential hand traps in one package. One of them is Infinite Impermanence, one of the few Trap Cards that can be activated directly from the hand.
The inclusion of this card as a common lowers the overall price of Infinite Impermanence. As an essential card for stopping effects on the field, making it easier to access also makes it cheaper to build new decks from scratch. It may not be as shiny as other versions of the card, but it is well worth picking up a structure deck for.
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon Quarter Century Rare $137.72
The Boss Monster Gets A Maxi Rarity
Some players will get very lucky when they see the bonus card that comes with their structure deck. One of them is a quarter-century rare printing of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon. This is a fantastic boss monster that is only made better by the quarter-century foiling.

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While the card pool may be small, obtaining just one copy of this can be difficult. With some decks running two of them, only the most dedicated rarity bumpers will go out of their way to get this for their decks.
Wishes For Eyes Of Blue Quarter Century Rare $143.93
Glittering With Value
If you catch a glimpse of that quarter-century border as you take out your bonus card from the box, then you know you’re in good hands. There are no duds here, only essential cards. Wishes For Eyes of Blue wouldn’t be so expensive if it weren’t a necessary card that you need three of.
It fetches Spells, Traps, and Monsters making it one of the best searchers in the deck. While it may not be optimal to rarity bump your deck with this card, being able to play even one of them at this rarity is a neat flex.
Maiden Of White Quarter Century Rare $176.06
The Best Blue-Eyes Card
Maiden of White is a card that any Blue-Eyes deck needs three of. This is because it is a Level one Tuner that fetches True Light and can come back when a Blue-Eyes White Dragon hits the field. The quarter-century rare card is the chase card of the set.
This makes it incredibly easy to go into a Synchro Monster or use it as Link material to bring out the Link-1 included in the structure deck. It also makes it easy to get that second Tuner needed to bring out Blue-Eyes Ultimate Spirit Dragon.

Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Most Valuable Blue-Eyes Cards!
Learn all about the most valuable Blue-Eyes cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!
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