Best Rooster Teeth Shows Ever

Best Rooster Teeth Shows Ever
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  • Series like Immersion, Hardcore Tabletop, and RWBY contributed to Rooster Teeth’s legacy.
  • The company’s content, including Red vs. Blue and Death Battle, continues to resonate with fans post-revival.

Many companies out there describe their workplace as one big happy family, and most of the time, that isn’t true. However, for Rooster Teeth, it was true. No other entertainment company had this level of synergy with on-air talent and, especially, the deep connection with the fanbase.


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The RT community was and still is awesome and never died down, even in Rooster Teeth’s final days. The company shut down in May 2024, leaving a long-lasting legacy behind it, but it’s back under the leadership of founder Burnie Burns. Rooster Teeth’s video library is long and extensive, and jam-packed with incredible shows to watch.

A show will count if it was at one point owned by Rooster Teeth or if the company acquired its video library. The 2013-2015 era of Inside Gaming and the classic era of ScrewAttack will count here as Rooster Teeth acquired the video library, and it was on the RT website back in the day. Podcasts will not be included.



Putting Video Games To Life

A simple concept that’s a no-brainer, Immersion, packed a lot of fun in what’s a rather unoriginal idea. With Burnie Burns as the host and, most of the time, Michael and Gavin as the lab rats, video games would be recreated in a real-life scenario. Whether it be Hitman, Mario Kart, Metal Gear Solid, Space Invaders, and more.

The production value and funny commentary by Burns are a big reason why the show’s so fun to watch. You also got some nice bonuses if you were a paid First member, as most episodes had an exclusive second half on the RT website. These bonus videos were excellent as well, and you’ll never forget Lindsay falling down and busting her chin open during Space Invaders. That was a rough fall, but she took it like a champ.


Hardcore Tabletop

Playing Monopoly For Cold Hard Cash

Originally a First exclusive series, Hardcore Tabletop is another simple idea. Play a game of Monopoly but with real money. Rooster Teeth pushed this concept as hard as it could across two seasons. They went beyond a simple Let’s Roll of Monopoly, as the show brought a small jail underneath the table and had a referee and bailiff.

All these elements added a bunch of humor to the show, with Jack as the referee in season 2 being one of the best parts of the series. It was a lot of fun to watch and to root for your favorite cast member as the show went on weekly. Both seasons of Hardcore Tabletop are now available on the Achievement Hunter YouTube channel and are worth watching if you missed it back then.


Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures

A True Pioneer Of Internet Content

In terms of core Rooster Teeth programming, the best and most enjoyable series to binge-watch has to be Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures. This series started in 2011 and took stories, often from the RT Podcast, and put them into 2D Animation. This style of content happens all the time now, both officially and unofficially, with RedLetterMedia and OSW Review being prime examples.

The stories themselves are funny and absolutely fantastic, and RTAA ended up being one of the longest-running programs in all of Rooster Teeth, lasting 12 years. There was even a sister series, AH Animated, for the Achievement Hunter brand.


Mario Party Saturday

You Only Won Because You Got The Privilege

This series just barely counts as Game Attack (now Hang Time) was only owned by Rooster Teeth until May 2017. Still, most of Mario Party Saturday Season 1 came out under the Rooster Teeth umbrella, and Season 2 was still released on the RT website, a fact hardly brought up on actual Game Attack programming.


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With Sam, Chad, Bolen, and Craig playing a rotation of the first ten Mario Party titles, this series is one of the most entertaining and fun times you’ll have watching others play games. Mario Party is great to play but to watch as well, and it’s amazing watching others lose their minds over lost stars. It frankly gives you more appreciation of how great these party games are in the first place.


Let’s Play Gmod

The AH Crew Is So Good At Being Bad

Normally, a series like Let’s Play Gmod wouldn’t count if it wasn’t for the fact that it had its own dedicated show slot on the RT website, similar to Let’s Play Minecraft. That’s how popular the series was, and it took off rather late in Achievement Hunter’s lifespan.

Gmod received Let’s Plays by the AH crew ever since 2012 and was always loved by the fanbase, but starting in 2019, it became a weekly series due to high demand. This was the best part of Achievement Hunter’s final days with these amazing 30-50 minute Let’s Plays filled with funny moments, twists and turns, ever-evolving gameplay, and new maps every time. The bonus rounds were awesome, too, for First members.


ScrewAttack’s Top 10

Before WatchMojo There Was ScrewAttack’s Top 10

When Fullscreen bought ScrewAttack and Rooster Teeth, it eventually decided to merge them, making ScrewAttack another Rooster Teeth channel, with the old video library coming to the RT website. The most influential and impactful series that classic ScrewAttack had is undoubtedly ScrewAttack’s Top 10.

Listicles were prevalent in online media for years before ScrewAttack’s Top 10 started in 2006, but the show became the first smash hit in video format. With the wild rules of GameTrailers back then, ScrewAttack pushed the boundaries with list topics that would never happen today. It was very entertaining and perfect for the teen to young adult crowd, and the future of internet content would be completely different without it.


Demo Disk

Click, Click, Snap

Many people’s favorite side of Rooster Teeth was Funhaus, with their most memorable show being Demo Disk. It’s another simple idea where the Funhaus gang has a bunch of demo discs around and tries to play them. The trio of Adam Kovic, Bruce Greene, and James Willems has ungodly amounts of chemistry.

While Bruce and James are the ones watching and cracking jokes often, Adam is funny in his own right because he’s frankly inept at playing video games. Just the absolute worst, but simultaneously, he was a genius, being able to break games time and time again. The show’s a hilarious watch from start to finish. Sadly, Funhaus is no more, but you can check out its spiritual successor channels like Astrogoblin and especially BroughtYouThisThing, which has to be one of the best YouTube channels right now.


Death Battle

Why Need Official Vs. Content When You Have The Next Best Thing

You know a series has skyrocketed to new heights when your entire channel is rebranded to that very thing, as, in 2019, the ScrewAttack channel became the Death Battle channel. From humble beginnings, Death Battle started off in 2010 on a very small scale, using 2D-pixel art for animations.


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Years later, Death Battle became one of the best shows for nerds and diehard fans out there, with great voice acting, impressive production value, and actual in-depth reasons as to why one person would beat the other. Thankfully, the show’s alive and well, as it turned independent when RT shut down and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.



The Biggest Rooster Teeth Show

Created by the late great Monty Oum, RWBY was the first big American anime-inspired show that actually catered to an anime fanbase as its core audience. This and the show’s actual quality is why RWBY became Rooster Teeth’s biggest moneymaker.

Known for its 3D animation, voice acting, and awesome action scenes, RWBY remains a blast to watch. With RWBY now under Viz media, time will tell if the RWBY team can nail the ending volumes of the series.


Red Vs. Blue

The Show That Started It All

While RWBY is still ongoing, one series with a definitive beginning, middle, and end is Red vs. Blue. Starting in 2003, Red vs. Blue was lightning in a bottle, revolutionizing the machinima style of gaming content.

With great writing and humorous voice performances, it was a perfect match for Halo’s core audience, resulting in a bunch of DVD sales back in the day. As the show went on, it surprisingly got better in many ways, with the finale, Red vs. Blue: Restoration, being a solid and emotional ending released just days before Rooster Teeth fully went out of business in 2024.


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