This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf arc.
- Scopper Gaban’s new attack, Yasotakeru, showcased in One Piece chapter 1140, is a flurry of powerful slashes unleashed with two axes.
- Gaban’s impressive strength in battle against Luffy and Zoro indicates he is easily Yonko level, with the potential for much more power.
- If Gaban infuses Yasotakeru with Supreme King Haki, it could be devastating, showing he has even greater potential for destruction in the series.
One Piece’s Elbaf arc is finally giving fans the incredible character reveals that they always wanted, and some that they never expected Oda would ever give them in the story, such as the reveal of Scopper Gaban, the left-hand man of the legendary Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Fans were officially introduced to Scopper Gaban in One Piece chapter 1139, and it was incredibly exciting to see a living legend on Elbaf, finally showcasing what he was truly all about.

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One Piece chapter 1140 gave fans a small glimpse of his strength, and it is safe to say that Gaban has impressed fans enough already. His overall strength is absolutely majestic, and even though he’s only shown a small glimpse of his powers, Scopper Gaban is truly a monster. In One Piece chapter 1140, Gaban mostly fought without his axes, but he did eventually make use of them for once. The moment he pulled them out, he unleashed a very strong attack, known as Yasotakeru, or Army of the Braves.
Scopper Gaban’s First Named Attack — Yasotakeru
- Unleashed By Gaban Using Two Axes
- A Flurry Of Powerful Slashes
Scopper Gaban showed some very impressive feats to the fans in One Piece chapter 1140. After all, fans always wanted Gaban to give them a glimpse of what he was capable of. It must be noted that the vast majority of the fight that Gaban fought was not serious. Gaban wasn’t actively looking to hurt either Luffy or Zoro and he simply held the key in his hand and used it to humble the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. Clearly, Gaban’s speed was quite impressive, but that certainly wasn’t all. He was simply too casual in the battle and wanted to see how strong Luffy truly was. When Luffy got a bit more serious, Gaban then used the power of how Supreme King Haki and infused the key with it, utilizing it to strike the Yonko directly across his face.
Luffy, Dodge! — Zoro upon seeing Yasotakeru
While all this was impressive by itself, this wasn’t the best of Scopper Gaban at all. That came immediately after, when he flipped across a few pieces of stone and then went on to grab a hold of his twin axes for the very first time. Immediately after Gaban got access to his axes, he then unleashed a very powerful strike on Luffy, and this attack was incredibly dangerous. Immediately upon seeing axes, Zoro knew that this attack was not going to be a simple one and that it could kill Luffy. Naturally, Zoro asked Luffy to dodge, and had to protect himself from the attack as well.
Using his axes, Gaban launched a flurry of slashes, calling it Yasotakeru, or Army of the Braves, and rained it down on the Aurust Castle tower. Although Zoro barely managed to block one slash, the others cut through the tower effortlessly, meaning that this attack was devastating in terms of the damage that it could do.
The Strength Of Yasotakeru
Yasotakeru Is One Of Gaban’s More Serious Attacks
First things first, fans must keep in mind that Scopper Gaban is incredibly overpowered and that his full strength hasn’t been seen in the story. Yasotakeru, which is the technique that he launched at Luffy and Zoro, is a strong attack and that goes without saying, but he likely has plenty of other powerful attacks as well. As far as this attack goes, it is phenomenal, to say the least. With Yasotakeru, Gaban was able to slice a big chunk of Aurust Castle, which is a castle made for Giants. For comparison, it must be remembered that when the Straw Hat Pirates woke up in the fake Elbaf, they were actually in a castle. In fact, the fake Elbaf, which was of the size of a town itself, was a single room in the castle. Aurust Castle is much bigger than that castle, and Gaban didn’t just take out a room, but a whole tower with his attack. This in itself makes Gaban’s casual attack strong enough to wreck a whole town or a city.
Hey old man, you just tried to kill us! — Luffy and Zoro
In terms of how potent the attacks are, fans must remember that Zoro immediately tapped into his Supreme King Haki to deal with Gaban, alongside Luffy, who immediately went Gear 5 to counter his threat. Clearly, Yasotakeru was strong enough to push these two to their mightiest levels, and more than that, it had them team up against him, which just goes to show that Gaban could’ve comfortably dealt with either one, or potentially even both.
What If Yasotakeru Was Infused With Supreme King Haki?
Coming back to Yasotakeru, while this attack was immensely powerful, fans should remember that it was a casual Gaban attack. Scopper Gaban is capable of much more and his powers are tremendous. In fact, while Yasotakeru did immense damage, it wasn’t even infused with Haki, or at the very least, not with Supreme King Haki. Had Gaban actually gone all out and infused all his attacks with Supreme King Haki, then it would’ve been extremely more devastating and likely led to a lot of casualties. The attack that casually cut through a tower of Elbaf tower and a cloud in the sky, would’ve been much stronger and potentially even strong enough to deal deadly damage and injure people like Zoro and Luffy in battle rather easily. Undoubtedly, it could’ve been one of the mightiest blows in the whole series.
How Strong Is Scopper Gaban?
Scopper Gaban Is Easily Yonko Level
Based on the short showing that fans got from Scopper Gaban, it is clear that his level of strength is incredible and far beyond the average fighters. Previously, fans were told that Scopper Gaban rivals both Roger and Rayleigh in terms of power, and here, he finally goes on to prove it. Gaban is easily Yonko level even in his old age, although his stamina is probably not as good anymore. Due to his age, he may not be able to defeat the likes of Shanks or Blackbeard, but back in his prime days, he must’ve been an absolute monster.
All this is simply a glimpse of what Gaban can do since he wasn’t serious in his fight against Luffy and only wanted him to bring out Gear 5. If Gaban truly went out, he’d be a pirate on a completely different level to even some of the Yonko. Whether fans will see more of Gaban moving forward or not remains to be seen, but it is clear that he’s already cemented his position as one of the strongest in the world for One Piece.
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1140, is set to be February 23, 2025.

One Piece
- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Network
Fuji TV
- Directors
Hiroaki Miyamoto, Konosuke Uda, Junji Shimizu, Satoshi Itō, Munehisa Sakai, Katsumi Tokoro, Yutaka Nakajima, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kenichi Takeshita, Yoko Ikeda, Ryota Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Takahiro Imamura, Toshihiro Maeya, Yûji Endô, Nozomu Shishido, Hidehiko Kadota, Sumio Watanabe, Harume Kosaka, Yasuhiro Tanabe, Yukihiko Nakao, Keisuke Onishi, Junichi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou
Mayumi Tanaka
Monkey D. Luffy (voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Roronoa Zoro (voice)
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