If Civilization 7 isn’t quite floating your boat yet, don’t worry. Every new generation of the mighty Firaxis 4X games feels like it takes some time to settle. There are balancing issues to sort, tweaks to be made, and it’s tough to compare a newly launched game with its previous installment, now polished to perfection and with a full complement of DLC. The natural conclusion, then, is that now is the best time to buy Civilization 6 – and that thought would be correct, because if you’re quick you can get its complete Anthology edition at a massive 91% discount on Steam.
This new Civilization 6 deal comes via Fanatical, and gives you the entire package at a tremendous 91% discount. That means you’ll get the base game, the ‘Rise and Fall’ and ‘Gathering Storm’ expansions, the New Frontier pass, the Leader pass, and six further leader and scenario DLC packs. It’s the definitive version of Firaxis’s latest and greatest 4X game, one that takes the now tried-and-true hex-grid revolution of Civ 5 and hones it to a magnificent sheen.

Our Civilization 7 review has a lot of positive things to say, but it’s certainly got some issues. If you’re not quite ready to make that commitment, and missed out on the last entry, this is an ideal chance to try Civ 6. The base game is already in a fantastic place. Then you have the strategic choices introduced by Rise and Fall, including Great Ages, new diplomacy and government systems, and a wide range of additional civs, leaders, units, wonders, and buildings.
Gathering Storm brings a whole-new element to the series with the introduction of climate change. You’ll see your effects on the environment as your civ develops, with everything from natural disasters to player-induced environmental change. It also adds the World Congress and a corresponding Diplomatic Victory condition, as well as an entire new era for the Technology and Civics trees (and, of course, plenty more civs, leaders, units and buildings).
Beyond those two expansions, the remaining DLC add-ons feature a wealth of new game modes, civilizations, and leaders. Fan favorites from past games make their return, including the likes of Ramses II, Elizabeth I, and Abraham Lincoln, alongside plenty of new faces. Suffice it to say, you’ll probably have enough here to keep you playing until Civilization 8 launches. There’s just one day to take advantage of this deal, however, so don’t wait around.
Civilization 6 Anthology edition is available at a 91% discount on Steam via Fanatical. You can expect to pay just $8.50 / £7.23, down from its usual price of $99.99 / £84.99. You’ve got just 24 hours to take advantage of this deal, so don’t wait – head to Fanatical to claim your copy while you can. If you’ve just missed out, you might still have time to grab the base game cheaply as compensation.
For more of the best strategy games, keep it right here on PCGamesN – or go one step larger and see the best grand strategy games on PC in 2025 instead.
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