- Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 transformation from Daima is achieved through a spell by Neva, unlike GT’s natural trigger.
- Daima’s Super Saiyan 4 doesn’t age Goku up like in GT, and his appearance slightly differs.
- In Daima, Goku’s fighting style in his Super Saiyan 4 form is more primal and monkey-like, unlike in GT.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Daima, Episode 18, “Awakening”, now streaming on Crunchyroll.
After two long decades, Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 transformation from Dragon Ball GT is finally canon, thanks to Dragon Ball Daima. Now it’s time to compare the two because, while they may seem like the same transformations on the surface, there are some distinct differences in how they look, how they’re activated, and how Goku uses them.
Daima’s transformation came in the midst of the fight with Gomah. They were hyping up the Evil Third Eye ever since episode 1 of Daima, but who could’ve expected it would make Gomah so strong? Gomah, who was stated to be weaker than Dabura, who was weaker than the Tamagami, is suddenly now fighting the entire cast all at once and is barely even breaking a sweat. However, his immense power only served to hype up the coming of Super Saiyan 4 even more, as Goku is now able to keep up with him.

Dragon Ball Daima: What Is the Evil Third Eye?
Dragon Ball Daima’s King Gomah is now the biggest threat Goku and the rest of the cast has ever faced. And it’s all thanks to the Evil Third Eye.
The Triggers for the Super Saiyan 4 Transformation
From Natural to Magical
One of the biggest differences between the two transformations is their triggers or what Goku needs to do or get to achieve the form. In GT, Goku achieved Super Saiyan 4 in episode 34, “Back in the Game”, after regaining control of himself in his Golden Great Ape form. Golden Great Ape is basically what you get when a Saiyan with access to Super Saiyan becomes a Great Ape. Then, if that Saiyan overcomes the violent urges that come with the Great Ape form, they will shrink back to human size, only now covered in magenta fur and wielding unbelievable power.
“”Light breaks the darkness! This form is my instrument – I have no limits.” – GT Goku
Vegeta’s transformation in GT is far more artificial than Goku’s. Since he didn’t have a tail at the time, he used a device Bulma made, known as the Blutz Wave Generator, that can force tail-less Saiyans to transform into their Great Ape forms. Blutz Waves are the energies produced when a celestial body, like the moon, reflects the light of a star, like the sun.
In Dragon Ball Daima, the form is achieved in episode 18, “Awakening”, by Neva performing some sort of spell or technique on Goku. It has yet to be explained if that was a unique Demon Realm spell or if it’s something more akin to the drawing-out-your-potential powers shown by the Namekian elder Guru and the Elder Supreme Kai. This trigger is also the most likely reason why Goku doesn’t use the form in Dragon Ball Super. It might be a form that Neva has to “replenish” everytime Goku uses it up. Goku could still use the form as an adult, though, so the true explanation is yet to be seen. Neva will most likely stay in the Demon Realm at the end of Daima if nothing bad happens to him, of course, which is why he hasn’t made an appearance in Super.
Daima’s Super Saiyan 4 doesn’t Age Goku Up
The reasoning behind Goku aging up upon transforming into Super Saiyan 4 in GT is that the transformation brings its user to their prime form to maximize the power it grants. This isn’t the case in Daima, as Goku is still very much in the body of a child, only now furrier and far, far stronger.
Apart from not growing up, there are some other slight differences in appearance between GT and Daima‘s transformations. For one thing, Goku’s hair is now magenta, like his fur. And speaking of his fur, they only reach up to his forearms now, unlike in GT, where they went all the way up to his wrists. Their eyes are also different, with GT Goku‘s eyes being lined with red and having yellow pupils. Daima Goku’s eyes are lined with black with magenta pupils.

The Resemblances Between Dragon Ball Daima and OG Dragon Ball’s Characters and Story Beats
With Dragon Ball Daima well underway, people noticed that it’s filled with similarities to the original Dragon Ball series. Here’s what stood out.
The Difference in Fighting Styles
Goku Goes Primal
One of the coolest changes they made to the Super Saiyan 4 transformation is that Goku now fights like a monkey kid in this form. In his fight against Third Eye Gomah, Goku uses his legs and tail to parry and weave around Gomah’s attacks. He even uses his arms when running, like how certain primates do. Playful isn’t really the right word to describe it, but Goku’s fighting style while in Super Saiyan 4 is certainly more aloof than usual. The Saiyan race has always been a mix between monkeys and men since Goku himself is loosely based on Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.
The Super Saiyan 4 transformation seemed like it was a return to roots of sorts in GT, but aside from Goku looking more like a monkey, his fighting style stayed largely the same. He fought more seriously than normal, but that could be attributed to him just having to concentrate more or because he didn’t want to underestimate his opponent. He may have gained some cool new moves like the 10x Kamehameha, but that was about it. Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta fought with his arms folded on his chest for a little while, but that was less of a new fighting style and more of him just showing off.
Which Super Saiyan 4 Version Is Stronger?
It’s a Little Too Soon to Tell
Daima‘s version of Super Saiyan 4 has only been out for two episodes at the time of writing this article, so it’s a little tough to judge just how strong it is. It completely overwhelmed Third Eye Gomah for a little while, but it seemed that as the fight went on, Gomah managed to power up and be on par with, and possibly even stronger than, Goku’s new form.
Even if their Ki levels were relatively equal, you could argue that GT Goku’s adult form gives him an advantage because of the extra reach. However, you could also argue that Daima Goku’s unique fighting style is perfectly suited to fighting bigger opponents.
Dragon Ball Daima is now available to stream on Crunchyroll and Netflix. The release date for Dragon Ball Daima, episode 20 is set to be February 28, 2025, at 10:00 AM PT.

Dragon Ball DAIMA
- Release Date
October 11, 2024
- Writers
Akira Toriyama
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