How To Loot The Castle In Dead Rails

How To Loot The Castle In Dead Rails

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Dead Rails is a pretty intense Roblox game that mixes all kinds of supernatural creatures, like Zombies, Werewolves, and Vampires, into an old western survival train game. The further a player gets in mileage on their train, the harder the game will become. However, the further a player survives, the better their loot outcome is, so they can save better weapons for mods for their train.

There are many tips players will need to know to have a better outcome at getting further in the game. Like being careful around zombies with angry faces as they will run faster than the other zombies. Bodies of these supernatural creatures can also be sold for pretty good money to buy guns and other things to defend oneself. Also, using snake oil is excellent for giving players a health and speed boost. This guide will be going over the best way to loot the castle in Dead Rails.


Dead Rails: All Items & How To Get Them

All items in Dead Rails can be divided into two categories: loot for use and loot for sale. Here’s how to get every item in this Roblox zombie game.

How To Loot The Castle In Dead Rails


Getting to the castle in Dead Rails in Roblox is pretty challenging, especially for players who might not yet know how to strategize their gameplay. Players will need to consider their every move and purchase to best try and survive to the way-point needed to even see the castle, more or less loot it. First, players will need to make sure their train is filled up with fuel to at least make it to 10K, where the first safe point is at. Safe points are spread out across every 10K.

When darkness falls, players will want to stay at a safe point until the day. This is also one of the best ways to make money, as players can sell the corpses of werewolves, vampires, and other enemies that get shot down by the guns on top of the walls of the safe point. The money that players earn can then be spent on bandages and also some guns for the back of the train, which players will need later. It is important to know that half a tank of fuel will take a player almost 10K to the next safe point. Note that players can use Zombies as fuel for their train when coal isn’t an option in the store to be purchased or found.


The castle is right before the 40K checkpoint, meaning it is also super close to a safe point as well. This means if a player needs to go to the safe point first, they can, and then either walk or ride a horse to the castle to loot it. Players will need to be prepared though, as many werewolves and vampires will attack the player at once. This is why they might want a friend to help guide the enemies out of the castle while others stay behind and use the bigger guns to damage them. After players take out a lot of the werewolves, they will be able to make their way inside the castle.

Once players make it inside the castle walls, they can go inside the castle itself. From there, players will find a ton of treasure, including ammo for all four of the guns, treasure to be sold in for loads of money, and also bonds. Bonds are a currency that players’ accounts will keep for when they are about to go into another round of the game. They can use them to redeem an item ahead of time, like a gun, to better their chances at the game.

As of the time of writing, Dead Rails is currently in Alpha on Roblox. Until further notice, the game can be won by making it to 80K and successfully crossing the bridge after killing all the bandits.

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September 1, 2006


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