How to Get the Submarine and Enter Mariana’s Veil

How to Get the Submarine and Enter Mariana's Veil
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After the Ashfall update, Roblox’s Fisch just got a massive upgrade with Mariana’s Veil, taking anglers on an all-new deep-sea adventure. This time, you’ll be exploring the unknown depths of the ocean with Dr. Glimmerfin, completing five new bestiaries, and facing off against the intense Scylla Boss.

But to get to this mysterious location, you’ll need a submarine. That’s because the trenches of Mariana’s Veil are under extreme pressure, meaning a simple Mermaid Bubble or regular Diving Gear won’t cut in. So, for all interested players, this guide will walk you through how to get a submarine and unlock Mariana’s Veil in Fisch.


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How To Get The Submarine In Fisch

Just like Atlantis, getting into Mariana’s Veil requires completing a quest. This one is given by Dr. Glimmerfin, and it is all about building a submarine. To get the submarine in Fisch, you’ll need to drill Obsidian Rocks along Roslit Bay’s shores to find five missing parts, then put them together to build it.

Start by heading to the backside of Roslit Bay. There, you’ll see Dr. Glimmerfin standing by a construction site near the shore, holding a blueprint of the submarine. Talk to him to move things forward. He’ll explain that you need a watercraft to reach Mariana’s Veil, but his special submarine parts got lost in the bay after a volcanic eruption. He’ll hand you a drill and ask you to find them by breaking the Obsidian Rocks along the shores of Roslit Bay. Here are all the submarine parts you’ll need to gather:

  • Windows
  • Submarine Top
  • Side Fins
  • Metal Panels
  • Black Fins

Getting all the watercraft parts isn’t guaranteed on the first try, so you might have to keep drilling for a bit. Luckily, the rocks respawn fast, so it won’t take too long. Once you’ve gathered all the equipment, bring one to Dr. Glimmerfin and start building the submarine. Just take each part from your inventory, go to the placement area, and hold the E key until everything is set up.

How To Enter Mariana’s Veil In Fisch

how to enter mariana's veil in fisch

Once the submarine is ready, talk to Dr. Glimmerfin to trigger a cutscene where he’ll use a crane to melt the molten substances from Ashfall, clearing the path to Mariana’s Veil. After that, you can use this watercraft to enter this new underwater area.

How To Use the Submarine

how to use submarine in fisch

The submarine works just like boats, and you can spawn it by speaking to a Shipwright. To use a submarine in Fisch, open its hatch with the E button, hop into the first seat, and press E to ascend or Q to descend into the ocean. Once you’re in your watercraft, sail toward Roslit Volcano (specifically where the Mariana’s Veil location marker is) and go underwater. Inside the ocean, you’ll find a huge trench. Just keep going down, and you’ll arrive at Volcanic Vents, the first area of Mariana’s Veil. Here, you can complete an exclusive bestiary, grab a rod, and upgrade your submarine.

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